It's Legal! Supreme Court Issues Historic Civil Rights Ruling Clearing the Way for Gay Marriage
In a historic ruling, the Supreme Court ruled Friday that the Constitution guarantees the right of same-sex couples to marry, invalidating gay marriage bans nationwide.
"Today we can say in no uncertain terms that we've made our union a little more perfect." - President Barack Obama
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
- Headless body, scrawled with Arabic, found at French blast site
- Islamic State suicide bomber kills more than 10 in Kuwait mosque
- Gunman kills 28 in rampage at Tunisian beach resort
- Somali militants attack African Union base
- Record Afghan opium output prompts cheaper US heroin supply: UN
"Let's work together for the American people," the President said. "But today, my message is, 'We won, bitchaz.'- Andy Borowitz
Boehner's Mealy Mouthed Reaction
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said Friday in a statement that while “all human beings are created equal by God” he was disappointed by the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage in all 50 states.
"When all Americans are treated as equal, we are all more free." —President Obama
Republican Shenanigans
- Scalia's same-sex marriage dissent blasts judicial “putsch,” Ivy Leaguers, fortune cookies
- Walker To Wisconsin: I Won't 'Coerce You To Act Against Your Religious Beliefs'
- Mike Huckabee: I Will Not Accept Gay Marriage Ruling By ‘Imperial Court’
- Texas AG: 'No Court, No Law, No Rule' Will Change Definition Of Marriage
- The ‘terrifying’ Confederate statue some Tennesseans want to hide
Conservatism - n. the art of making white men the victim of everything, even slavery. - LOLGOP
Alabama County Is Taking Their Ball And Going Home
Pike County officials haven't issued marriage licenses in months, and today Probate Judge Wes Allen announced that his office is now permanently out of the marriage business.
Cheney blaming Obama for ISIS is like John Wilkes Booth blaming Lincoln for missing the 2nd act of the play.- John Fugelsang
Rock The Voter News
- Dems on gay-marriage ruling: 'Love wins!'
- New rainbow crosswalks support Philadelphia's LGBT community
- Margaret Cho: I’m still for Hillary — but I have a ‘crush’ on Bernie Sanders
Trump Won't Release His Birth Certificate. Really.
The Republican presidential candidate had called Barack Obama the country’s ‘least transparent president’ for refusing to release the same documentation.
Yesterday Donald Trump said if he's elected president he would rarely leave the White House to take vacations because there's so much work to do. Donald Trump is the only man who can say he's going to spend four years in a mansion and make it sound like a sacrifice. - Jimmy Fallon
Obama Declares National Day of Gloating. - Andy Borowitz
Business/Tech News
- Oil Prices Fall on Oversupply Worries
- Weekly Standard Freaks Out Over Gay Marriage: 'You Will Be Assimilated'
- Donald Trump vows to sue Univision for cancelling Miss USA: It’s ‘common sense’ that Mexicans are rapists
- Nearly half of Costa Rican employers say it's hard to find adequate staff
Mitt Romney uses same offshore tax havens as criminals and terrorists. But he says that's OK, because he's not technically breaking the law.- The Daily Edge
Finally. Ya'll Come And Visit!
The Costa Rica Tourism Board (ICT) confirmed the opening of a new route to Costa Rica from Boston and a seasonal flight from St. Louis, Missouri. Both will arrive at Daniel Oduber QuirĂ³s International Airport in Liberia, the capital of the northwestern province of Guanacaste.
'Kanye West isn't a musician & Donald Trump is an imbecile'. - David Crosby, musician
I just love this video! Kick off your weekend!
Odd News
- House Cat Is So Not Impressed By Mountain Lion At The Door
- Whirlpool forms near spillway on Texas-Oklahoma border
- Stench from stinky fridge sends 11 to hospital
- Here's Blosom, The Tallest Cow To Ever Live
- Runaway Saw Blade Slices Into Truck, Barely Misses Driver
Time To Deflate Photo
I could easily live there. I love water. :)