Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Clinton: Baltimore shows justice system 'out of balance'

Clinton: Baltimore shows justice system 'out of balance'
Pointing to a wave of violence in Baltimore, Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday that the nation's criminal justice system has gotten "out of balance" and must be restored through steps such as the use of body cameras by every police department in the country.

Hillary Clinton has temporarily changed her campaign logo to rainbow colors in support of marriage equality. Of course, her idea of marriage equality is both of you should get to be president.- Seth Myers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Russians Are Coming...Out Of The Sky
An unmanned Russian spacecraft loaded with supplies for the International Space Station is spinning out of control and may already be plunging toward Earth, according to Russian news reports.

Bruce Jenner declared he is a woman and a Republican. In other words, the GOP finally found someone who might be able to beat Hillary.- Jimmy Fallon

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump is so racist his crucifixes burned themselves.- John Fugelsang

Iowa Racist
On a spring evening in Perry, Iowa, a chorus of kindergarteners were about to take the stage. Adults began the program with introductions, first in English, then in Spanish. During the Spanish remarks, a man from the crowd began shouting, “USA, English only. USA, English only,” disrupting the concert.

If the Supreme Court removes gay marriage as an issue for 2016, Republican candidates will have to start talking about banning electricity and soap.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Bernie Sanders is infinitely more rational and qualified than all of the GOP 2016 candidates combined, which is why the press mocks him.- LOLGOP

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Rand Paul thinks the Baltimore riots are the result of kids growing up without the benefit of a father to gift them a presidential campaign. - LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

We have weird standards. Conservatives blew the surplus then cost us 8 million jobs and politicians aren't ashamed be called conservatives.- LOLGOP

Pope Francis On Salary Gap
Pope Francis on Wednesday made an impassioned plea for an end to the salary gap between men and women, calling it "a scandal" that Christians should decisively reject.

A new study reveals that one-third of babies in the U.S. have used a smartphone. Yeah, and one-third of babies in China have MADE a smartphone.- Conan O'Brien



Odd News

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Phi Phi Island, Thailand.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

MSNBC's Scarborough Invents Algerian Terror Connection To Attack Clinton Foundation

MSNBC's Scarborough Invents Algerian Terror Connection To Attack Clinton Foundation
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough suggested that the State Department under former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton removed Algeria from a list of state sponsors of terror because the nation donated money to the Clinton Foundation, a baseless charge given that Algeria has never been on the State Department's list of terror sponsors

Why o why won’t America believe that this 174th Clinton “scandal” is for sure, a 100% game changer where none of the others ever were? Why?- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Uh Oh. Iran Fires On Commercial Ship
Iran Revolutionary Guard patrol boats fired shots at a commercial cargo ship and then intercepted the vessel, the M/V Maersk Tigris, which was crossing the Strait of Hormuz Tuesday morning, according to a senior U.S. military official.

And once again the American Media explains to us how 'protesters' and 'rioters' are the same people. - John Fugelsang

Baltimore Uproar Continues
National Guardsmen fanned out across the city, police with riot shields blocked streets, and firefighters doused smoldering blazes Tuesday after looting and arson erupted in Baltimore following the funeral of a black man who died in police custody.

Nonviolence is a flop. The only greater flop is violence. -- Joan Baez

Republican Shenanigans

House Republicans Want To Undo Obama's Opening To Cuba
House Republicans are moving to sharply curb the Obama administration's recent moves to ease U.S. restrictions on travel to Cuba.
A provision backed by Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart would block new air flights and cruise ship travel to Cuba.

"We as a country have to do some soul-searching. This is not new. This has been going on for decades." — President Obama on the situation in Baltimore

Same-sex marriage. Iraq. Elect another Bush and we'll be fighting his losing battles well into the 2030s.- LOLGOP

Dumb As A FOXy Lady
Outnumbered guest host Stacey Dash said Monday afternoon that no one would have been beheaded under a George W. Bush presidency.
Dash’s comments were in reference to a report Monday that Bush criticized Obama’s foreign policy, the first time he has been known to done so...

