Wednesday, July 8, 2015

NYSE mysteriously halts all trading

Trading resumes on NYSE after 'technical' issue hits Big Board
Trading resumed on the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday afternoon after an internal technical hiccup sparked a halt that lasted more than three hours.

BREAKING: Trading halts on New York Stock Exchange after Wall Street runs out of populations to loot.- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

It's true. The Civil War was all about states rights. The rights of people living in Southern states to buy, sell and own human beings.- Kona Lowell

Norwegian Police, Can Police Without Shooting People Dead! Listen Up USA!
Police in Norway fired their guns only twice last year – and no one was hurt – new statistics which reveal the country’s low level of gun use have shown.

Republican Shenanigans

The Trumpet Won't Stop Blaring
Donald Trump said Wednesday that he believes he will win the Latino vote, slamming Hillary Clinton for promoting what he called an immigration policy that would "let everybody come in… killers, criminals, drug dealers."

If Donald Trump wants to reach out to Latinos, he should fire himself.- LOLGOP

A society that won't pay to educate poor kids is a society that's gonna pay to incarcerate poor dropouts.- John Fugelsang

Well, Fiddle Dee Dee, The U.S. House Says NO To The Confederate Flag!
The House on Tuesday evening passed an amendment that would prohibit Confederate flags from being displayed on graves in federal cemeteries..

I'm going to work for the "immigrants are rapists" guy.
- Republicans who think this will be good for their careers.

Rock The Voter News

Accused Molester Can Cross-Examine The Girls He Molested 
 An Arizona minuteman leader accused of molesting two little girls could soon personally cross-examine the 7-and-8 year olds because a judge ruled their mothers were not qualified to say whether it would traumatize them.

These "Confederates" Aren't Going Away Without A Fight
The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division is investigating threats made to members of the state legislature over a vote to remove the Confederate flag from statehouse grounds, just as the state’s House of Representatives prepares to vote on the proposal.

GOOD NEWS, peasants! Because the rich siphoned off all wealth for 35 years, none of you is effected by the New York Stock Exchange outage. - Tea Party Cat

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Bernie Sanders Accused of Disrespecting US Political System with Controversial Use of Honesty. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Poll: Majority of Americans Want Trump to Choke on Burrito. - Andy Borowitz

Obamacare Saving Women Money
Following the Affordable Care Act's mandate for insurance companies to provide free contraceptives, individual spending on birth control pills plummeted by almost half in the first six months the landmark healthcare law went into effect.

This is according to a new study published by the Health Report on Tuesday, which found the sharp decline in contraceptive spending saved women a startling $1.4 billion in 2013 alone. Out-of-pocket spending on intrauterine devices (IUD's) also declined by 68 percent.

First United Airlines, now the New York Stock Exchange. WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO THE MATRIX? - Jeff Tiedrich


Only $1230 to Go!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This form of eucalyptus tree grows in Maui rain forests where the bark peels back to reveal a plethora of colors.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

GOPers refuse to remove 10 Commandments — and will fight to change constitution instead

GOPers refuse to remove 10 Commandments — and will fight to change constitution instead
A judge ordered Oklahoma to remove a Ten Commandments monument from state capitol grounds, but the governor is defying that order.

Gay Marriage isn't Special Rights, it's Equal Rights.  'Special Rights' are for political churches that don't pay taxes.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Most Americans want an arms deal with Iran even more than Ronald Reagan did.- LOLGOP

 Planes Crash Above Charleston, S.C. 
A military spokesperson says an F16 fighter jet collided midair with a small Cessna Tuesday morning, exploding into a large fireball over Charleston, South Carolina.

Republican Shenanigans

Yes, Republicans hope that Black folks are stupid enough to vote for them, This hope is based on their white voters. - Kona Lowell

South Carolina Realizes It's 2015, Not 1865.
South Carolina's Senate passed legislation Tuesday to remove the Confederate battle flag from the state house, where it has flown for five decades despite being viewed by many as a symbol of slavery

In the future, we'll just be able to 3-D print a new Bush when it's time to wreck the economy.- LOLGOP

The Trumpet Loses PGA Event
The Professional Golf Association and Donald Trump have reached an agreement to move a Grand Slam event away from the Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles.
In separate statements, Trump and the PGA on Tuesday said the decision was mutual.

Scarborough's Wonders How Black Man Thinks He Can Get Away With Punching  Blonde Woman
As the American public views on repeat the surveillance tape of Florida State University quarterback De’Andre Johnson punching a woman in a Tallahassee bar, Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough had a question that’s raised some eyebrows: “What about the culture at the school… that would have a guy think he could get away with punching a blonde woman

BTW: The quarterback was dismissed from the team.

