Friday, July 10, 2015

South Carolina Takes Down Confederate Flag

Confederate flag has arrived at museum
Officials with the museum that will house the Confederate battle flag that flew on South Carolina’s Statehouse grounds for years confirm that the banner has been received.

Take that Confederate flag down and put the Voting Rights Act back up, y'all.  - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Kim Jong-Jeb, "the smart Kim." - Jeff Tiedrich

More Flag News: Putin Makes His Own
Make no bones about it — Vladmir Putin‘s Russia does not like the gays. From the country’s vehement anti-LGBT laws, to its hilariously awful response to Apple CEO Tim Cook‘s coming out, Russia does not support the LGBT community one bit

South Carolina, stop congratulating yourself for finally taking down the ConfederateFlag. It took you 150 years. You don't get a cookie.- Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

"Presidential hopeful Donald Trump said yesterday that he has better hair than Senator Marco Rubio – a claim that was recently disproven by wind." –Seth Meyers

I'm guessing this is the saddest day in Charlie Daniels' life.- Kona Lowell

White Detroit Rapper Defends Confederate Flag
Rock musician Kid Rock, who often uses the Confederate flag as a prop in his performances, defiantly responded to recent criticisms of its use in a quote given to Fox News.
“Please tell the people who are protesting to kiss my ass,” the statement read in its entirety (which Fox News’ Megyn Kelly appropriately watered down for television Thursday night).

More Republican Butthurt Coming Soon!
As Republicans face a withering blowback for embracing the display of Confederate flags on National Parks and federal cemeteries, Democrats are looking to capitalize on the misfire and draw attention to Republican reluctance to let go of the Confederate flag.

Rock The Voter News

Trump's Obsession With Obama's Birth Continues
Donald Trump says he’s still not convinced President Obama was born in America, but that he’s not interested in rehashing the issue.
"I don't know. I really don't know," the 2016 Republican presidential candidate told CNN when asked on Thursday. "I don't know why he wouldn't release his records."

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It's Past Due To Increase Funding For Background Checks
The white gunman who massacred nine black churchgoers last month in Charleston, South Carolina was only able to purchase the gun he used in the shooting because of an "error" in the background check system, the FBI said Friday.

The Confederacy shall not rise again. Flag is down. You lost. Again.- Warren Holstein Tweet

Business/Tech News

Jeb Bush wants you to work more hours and retire at 69. Paul Ryan wants to take away Social Security. No wonder the GOP wants to stop you from voting. - The Daily Edge

I Wonder If Rand Paul Uses An AQUA BUDDHA 
Less than a month after holding a fundraiser on the sidelines of a Colorado marijuana conference, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is joining the fight to give America’s growing legal marijuana industry access to banking services.

Huggies now offers a diaper called "Little Swimmers;" which i believe are what actually cause the babies in the 1st place.- John Fugelsang


Only $1080 To Go!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Deep in the northeastern region of one of the wettest places on Earth, the Khasi tribe in India, fashions 100 foot living bridges out of rubber fig roots. It takes more than a decade for one structure to be completed but, once finished the resulting crossing is both beautiful and functional.

Best wishes for a beautiful and peaceful weekend, y'all.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

George W. Bush charged $100K for speech at wounded veterans event

George W. Bush charged $100K for speech at wounded veterans event
Former President George W. Bush billed a charity for wounded military veterans $100,000 in speaking fees three years ago, a new report says.
Bush charged Texas-based Helping a Hero that amount in 2012, according to ABC News.
The organization also provided Bush with private jet travel to Houston at a cost of $20,000...

George W. Bush should be paying every veteran's charity to give a speech.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Who Hacked The Stock Exchange?
International hacking group Anonymous wished Wall Street ill the night before the New York Stock Exchange temporarily suspended trading on all securities.

Retrumplican Party: "Obama would not have won without blacks, Hispanics, gays or Jews." Democrats: "Or as we like to call them: Americans" - The Daily Edge

Republican Shenanigans

Jeb doesn't want you to have "free stuff" like debt-free college. That's for guys who earn it by picking rich dads.- LOLGOP

Jeb Really Is The Dumb One
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said Wednesday that in order to grow the economy “people should work longer hours” -- a comment that the Bush campaign argues was a reference to underemployed part-time workers but which Democrats are already using to attack him.

Glad we got rid of one flag, but there are still three hundred million guns. - Andy Borowitz

House To Undo Confederate Flag Restrictions They Just Passed?
The House on Thursday will vote on a Republican amendment to a spending bill that would undo new restrictions members approved only this week on the display of the Confederate flag on federal land.

