Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Rally calls for Confederate flag to go at South Carolina capitol

Rally calls for Confederate flag to go at South Carolina capitol
Hundreds of people chanting "Take it down!" rallied on Tuesday to demand that the Confederate battle flag be removed from the South Carolina State House grounds, galvanized by last week's massacre of nine blacks at a historic church in Charleston.

Wayne LaPierre of the NRA just demanded that all Blacks be given free firearms to defend themselves. Just kidding.- Kona Lowell

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

He took your guns, now he's taking your flipping flags.

- the guys who are taking your money. - LOLGOP

The Americans Are Coming! The Americans Are Coming!
The US will pre-position heavy weapons, including tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery in central and eastern Europe for the first time, US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter said Tuesday in Estonia's capital Tallinn.

For that matter, the people who are outraged that Obama used the N-word are the same people who are outraged that Obama breathes.- Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Congrats to Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham for coming out against the flag of an enemy nation a scant 150 years later.- John Fugelsang

Meanwhile, There Is A Solar Storm Going On
A serious solar storm has been battering Earth's magnetosphere, in the wake of a series of solar flares that erupted from a highly active sunspot over the last few days.

Last week Lindsey Graham defended the Confederate Flag, now wants it down.  Apparently Lindsey likes it both ways. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

DOCTORS: Global Warming = Medical Emergency
A major report from one of the world’s best-known medical journals declared climate change a “medical emergency” that could undo decades of health progress.

The report published Monday night in The Lancet said the threat posed by climate change has largely been underestimated thus far.

This sculpture by Issac Cordal in Berlin is called  "Politicians discussing global warming."

Planet Earth - it's bipolar. - John Fugelsang

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Sewer Samples To Determine Pot Usage 
The federal government is chipping in money for a three-year pilot study using sewage samples to determine levels of marijuana use in two Washington cities — research that could help answer some key questions about pot legalization, the University of Puget Sound announced Monday.

Business/Tech News

Donald Trump should just make all his announcements on the Home Shopping Network.- LOLGOP

Walmart And Sears Say No To Confederate Merchandise
Retail giants Walmart and Sears will no longer sell Confederate flag merchandise in response to criticism after last week's shootings in a historically black South Carolina church.

Jeb Bush and George W. Bush fighting over who gets to wear the "I'm With Stupid" shirt.- Jeff Tiedrich



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A Cypress Bonsai tree.


Monday, June 22, 2015

White supremacist donated to GOP presidential candidates

White supremacist donated to GOP presidential candidates
The leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof made $65,000 in donations to Republicans, including several to Republican presidential candidates, The Guardian newspaper reported Sunday night.

By the way, why WOULD you want the confederate flag on your car? Its like telling the police "The meth is HERE." - Bill Maher

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Some Americans are calling for the removal of Confederate flags. But I find them rather handy. Show me a quicker, more reliable indication that I'm in the presence of a racist!- Mrs. Betty Bowers

EU Extends Sanctions Against Russia
EU foreign ministers meeting Monday in Luxembourg extended sanctions against Russia imposed due to the country's actions in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, an EU spokeswoman has told CNN.

People talking about better gun safety laws aren't 'exploiting a tragedy,' they're trying to prevent the next one. - John Fugelsang

They Needed A Study For This?
A new study revealed what is obvious to anyone who watches the Sunday shows. Liberal media bias is a myth. According to data collected by American University, conservatives dominate the Sunday shows.

Republican Shenanigans

Creationism should absolutely be taught in science class.  As long as evolutionary science is taught in Bible study. - John Fugelsang

Wow. The Surpremes Say No To Cops
The Supreme Court struck down a Los Angeles ordinance Monday that allowed police to inspect hotel guest records on demand.

South Carolina Wrestling With Incredibly Complex Issue of Removing Symbol of Slavery. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

We should do anything and everything to save American lives wherever they are threatened -- except implement a sane background check system.- LOLGOP

Now, Back To Our Planet Depleting Groundwater
Groundwater loss isn't just a California problem: According to a recent study by researchers at NASA and the University of California-Irvine, humans are depleting more than half of the world's 37 largest aquifers at unsustainable rates, and there is virtually no accurate data showing how much water is left.

