Monday, August 10, 2015

Donald Trump on Megyn Kelly: 'She should really be apologizing to me'


Donald Trump on Megyn Kelly: 'She should really be apologizing to me'
Trump's comments mark a new layer in his continued scrapping on the "blood" comment -- which has roiled even Trump supporters and led to him being disinvited from the past weekend's conservative Red State conference.

So Trump has alienated almost all immigrants, veterans, women, Republicans and now Fox News. Who's left? Angry white guys with guns? Oh, wait...

If Donald Trump were mounting a one-person campaign to permanently discredit the Republican Party, it's pretty flawless so far.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If only Iraq had a military strongman thug dictator to counterbalance the religious nuts in the region and the US could contain him.  Sigh. - John Fugelsang

Jeb Believes In State's Rights Except...
Yes, in the end the 2000 presidential election was decided by a 5-4 Supreme Court decision. That was the only vote that mattered in putting George W. Bush in the White House, despite the fact that he lost the national popular vote to Al Gore by well over a half a million votes.

Thinking of acting like a disgusting, racist clown at work today -- or, as 23% of GOP voters call it, "presidential." - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

The Republicans have 17 excellent candidates for middle-school vice principal. - Andy Borowitz

The Trumpeter Reaches Higher Note 
If you thought Donald Trump’s boisterous debate performance and subsequent comments about Fox News’ Megyn Kelly might hurt his standing in the polls, you might be very wrong.

The cowardly GOP candidates couldn't defend 1 woman from a bully, how the hell are you going to defend the country? Weak ass punks. - 3ChicksPolitico Tweet

Rock The Voter News

The weekend began with the GOP frontrunner making a menstruation joke and ended with him calling you a pervert. Happy Monday, everyone!- LOLGOP

Do You Think The Chinese Have Hillary's Emails?
Chinese hackers have been accessing the private emails of top U.S. national security and trade officials since April 2010, according to an NBC News report on Monday, citing a U.S. intelligence official and top secret document.

 Click here

A clothing company is making T-shirts inspired by Bernie Sanders with messages like “Feel the Bern.” They were gonna make them for Lincoln Chafee too, but no one wants to wear a shirt that says “Feel the Chafee.”- Jimmy Fallon

The Environmental Protection Agency Polluted Rivers
The Environmental Protection Agency has acknowledged that its cleanup operation at a Colorado mine has led to the release of around three million gallons of toxic waste into the San Juan and Animas Rivers, the Washington Post reports. The agency accidentally punctured a dam holding back water filled with arsenic and heavy metals left behind by the Gold King Mine, which has been closed since 1923.

Business/Tech News

Delta and United Airlines announced this week that they will no longer allow passengers to transport animals that they killed on hunting trips. Which begs the question: "There was a time when you COULD do that?"- Jimmy Fallon

How's That Russian Ruble Doing?
Russian President Vladimir Putin commended the central bank for its efforts to keep the ruble stable after policy makers called for calm as the currency bounced back from a six-month low.

Kylie Jenner got a $320,000 Ferrari for turning 18. I'm middle-aged and drive a 1992 Honda Accord. I can't keep up with the Kardashians.- Walter Holster



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I could do that, oh yeah.


Friday, August 7, 2015

The Debate

FoxNews is not on my cable here in Costa Rica unless I pay an extra $4. CNNInternational and Headline News is included in my basic cable.

After watching some of the Republican debate clips from last night  I have come to the conclusion that Donald Trump has done the best job ever of dividing the GOP since Ross Perot.

Trump is a bully and so are his followers. A match made in heaven in their eyes. Trump won't fold as Perot did back in the day, but Trump will eventually bully his way until he says something so distasteful that he will lose half his die hard fans. And, hopefully, that will be after he secures the GOP nomination. Please, please, please.

The Greedy Old Party is a mess and that is a good thing, isn't it? And the election is only 458 days away.

And the most upsetting news last night was, it was Jon Stewart's last Daily Show. Sigh. How can his shoes be filled? Who else has the guts to watch FoxNews and stay sane?

While the Republican candidates were crowing or sparring on national TV, Hillary was rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous.  I title the screen shot below,  the REAL KKK...Kim, Killery and Kanye.

By the way, Hillary is wearing a lovely orange pant outfit with a Mandarin collar in the above photo. I personally think that Kim should dress Hillary. I would love to see Hillary in more beige tones, Jones of NY style. I think Kim would agree. Remember, Kim made her name long before her reality TV show, by dressing Hollywood's finest.

Today was a comedy of errors for me so I was not able to produce my usual edition. Sometimes life hands you a bunch of puzzle pieces and this was one of those days.

But when all is said and done, Mrs. Betty Bowers said it best about Donald Trump last night..."I think we can all agree that Donald Trump won last night's debate -- if the object of the election is to find a petulant president who talks like an anonymous Internet commenter."

See you Monday!


Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Great Republican Debate Is Tonight


11 questions that tonight’s Republican presidential debate will answer
Tonight's Republican presidential debate will almost certainly be the most watched primary debate in television history. With that many eyeballs on the 10 men who will take the debate stage in Cleveland, the stakes for every one of them are remarkably high.

The debate rules state that the highest-polling candidate is given the middle podium, which means Donald Trump will be center stage tomorrow night. Well, that and the fact that he was going to stand there anyway.- Jimmy Fallon

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Would anyone here care to blame the Benghazi terrorist attack on the actual, y'know, terrorists?  #DebateQuestionsWeWantToHear - John Fugelsang

Obama Wants Voting Rights Given Back To The People. How Dare He?
 President Obama will mark the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act Thursday by calling on Congress to restore the law and urging people to register to vote.

“We should have invaded Mexico."
- GOP frontrunner Donald Trump on the Iraq War

Republican Shenanigans

The Republican debate and Jon Stewart's farewell show is on the same night. Seems fitting somehow. - AHNC

Prepare for Thursday's GOP debate with this primer from @RexHuppke, complete with Bingo card. 

Well, Of Course The GOP Is Blocking Clean Air
A GOP-controlled Senate committee has approved legislation to block the Obama administration from putting in place tough new standards on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.

Boy, if the House GOP won't honor Pope Francis b/c he's 'too liberal' they're really gonna hate Jesus.- John Fugelsang

Big Dog Encouraged Trump To Run For President
Former president Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump at the same time that the billionaire investor and reality-television star was nearing a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men.

Planned Parenthood does something conservatives will never accept: It gives poor people the same rights and care as everyone else.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

California Leads, America Follows
The Clean Power Plan announced Monday poses significant challenges for states that rely on coal-fired power plants for much of their electricity, but complying with the rules will be a breeze for California. That's because the state has practically eliminated coal from its energy portfolio and leads the nation with the toughest regulations to cut the greenhouse gas emissions that are warming the planet.

 Click here

Abstinence education. The worst oxymoron since trickle-down economics.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News


France Needs To Unload Two Warships. Putin Mad.
France is looking for a buyer for two high-tech Mistral warships worth a reported $1.3 billion after confirming Thursday that it had canceled its controversial deal to deliver the vessels to Russia.

"Zimbabweans are left shaking heads, wondering why Americans care more about African animals than African people."- Goodwell Nzou


I need to put food on my family.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

If there is a will, there is a way.