Rock The Voter News

Let's be fair and remember that Paula Deen is equally prejudiced against the arteries of all people, regardless of color.- John Fugelsang

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All Bird Species Left Seahorse Key Abruptly
 The din created by thousands of nesting birds is usually the first thing you notice about Seahorse Key, a 150-acre mangrove-covered dune off Florida's Gulf Coast.
But in May, the key fell eerily quiet all at once.

Koch Industries is vehemently defending itself against charges that it overpaid for the Wisconsin governor.- Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Right now, Josh Duggar is on the phone with Subway Jared, going "I know, right?"- Jeff Tiedrich

Dr. Huxtable, What Did You Do? Did You Write Your Own Prescriptions?
In news that will surprise NOBODY IN THE WORLD, it’s being reported that Bill Cosby admitted, all the way back in 2005, that yes, he got some rapey Quaaludes, to give to ladies, for rapey purposes...

The state of Oregon became the fourth state to legalize recreational marijuana. At long last the people of Oregon can do exactly what they've been doing all along anyway.- Jimmy Kimmel


Only $1360 to go!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A snowy mountain range in Tibet.


Monday, July 6, 2015

Trump: 'Rapist' Comment Backlash More 'Severe' Than I Expected

Trump: 'Rapist' Comment Backlash More 'Severe' Than I Expected 
Presidential candidate and ex-reality TV star Donald Trump admitted on Saturday that the wave of condemnation and crumbling business relationships, which followed his remarks calling immigrants "rapists," has caught him a little off guard.

Bernie Sanders is like Donald Trump in that both of them talking hurts the Republican Party.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

GOP wants to define itself as the party of the future... wars in the Middle East.- LOLGOP

Gun Shot Heard At Walter Reed Hospital
 Police say they are checking on a report of a single shot fired at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center outside Washington.

Montgomery County police spokeswoman Natasha Plotnikov says a 911 caller reported hearing one shot inside Building 1, the original hospital on the campus in Bethesda, on Monday morning. She says police are on the scene checking the report.

Yesterday, America celebrated its independence from Britain. Today, we're all, "OMG how adorable is Prince George!"- The Daily Edge

Republican Shenanigans

What I can't wait for is Jeb Bush and Donald Trump to admit they basically have the same immigration policies. - John Fugelsang

Birth Control Works. Who Knew?
Over the past six years, Colorado has conducted one of the largest ever real-life experiments with long-acting birth control. If teenagers and poor women were offered free intrauterine devices and implants that prevent pregnancy for years, state officials asked, would those women choose them?

They did in a big way, and the results were startling. The birthrate for teenagers across the state plunged by 40 percent from 2009 to 2013, while their rate of abortions fell by 42 percent, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. 

Republicans need a miracle with minorities -- instead they're getting a big racist karmic supernova.- LOLGOP

What Is There To Debate?
South Carolina lawmakers were set to begin debate Monday on legislation to remove the Confederate battle flag that flies on the grounds of the state capitol in Columbia.

#YouMightBeARacist if you find it easier to believe a 2,000-year-old Greek text than a US long-form birth certificate . - The Daily Edge

USA Women Win World Cup!
Even the Americans themselves couldn't quite believe what was happening. Mouths were agape and eyes grew big. Even to them, what they had just done was dumbfounding, stupefying and astounding. But given the utterly confounding Women's World Cup they had just played, it was probably a fittingly unpredictable climax.
After the disconcertingly difficult year they had had, it of course took them just 16 minutes to score twice as many goals as anybody ever had in a Women's World Cup final.

If American men were this good at soccer, foreign women would start to believe our accents are sexy.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Banks cost us 8 million jobs. Guns kills dozens a day, mostly gun owners. Why the fear of foreigners? So you'll worry about the wrong sh*t. - LOLGOP

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The Trumpet Just Can't Help Himself Dissing Mexicans
With a retweet, immigration hardliner Donald Trump let his followers know on the Fourth of July that fellow Republican presidential contender Jeb Bush "has to like Mexican illegals because of his wife."

Business/Tech News

Europe on edge as Greece prepares to vote on whether or not to continue with the Romney-Ryan plan. - The Daily Edge

China's Stock Market Drop
On Wall Street in 1929, it was the great banking houses of J.P. Morgan and Guaranty Trust Company.
In China today, it’s names like Citic Securities Co. and Guotai Junan Securities Co.
They’re separated by 86 years and 7,300 miles, but Chinese financiers are turning to the same playbook used by their American counterparts to fight a crash that’s wiping out stock-market fortunes on an unprecedented scale.

Now on HBO: "Man of Steel" tells the story of a space alien who believes he can have a paid career in print media.- John Fugelsang


I am shopping around for a new location. I love the current executive suites except for location and the fact I am about to melt from the heat. I am looking for something within walking distance of a downtown area and air conditioned. I have suffered enough. lol

The pension department here awarded me a lifetime pension (no appeal) from my "esposo" which now will enable me to live a better lifestyle on a monthly basis. I love Costa Rica.

Any gift amount will help with my move. My goal is $1500.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys.
