Lindsey Graham: 'I am running because the world is falling apart
Lindsey Graham says he is running for president.
While the Republican senator will make his official announcement June 1 in his hometown of Central, South Carolina, he made his intentions clear during an interview on “CBS This Morning” Monday.
Lindsey Graham's jokes are hard to discern from his actual beliefs , which are jokes.- LOLGOP
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
- Islamic State Killed Hundreds Of Civilians Taking Key Iraqi City
- 192 Waco Bikers Face Charges In Shootings That Left 9 Dead
- How One Town Got Caught Up In Obama Military Takeover Paranoia
- Five Videos Conspiracy Theorists Say Are 'Proof' Of A Coming Military Takeover
- Russia unveils bust of Putin as Roman emperor
9 gang members dead in Waco shootout. But don't worry, none were wearing hoodies.- Kona Lowell
Lindsey Graham Would Drone Potential ISIS Recruits In USA
At the Lincoln Day Dinner dinner in Des Moines Saturday night, Senator and probable 2016 candidate Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he would have no problem droning potential ISIS recruits, and was so excited to do so he reckoned he might could skip the whole due process part.
The fear that America will invade and give people health insurance is very real in Texas.- LOLGOP
Republican Shenanigans
- Here are the top 10 times David Letterman made right-wingers look like total idiots
- Comedian John Fugelsang Makes Limbaugh Fans’ Heads Explode With Racist Limbaugh Quotes
- Jeb Bush: A ‘tolerant country’ should allow discrimination based upon ‘religious beliefs’
- Jeb: ‘Traditional Marriage’ Will Rescue Kids Born Into Poverty
- ‘It was not a mistake': Watch Marco Rubio’s friendly Fox chat go down in flames over simple Iraq question
- Failed congressional candidate pleads guilty in plot to massacre Muslims: ‘We will be cruel to them’
- Bob Gates Praises Clinton as Sec. of State: ‘Almost Tougher Than I Was’ on Some Issues
"9 killed in Waco biker gang shootout - where are the white leaders decrying this white-on-white violence?"- John Fugelsang
Racism Is Alive And Well In Bama!
A prominent attorney and former lawmaker in Alabama is receiving death threats after removing confederate flags from city property last week,
Knowing what we know now, Jeb Bush says he also would've ignored intelligence that Osama Bin Laden was planning to attack the US.- Tea Party Cat
Rock The Voter News
- Obama Targets Local Police Militarization With Mil Weapons Ban
- Washington's new odd couple: McConnell and Obama
Donald Trump would never invade a country, unless it's to find a younger wife.- LOLGOP
Karl Rove Is Alive And Kicking
Fox News contributor Karl Rove awkwardly tried to evade his history of failing to disclose his financial and political interests in the 2014 Senate races he repeatedly discussed on Fox News Sunday, calling himself a pundit, "not a journalist."
Business owners have the right to choose whether to serve a gay couple, but women don’t have the right to choose what’s in their uterus. - Tea Party Cat
The Only Upside Of Global Warming Is That Deodorant Manufacturing Will Increase
The combination of global warming and shifting population means that by mid-century, there will be a huge increase in the number of Americans sweating through days that are extremely hot, a new study says.
Bill Clinton has been paid millions to speak. I'm guessing George Bush has been paid millions not to. - Kona Lowell
Business/Tech News
- Goldman cuts crude outlook and oil company forecasts
- Confidence among homebuilders unexpectedly fell in May
- How Conservatives Talk About Poverty In America
- News Corp Charity And Murdoch's Son Gave Money To Clinton Foundation
Amtrak Can Only Be Sued For $200 Million
For the first time, Amtrak could face a $200 million payout to train crash victims — the limit set by Congress. But that may be too low to cover the costs of the eight lives lost and more than 200 people injured in last week's derailment in Philadelphia.
Knowing what they know now, would other networks have followed suit so quickly when George Bush's cousin at Fox News claimed he won Florida?- The Daily Edge
Odd News
- The Long-Lost Stars of TV News: Where Are They Now?
- Why do men exist? Scientific study offers an explanation
- Beaver takes shopping trip inside Alaska hardware store
- 2 sisters adopted separately meet in NYC writing class
- Mitt Romney lasts 2 rounds against Holyfield in boxing match
Time To Deflate Photo
Circus Tree: Six individual sycamore trees were shaped, bent, and braided to form this masterpiece.