Thursday, June 4, 2015

Laura Ingraham: Expanding Early Voting Helps Democrats Get "Lazy People" To The Polls

Laura Ingraham: Expanding Early Voting Helps Democrats Get "Lazy People" To The Polls
Ingraham: "They Can Stand On The Street Corner Screaming About How The Police Are Racist For Hour Upon Hour, But They Can't Get To The Polls On Election Day."

Today is the 96th anniversary of Congress passing 19th amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote. Laura Ingraham gives a bad name to blonde women.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Oddly, George W. Bush is still polling poorly with Iraqi children who got their arms and legs blown off.- Jeff Tiedrich

Al-Qaeda and IS R Enemies
The chief of Al-Qaeda's Syria affiliate described the rival Islamic State group's self-proclaimed caliphate as "illegitimate", in a wide-ranging television interview aired on Wednesday.

I don't mind my tax $ paying for civilian-killing drone bombs; just don't let my tax $ pay for condoms, cos I'm Christian.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

If you didn't know your son was molesting four of your daughters, you may not be in the best position to tell us what God is thinking.- LOLGOP

Twitter Erupts Over Duggar Interview
Twitter erupted in a din of unified rage on Wednesday night in reaction to Megyn Kelly’s televised interview with members of the Duggar family on Fox News.
During the interview with Kelly, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar admitted they knew their son Josh Duggar had molested several of their daughters, but described Josh’s actions as “inappropriate touching” and “nothing like rape.”

Seriously, imagine the right-wing furor if it came out that Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin molested their sisters.- Jeff Tiedrich

I Doubt The Biden Family Cares About Cruz's Apology Or Wants It 
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) apologized late Wednesday for making a joke about Vice President Joe Biden as he prepares to bury his son Beau, who died of brain cancer.

Letting politicians who hate government run the government is like letting Michael Vick run PETA.- John Fugelsang

Rick Perry announcing his 2016 presidential campaign is like Gigli II aiming for a Best Picture Oscar.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Lincoln Chafee observes the excitement generated by George Pataki's campaign and thinks "I want a piece of that!"- Jeff Tiedrich

The House Slaps Obama's Executive Action On Immigration
The House on Wednesday endorsed a proposal to block the Obama administration from further pursuing its legal defense of the president’s executive actions to shield illegal immigrants from deportation.

Republicans: "I'm not a scientist."

The Pope: "Actually, I am." - LOLGOP

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Remember The Recent California Pipeline Spill?
An oil pipeline that ruptured and spilled an estimated 383,000 litres (101,000 gallons) of crude near Santa Barbara in May had been allowed to corrode to a tiny fraction of its original thickness, federal regulators have said.

According to a new poll, the number of Americans who trust Hillary is dropping. Specifically into a hole that Hillary covered with leaves.- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

Europe Delays Polluters From Cleaning Up 
The European Union may have to offer its heaviest polluting industries another ten years of free carbon credits to prevent them from leaving the region to do business elsewhere, EU regulators have suggested in a report seen by Reuters.

Most of the folks currently blaming the federal govt for everything previously spent 8 years not blaming it for anything.- John Fugelsang

Cats. Because why should conditional love only come from family?- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

If Saturn were as close to the Earth as the Moon is this is how it would look.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

More Americans hold favorable view of George W. Bush than Barack Obama

More Americans hold favorable view of George W. Bush than Barack Obama
More Americans have a favorable view of former President George W. Bush than of President Barack Obama, a new CNN/ORC poll finds.

Officials near Dallas are reporting that torrential rain and recent flooding has started driving snakes to attack people. Wow, Texans don’t just read the Bible, they’re living it.- Seth Myers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Jeb Bush is less popular than George W. Bush and Jeb hasn't even invaded Iraq or wrecked our economy yet.- LOLGOP

Meanwhile, Back In The USSR Ukraine
Ukrainian troops and pro-Russian separatists on Wednesday fought their first serious battles in months and Ukraine's defense minister said an attempt by rebels to take the eastern town of Maryinka had been thwarted.

Imagine sperm under a microscope all trying to get at one egg - that's the 2016 GOP field and evangelical voters. - Tina Dupuy

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans upset they have to deny fake news stories instead of confirming real stories like a GOP frontrunner defending a child molester.- LOLGOP

Bernie Is Not Afraid Of The GOP
Senator Bernie Sanders is trying to push for debates between the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates now, because, he says, the GOP is “getting away with murder” and they need to be called out on that.

