Monday, May 11, 2015

Republican presidential hopefuls intensify anti-terrorism message: ‘We will kill you’

Republican presidential hopefuls intensify anti-terrorism message: ‘We will kill you’
Ted Cruz bluntly remarked that a police officer who killed two gunmen who were likely inspired by the Islamic State helped them to “meet their virgins.” Bobby Jindal quipped that gun control means “hitting your target.” Marco Rubio quoted the violent action film “Taken” to describe his plan for defeating radical Islam.

Thank goodness Republicans don't have to deal with the problem of having to deal with a popular ex-president.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Knowing what he knows now, Jeb Bush would have still invaded Iraq, which makes you wonder WTF he knows now.- LOLGOP

Saudi King Slaps Obama With A Velvet Glove
Newly crowned Saudi King Salman has refused an invitation to attend a landmark summit hosted by President Barack Obama, amid angst over US-Iran nuclear negotiations.

People donating to Clinton Foundation to influence Hillary? Sinister!
People donating to SuperPACs to influence Republicans? Freedom!- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

Jeb makes it official. 3 out of 3 Bushes agree that invading Iraq was a good thing.- Kona Lowell

Principal Goes On Racist Rant Then Blames It On The Devil
The graduation ceremony at a private school in Stone Mountain, Georgia sank into disarray after the school’s principal and founder clashed with the audience...

Conservatives are fierce defenders of your right to practice their religion.- LOLGOP

W looks as though he is wearing a yarmulke.

Rock The Voter News

Obama And Elizabeth Warren Disagree
“She’s absolutely wrong,” Barack Obama said, before I could even get the question out of my mouth.
He was talking about Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts senator and populist crusader whom Obama helped elevate to national prominence. Warren generally reserves her more acid critiques for Republicans and Wall Street, but in recent weeks she’s been leading a vocal coalition of leftist groups and lawmakers who oppose the president’s free-trade pact with 12 Asian countries.

Crazy that moms have only been able to vote for less than a century. We should make one president or something.- LOLGOP

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BREAKING: Obama announces military invades Texas as part of Jade Helm exercises, rounding up all Tea Partiers and giving their guns to ISIS.- Tea Party Cat

Business/Tech News

A conservative is someone who believes that regulations can only solve the poor eating and people having uteri.- LOLGOP

Virgin Atlantic Bows To Its Passengers
Virgin Atlantic last week launched its inaugural flight between Los Angeles and London on a 787 Dreamliner. The plane is chock-full of passenger amenities, including windows that dim with the touch of a button, a bar near the upper-class section and a wall of shelves near the middle of the plane that is stocked with free snacks and drinks.
A feature that won’t be found on most other planes is an area in the back of the 787 for shooting selfies.

In the future everything in your house will be connected to the Internet, except the exact device you're trying to use.- LOLGOP



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A sculpture by Bruno Catalan.


Friday, May 8, 2015

Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser

Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
Jeb Bush cited his brother, former President George W. Bush, as one of his main advisers on the Middle East in a private meeting in Manhattan on Tuesday, according to three people who attended the off-the-record event.

Jeb Bush: “I don’t have any foreign policy experience, but don’t worry, my brother George has TONS of experience and gives me great advice.”- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

By the end of the day, Obama will have visited all 50 states. But he's only invaded one. #Texas - LOLGOP

North Korea Targeting South Korea's Navy
North Korea's military warned on Friday of "unannounced targeted strikes" against South Korea's navy, accusing the South of violating its territorial waters off the peninsula's west coast, the scene of deadly naval clashes in the past.

House GOP to hold hearings on new Hamburglar's possible relationship with Hillary Clinton.- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar from the show “19 Kids and Counting” say they are supporting Mike Huckabee for president because he has “common sense.” If there’s anyone who knows about common sense, it’s a family with 19 kids.- Jimmy Fallon

Chris Christie Believes In Climate Change!
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) didn't offer much wiggle room on whether climate change is real —he said it's undeniable.

