Thursday, May 14, 2015

Jeb W. Bush

Jeb Bush: 3 Days, 4 Different Answers About Iraq
--IT ALL STARTED WITH ONE QUESTION posed by Fox News’ Megyn Kelly: “Knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion” of Iraq in 2003? And over the last few days, Jeb Bush, who is not yet an official presidential candidate, has struggled to grab hold of one answer. Here’s a look back:

If Jeb doesn't step it up, other members of the Bush family may get in the race.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Goldilocks Bush:

My dad invaded Iraq too little.

My brother did it too much.

I'll invade Iraq just right! - LOLGOP

Republican Schools Jeb
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said that his fellow Republican, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, gave an "incredibly fumbled answer" when he was asked earlier this week if he would have authorized the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Republican Shenanigans

Want to reduce abortions? 

Universal health care, free birth control and no political abortion restrictions. 

In other words, Canada.- LOLGOP

A Lone Voice In A Sea Of GOP Cuts
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell was visibly angry at House Republicans during an MSNBC interview on Wednesday, nearly cursing on-air about the GOP’s plan to cut $252 million in Amtrak funding hours after a train derailment that killed seven people and injured more than 50 others.

Fox News: We don't vilify the poor! We're jealous of them. Those lazy bastards don't have to work.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

According to Republicans, Black folk citing racial abuse is playing the "race card" but whining about them citing it isn't.- Kona Lowell

Congressmen Surprised Azerbaijan Funded Their Trip To Azerbaijan. What?
Four House lawmakers say they had no idea that a 2013 congressional trip to Azerbaijan (ah-zur-by-JAHN') was paid for by that country's government.

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The government isn't invading Texas or coming for your guns, but it is coming for your uterus. - The Daily Edge

Prison Gone Bad
An inspection of a controversial California prison revealed unsanitary conditions, from a lack of hot water and incorrect storage of raw food to rodent droppings, a state report shows.

Business/Tech News

"This accident would not have occurred" if the train was equipped with technology Amtrak has been asking for -- NTSB

Honey Bee Deaths Increase
To the horror of beekeepers around the country, it appears that the worrisome decline in honeybees is getting even worse. According to the latest annual government study, U.S. beekeepers reported losing 42.1 percent of the total number of colonies managed from April 2014 through April 2015, much higher than the 34.2 percent from the year prior.

House GOP introduces new rail safety bill that gives all Amtrak funding to rich so that safety may trickle down to riders.- Tea Party Cat


The last donation was 8 days ago.


Odd News

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Maligne Lake in Alberta,Canada.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Jeb Bush backs off support of Iraq invasion

Jeb Bush backs off support of Iraq invasion
Republican Jeb Bush said on Tuesday that "mistakes were made" in the Iraq war, moving to disavow a controversial statement he made in support of the 2003 invasion ordered by his brother, then-President George W. Bush.

Jeb Bush: "Knowing what I know today I would have kept my mouth shut yesterday."- The Daily Edge

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Says something that the invasion Iraq is less controversial in the Republican party than the "invasion" of Texas.- LOLGOP

Amtrak Train Crashes, GOP Cuts Amtrak Budget
House Republicans who are pushing to slash $260 million from Amtrak’s budget found themselves in an awkward position Wednesday — voting to defend those cuts even as investigators search for the cause of Tuesday night’s fatal crash in Philadelphia.

Bush Says He Will Harm Nation Differently from His Brother. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Given the choices of Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Huckabee, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio and Scott Walker, why are you crying?- LOLGOP

Republican Rapist, Pedophile and John
Vermont state legislator Norman McAllister has plead not guilty to three felony counts of sexual assault, and three misdemeanor counts of soliciting sex workers. The case against McAllister involves multiple victims, including at least one child. But the Republican state senator maintains that — not only is he not resigning — he has not done a single thing wrong.