In an interview yesterday, Donald Trump called Jeb Bush a reluctant warrior and said he thinks Jeb is an unhappy person. Which is interesting coming from a guy who always looks like he just ate a lemon. -Jimmy Fallon

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More Bad News On Global Warming
....Now, scientists say, the Earth is on the brink of a sixth such “mass extinction event.” Only this time, the culprit isn’t a massive asteroid impact or volcanic explosions or the inexorable drifting of continents. It’s us.

Business/Tech News

Taylor Swift and John Oliver, you're our only hope.- LOLGOP

While Other Countries Are Improving Internet Connections, The USA Corps Are Slowing It Down
Major internet providers, including AT&T, Time Warner and Verizon, are slowing data from popular websites to thousands of US businesses and residential customers in dozens of cities across the country, according to a study released on Monday.

I've created a new cocktail called the Trickle-Down.  Bartender takes your money,then gives a drink to the richest guy at the bar. - John Fugelsang



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 Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.


Friday, June 19, 2015

What is causing all this violent racism?

Republican candidates reaffirm gun rights support after Charleston shooting
Less than one day after a white gunman killed nine people at a prayer meeting at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, Republican presidential candidates touted their support for the right to bear arms before a mass gathering of conservatives.

Scientists: Earth Endangered by New Strain of Fact-Resistant Humans. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Zero significant cases of voter fraud.
32,000 gun deaths a year.

NRA Board Member Blames Victims
NRA board member Charles Cotton blamed Clementa Pinckney, a victim of the shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, for his own death. He also blamed Pinckney, the pastor of Emanuel AME and a state senator, for the deaths of the other eight people killed.

Why? Asks a country with over 1000 white power groups, 24-7 hate radio, the NRA and the GOP backed by them all. #Charleston - Kona Lowell

It would be nice if the guys saying ISIS is about to kill us all weren't the same guys saying we can't do anything about 32k gun deaths.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

The South Carolina Capitol did not display the Confederate Flag until 1961.

The War On Democrats
“[The gunman] hears that because he watches the news and he watches things like Fox News, where they talk about things that they call news, but they’re really not. They use that coded language, they use hate speech, they talk about the president as if he’s not the president, they talk about churchgoers that they’re not really churchgoers. And that’s what this young man acted on. That’s why you can walk into a church and treat people like animals when they’re really human beings.”

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. ~ John F. Kennedy inaugural address, January 20, 1961

Oh, Those Lovely Loopholes
The House Ethics Committee approved a waiver last year that allowed Rep. Charlie Dent — now chairman of the secretive panel — to fly to a posh New England vacation town on the dime of a top campaign donor.

Donald Trump told ABC news that if he had Oprah as a running mate, they could easily win. Although you know who’d definitely win? Oprah WITHOUT Donald Trump.- Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

Really think we're post-racial? Read the comments on ANY Fox News article about #CharlestonShooting.- Kona Lowell

Racism. It's Everywhere.
An African-American lawmaker in Kansas could be expelled from the statehouse for accusing supporters of legislation that eliminated tuition breaks for undocumented immigrants of being racist. State Rep. Valdenia Winn (D) of Kansas City will face a special investigative committee in a hearing June 26 that will weigh possible sanctions against the lawmaker for the remarks.

Yesterday Rachel Dolezal, the white NAACP leader who said she is black, claimed there's no biological proof that she's white. However, today that was disproven by scientists who found wine cooler in her bloodstream.- Conan O'Brien

REMINDER: Republicans have a plan to combat poverty, gun violence, and too much pollution with more poverty, more guns and more pollution. - The Daily Edge

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Fox News Spin Can Cause Your Head To Explode
Within hours after Wednesday evening’s horrific massacre at a Charleston, S.C., church, police openly labeled the violence a “hate crime” after a witness said suspect Dylann Storm Roof declared that he came to kill black people. And yet, somehow, a handful of Fox News hosts and pundits refused to concede the racial aspect, instead making the story about the so-called “War on Christians.”

Larry Wilmore got a hold of all that footage and declared that the network’s coverage “makes my fucking head explode.

Business/Tech News

Trump Vows to Create Jobs for Comedians. - Andy Borowitz

Florida Fracking And F**king Customers
Millions of homes and businesses who are customers of Florida Power & Light will be financing as much as $500 million a year in unregulated natural gas fracking projects conducted by the state’s largest utility, state regulators decided Thursday.

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what your country can do for your corporations.- Warren Holstein



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Mirror Lake in beautiful Alberta, Canada.

Peaceful wishes to everyone.