"I think global warming is real. I don't think that's deniable. And I do think human activity contributes to it," Christie said Thursday in New Hampshire

Tom Brady - b/c it's not just the tea party giving Patriots a bad name.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Pro-lifers who support the death penalty are like vegetarians who eat meat.  - John Fugelsang

Palm Beach GOP Hosting A Muslim Hater
Palm Beach County Republicans are going ahead with their plan to host a speaker to discuss the threat from radical Islamic terrorism, but they're now searching for a new location.

 Click here

If you don't want tax $ helping the sick & poor then it's time to stop saying you want a Gov't based on 'Christian Values,' eh? - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Time to bring back the guys who left us losing 900,000 jobs a month.- LOLGOP

CO2 At Highest Level Recorded
For the first time since record keeping began, carbon dioxide levels have surpassed 400 parts per million (ppm) globally, according to newly published data for March. CO2 emissions are the main driver of climate change and have risen more than 120 ppm since pre-industrial times. The planet has warmed 1.6°F over that period as well.

"Retirement at 65 is ridiculous. When I was 65, I still had pimples." - George Burns, 1896-1996



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The White House tweeted this photo today of Air Force One passing by Mt. Hood.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

More Americans Are Comfortable With A Gay Presidential Candidate Than With An Evangelical One

More Americans Are Comfortable With A Gay Presidential Candidate Than With An Evangelical One
More Americans feel comfortable with a presidential candidate who identifies as gay or lesbian than with one who identifies as an evangelical Christian, according to a new poll.
The latest WSJ/NBC poll listed a series of qualities...

It would be terrible if Republicans had to pay any consequences for spending the last two decades alienating Latinos.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

It is difficult to get a man to understand Obama isn't invading Texas , when he's capable of believing that Obama is invading Texas.- LOLGOP

Obama Throws Netanyahu A Peace Sign
The White House said on Thursday that President Barack Obama looks forward to working with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his new governing coalition.

3% of climate scientists think Obama is invading Texas.- LOLGOP

FYI: If you think government can "fix culture," you don't believe in smaller government.- LOLGOP

Evangelical Christians: Kill All Them Muslims And Let God Sort Them Out
A leading Evangelical magazine is calling for the destruction of Islam. It's not the outlier we might like to think
Recently, Charisma magazine, a major media outlet for evangelical and Pentecostal Christians, published an open call to genocide.

Fox Weather Report: Mostly gloomy with a 60% chance of Apocalypse.- TeaPainUSA Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Jeb also invested  taxpayer money in Enron.
It was all lost.

WTF NEWS: Jeb Bush Invested Florida Taxpayer Money In Porn
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is coming under scrutiny from social conservatives for investing taxpayer money in a company with ties to pornography.
The former Florida governor invested $1.3 million from the state’s pension fund...

Republicans will admit that they were wrong about Obamacare right around the time the Bush tax breaks began to work.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

The same gub'ment that couldn't create an insurance website is about to launch a massive, meticulous invasion of Texas. #JadeHelm15. - TeaPainUSA Tweet

So When Do The Layoffs Begin At The N.S.A.?
 A federal appeals court on Thursday revived a challenge to a controversial National Security Agency program that collected the records of millions of Americans' phone calls, saying the program was not authorized by Congress.

 Click here

#YouMightBeARepublican if you think peace with Iran is more worrying than cops shooting unarmed Americans dead on a daily basis. - The Daily Edge

Business/Tech News

16+ million Americans gained health insurance as we've experienced the best job creation of the century JUST LIKE MITT ROMNEY WARNED US. - LOLGOP

$16 An Hour Minimum Wage
 Emmeryville, a small city in the San Francisco Bay Area, has given initial approval to the nation's highest minimum wage by setting baseline pay at $16 an hour in 2019, with gradual increases leading up to that level.

So wait - the Hamburglar steals McDonald's food products, preventing kids from eating them, and he's a bad guy?- John Fugelsang


I hope you had a good time today!


The Beatles Next To Their Grown Sons

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Tabacon Hot Springs, In Costa Rica.