Donald Trump hasn't said anything idiotic today. I hope he's okay.- Andy Borowitz

I Don't Know Who Is Dumber, Jeb Or Huckabee? Tough One!
“Basically, there really is no such thing as — I need to be careful about saying this, because people will really get upset — there’s really no such thing as a Palestinian,” Huckabee said at the 2008 campaign stop while speaking to two Orthodox men. “There’s not.”

Rock The Voter News

Hillary, Bernie And ------> Martin
As they vie to emerge as the progressive alternative to Hillary Clinton, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley are racing to stake out territory to Clinton's political left.

In an effort to cut costs, Koch brothers announced plans to build a breeding farm for birthing & training future conservative politicians.- GOP Science Committee Tweet

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America is an unforgiving place. You say one horrible, offensive, unforgivable thing and suddenly you're the frontrunner for GOP nomination.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Know all those cute quirky ads for insurance?  That's the money you spent on premiums coming back to mock you.- John Fugelsang

Exxon Knew About Climate Change In 1981
ExxonMobil, the world’s biggest oil company, knew as early as 1981 of climate change – seven years before it became a public issue, according to a newly discovered email from one of the firm’s own scientists. Despite this the firm spent millions over the next 27 years to promote climate denial.

Remember, religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich, but nevermind. - The GoodGodAbove


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Preacher’s Pulpit Rock – Preikestolen is One of the Most Visited Natural Tourist Attractions in Norway.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

NYSE mysteriously halts all trading

Trading resumes on NYSE after 'technical' issue hits Big Board
Trading resumed on the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday afternoon after an internal technical hiccup sparked a halt that lasted more than three hours.

BREAKING: Trading halts on New York Stock Exchange after Wall Street runs out of populations to loot.- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

It's true. The Civil War was all about states rights. The rights of people living in Southern states to buy, sell and own human beings.- Kona Lowell

Norwegian Police, Can Police Without Shooting People Dead! Listen Up USA!
Police in Norway fired their guns only twice last year – and no one was hurt – new statistics which reveal the country’s low level of gun use have shown.

Republican Shenanigans

The Trumpet Won't Stop Blaring
Donald Trump said Wednesday that he believes he will win the Latino vote, slamming Hillary Clinton for promoting what he called an immigration policy that would "let everybody come in… killers, criminals, drug dealers."

If Donald Trump wants to reach out to Latinos, he should fire himself.- LOLGOP

A society that won't pay to educate poor kids is a society that's gonna pay to incarcerate poor dropouts.- John Fugelsang

Well, Fiddle Dee Dee, The U.S. House Says NO To The Confederate Flag!
The House on Tuesday evening passed an amendment that would prohibit Confederate flags from being displayed on graves in federal cemeteries..

I'm going to work for the "immigrants are rapists" guy.
- Republicans who think this will be good for their careers.

Rock The Voter News

Accused Molester Can Cross-Examine The Girls He Molested 
 An Arizona minuteman leader accused of molesting two little girls could soon personally cross-examine the 7-and-8 year olds because a judge ruled their mothers were not qualified to say whether it would traumatize them.

These "Confederates" Aren't Going Away Without A Fight
The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division is investigating threats made to members of the state legislature over a vote to remove the Confederate flag from statehouse grounds, just as the state’s House of Representatives prepares to vote on the proposal.

GOOD NEWS, peasants! Because the rich siphoned off all wealth for 35 years, none of you is effected by the New York Stock Exchange outage. - Tea Party Cat

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Bernie Sanders Accused of Disrespecting US Political System with Controversial Use of Honesty. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Poll: Majority of Americans Want Trump to Choke on Burrito. - Andy Borowitz

Obamacare Saving Women Money
Following the Affordable Care Act's mandate for insurance companies to provide free contraceptives, individual spending on birth control pills plummeted by almost half in the first six months the landmark healthcare law went into effect.

This is according to a new study published by the Health Report on Tuesday, which found the sharp decline in contraceptive spending saved women a startling $1.4 billion in 2013 alone. Out-of-pocket spending on intrauterine devices (IUD's) also declined by 68 percent.

First United Airlines, now the New York Stock Exchange. WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO THE MATRIX? - Jeff Tiedrich


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This form of eucalyptus tree grows in Maui rain forests where the bark peels back to reveal a plethora of colors.