They tell me U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders can't win b/c America won't vote for a Socialist Jew. I tell them America already celebrates a Socialist Jew every Dec 25.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Lindsey Graham: "I don't use email."
Jeb Bush: "I don't use science."
Sarah Palin: "I don't use English."
- The Daily Edge

GOP Wants To Make It Easier For Yahoos To Get Guns
Lawmakers are bracing for a showdown on Capitol Hill over gun provisions in a bill to fund the Justice Department (DOJ).
House Republicans are seeking to roll back a number of controversial gun regulations from the Obama administration, but not without a fight from Democrats.

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If the Republican debates were held tomorrow, they'd be hilarious.- LOLGOP

Gay Marriage Now In Costa Rica
A Costa Rican judge has granted the first openly gay common-law marriage in Central America, said Francisco Madrigal, political affairs director for the Center for Research and Promotion of Human Rights in Central America (CIPAC).

Business/Tech News

The more twang a politicians voice has, the more they believe Jesus rode a dinosaur. -

Meanwhile In The UK
A Chinese company has been selected to help build the world's first artificial tidal lagoon to generate clean electricity for British homes, the company behind the project said Wednesday.

Officials from the soccer organization FIFA, which decides which cities get to host the World Cup, are accused of accepting bribes when making their decision. Of course the toughest part for the soccer officials was taking bribes without using their hands.- Jimmy Fallon



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Fly Geyser is a man-made small geothermal geyser located in Washoe County, Nevada. It was accidentally created by well drilling in 1964 exploring for sources of geothermal energy.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Miss Them Yet?

‘I wished they had killed me': Detainee details sexual torture tactics used by CIA interrogators
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency used a wider array of sexual abuse and other forms of torture than was disclosed in a Senate report last year, according to a Guantanamo Bay detainee turned government cooperating witness.

People talk about Obama wanting a relationship with Iran as though he's gonna dump Michelle for Tehran. - Lizz Winstead

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Right now, this very week, your government can't record your phone sex.- John Fugelsang

The FBI Is Watching You From Above
The FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the country carrying video and, at times, cellphone surveillance technology — all hidden behind fictitious companies that are fronts for the government

Every time Jeb Bush says "when my brother was president," take a drink. (No don't. You'll die of alcohol poisoning.) - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Last week Mike Huckabee cheered for a child molester. Not stupid/creepy enough? This week, he daydreams about showering with underage girls!- Mrs. Betty Bowers

Once A Dick...
Dick Cheney, reports The Wall Street Journal’s Patrick O’Connor, has a new book coming out in September, as well as “a Darth Vader trailer-hitch cover, a nod to his alter-ego from the Bush days,” and also a slightly new way of defending his administration’s record of protecting Americans from terrorist attacks. Cheney now tells O’Connor his policies “kept us safe for 7½ years.”

Thinking of starting a Draft Dick Cheney movement, but he's too good at avoiding drafts.- LOLGOP

Revered constitutional scholar Vince Vaughn favors guns in school. Who better to speak on gun safety than an alcoholic with rage issues?- Mrs. Betty Bowers

Be Cool, Vince
Actor Vince Vaughn speaks out for guns in schools.
Gunmen target schools 'because they know there are no guns there'

If 30,000 Americans died of fork injuries every year, I'd say we at least need better fork background checks.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Barney Frank: Dennis Hastert makes Bill Clinton "almost look like a virgin" 

Beau Biden
President Obama on Saturday will deliver a eulogy for Vice President Biden’s son, Beau, who died after a long battle with brain cancer.

2 things a Black person can't do: Get a TV show for having 19 kids and go shopping at Walmart with an AK-47.- Kona Lowell

Canada PO'd At USA For Wanting Information
Canada is whittling down its list of U.S. products that it may hit with steep tariffs in retaliation against contentious meat-labeling laws, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said on Tuesday.

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"Why should I have to press 1 to speak Romulan?"
— Conservatives From Outer Space
- Jeff Tiedrich

Chip, Chip, Chipping Away At Obamacare
The House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday voted to repeal two pieces of ObamaCare.

The committee advanced measures that would repeal the medical device tax and a cost-cutting panel known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). Both bills are scheduled to go to the House floor the week of June 15.

Someone who ignores the Old Testament? Christian! Someone who ignores the New Testament? Conservative Christian! - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Business/Tech News

It's hard to have sympathy for the Koch brothers, but my heart goes out to them that they don't have a better choice of candidates to buy.- Andy Borowitz

What's The Russian Military Industrial Complex Doing?
The Russian company that makes the BUK air defense system that was used to shoot down a Malaysian airliner in east Ukraine said on Tuesday the plane was hit by a missile deployed by Ukraine and not widely used by Russia's military.

Caitlyn Jenner is the most inspiring lgbt person ever to support a political party that doesn't support lgbt persons.- John Fugelsang



Imagine, we were giving cocaine to little children  over a 100 years ago.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Table for two, please?