Rock The Voter News

Wow. Threatening John McCain?
The founder of the Oath Keepers, a loose-knit group of current and former law enforcement officials and military who pledge to defend the Constitution, called for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to be "hung by the neck until dead" for treason last week as the president of the Arizona Senate looked on.

"Harriet Tubman replacing Jackson on the $20?  But she only slaughtered, like, zero Indians!"- John Fugelsang

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Business/Tech News

Dear Americans,
Good job putting Harriet Tubman on the 20  dollar bill. Next up: putting George Carlin on the 1 dollar bill.
- God

Deal Or Deadlock?
Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Senate are expected on Wednesday to announce a deal paving the way for votes this week and next week on controversial trade legislation, according to a senior Democratic aide.

Don't follow the crowd.  It's crowded. - Yogi Berra



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The pyramids of Giza, Egypt, 1870.


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

George Zimmerman: Have Gun, Will Unravel

Man who shot at George Zimmerman claims self-defense; police seize guns
ORLANDO, Fla. — Police say they have recovered a handgun from George Zimmerman and took two guns from a man accused of shooting at Zimmerman.

FACT:  If you search "George Zimmerman" + "Karma" today your computer explodes.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Conservative nut balls back Netanyahu over our President, cause if Obama won't start WW3, they're gonna find somebody that will.- Tea Pain Tweet

McCain Jokes About Texas Paranoia
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Monday ribbed Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) for asking the State Guard to monitor an upcoming U.S. military training exercise in the Lone Star state, The Dallas Morning News reported.
“I’m sure the people of Texas feel much more secure,” McCain said sarcastically, according to the newspaper.

"Where are the organizations in defense of white men?" asks Fox News host who has apparently never heard of Fox News. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Jeb Bush is having Liz Cheney-type primary experience.- LOLGOP

Ron Paul Blames Lazy Blacks
In an interview earlier this month with Lew Rockwell — flagged today by BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski and Megan Apper — Paul asserted that members of the Congressional Black Caucus oppose military intervention abroad because they’d rather spend funds on food stamps than war.

It's probably a bad sign that the GOP's only minority outreach over the last two years was to George Zimmerman.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Why is Michelle Obama talking about racism. It didn't hold back any of our other First Ladies. - LOLGOP

South Side of Chicago: President Obama's Library Begins
President Barack Obama's future presidential library and museum will open in Chicago's South Side, his wife's childhood home and where he once worked as a law professor, the Barack Obama Foundation announced Tuesday. The library will be hosted by the University of Chicago.

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Knowing what we know now, why is Jeb Bush running for president?- LOLGOP

Take A Picture At Yellowstone And It's Jail For You!
Imagine visiting Yellowstone this summer. You wake up before dawn to take a picture of the sunrise over the mists emanating from Yellowstone hot springs. A thunderhead towers above the rising sun, and the picture turns out beautifully. You submit the photo to a contest sponsored by the National Weather Service. Under a statute signed into law by the Wyoming governor this spring, you have just committed a crime and could face up to one year in prison.

Business/Tech News

You can punch your wife if it's off-camera but don't abuse our balls. - The NFL - John Fugelsang

Real Estate In California
Mike Judge, "King of the Hill" creator, has sold his retreat in Malibu for $4.3 million -- roughly $600,000 less than he paid for it eight years ago.
Built in 1977, the Craftsman-esque house sits on more than an acre of park-like grounds with a swimming pool, a tennis court and a guest house. The 3,696 square feet of living space include living, dining and family rooms, a den, six bedrooms and five bathrooms.

It would be terrible if Jeb Bush had to suffer any inconvenience for the massive misery caused by his brother's presidency.- LOLGOP



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The town  of Rocamadour, France, is a complex of monastic buildings and pilgrimage churches, traditionally dependent on the pilgrimage site and now on the tourist trade, lies near the river on the lowest slopes; it gets its name from Rocamadour, a small goat’s milk cheese.