George Bush criticizes Obama on foreign policy, also whines that the mechanic who repaired a car he wrecked left a smudge on the side window. - The Daily Edge

Rock The Voter News

They're talking about putting a woman on the $20 bill. And Hillary said, "I'm available."- David Letterman

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I Like Pope Francis More And More
Pope Francis and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday voiced shock over migrant deaths in the Mediterranean and agreed on the need for tackling global warming, just weeks before the Vatican issues an official opinion on the controversy.

Business/Tech News

You can't stand up for Main St if you're on all fours for Wall St. - John Fugelsang

Fracking Florida
The Florida House passed its own hydraulic oil fracturing bill on Monday, saying it would provide a framework to regulate the burgeoning industry while Democrats fiercely denounced the proposed law, saying it put out the welcome mat for fracking in environmental sensitive areas such as the Big Cypress Preserve.


The Printer Has Landed

In the U.S. when you want to buy a printer, you can order it online or you go to the store, buy it and go home and install it. Ah, here in Costa Rica things are done a bit differently.

Being without a car, my friend Yvonne gave me a ride to Gollo Gollo buy the printer around 12pm. As soon as we entered the store a charming young Tico, who introduced himself as Diego, came over to help. I told him about the printers I saw on their website. He immediately turned around and picked up the model I posted on my website last Friday. He said,  "It is the only one we have but later this week we'll have the other models." I told him that I'd take it! I was in and out of there in under ten minutes.

Yvonne needed some repairs done on her computer. She needed very simple things done that I was capable of, so I offered to take a look at it. She drove us to her condo in Playa Flamingo, which is on the Pacific Ocean nestled in a lagoon.

She has a lovely den where she kept her laptop, it was facing the ocean where I had to suffer looking out the window at this.

We took a break and sat on her front porch sipping on a refreshing glass of orange and carrot juice by Dos Pinos. It was my first time trying that combo and it was delish. We had this view to enjoy. Once the rainy season begins those mountains are a lush green.

I was able to fix 75% of Yvonne's laptop problems. Yvonne said, let's go celebrate and have dinner. We can celebrate your successful printer fundraiser and that I got back my Google Chrome and other programs due to you!

We walked about 25 winding steps up to the restaurant in her condo complex. How convenient. We had a front row table to view the Pacific.

Yvonne suggested the Special of the Day, Mussels in Wine.

By the time I got home it was after six. Next thing I know my girlfriend Yerlin came by to see the printer and brought some wine!

I was asleep by 8pm. I awoke at 1:30am startled. A quake hit in the central valley but I felt and heard the roof joists creak, even though we are on the other side of the country.

No wonder people celebrate simple things here. You never know when the big one will hit.

Thank you, dear viewers for my much needed printer, and the for lovely day shopping for it.


Odd News

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Yangtze River Waterfalls, China.


Monday, April 27, 2015

Ted Cruz: 'Liberal Fascism' Threatens 'Religious Freedom'

Ted Cruz: 'Liberal Fascism' Threatens 'Religious Freedom' 
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Saturday criticized Democrats for attacking religious freedom and alienating...

Canada has Medicare for all, SS marriage & 0 abortion restrictions we don’t need a fence to keep their Christians out. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Revolution will not be televised but a bunch of us are totally gonna live-tweet it.- John Fugelsang

U.S.: Fighting The Bird Flu War
Hundreds of farm workers exposed to a highly pathogenic strain of bird flu have been offered antiviral medication as a preventative measure in recent days, U.S. public health officials said.

For most Republicans, banning same-sex marriage is just another war George W. Bush lost.- LOLGOP

W Says Obama Is Naive. Sounds Like Sour Grapes.
Former President George W. Bush has delivered an unusual attack on President Barack Obama's foreign policy, arguing that Obama has demonstrated naivete and bad judgment.

Republican Shenanigans

Yes, Republicans, the bible says marriage is between and man and a woman. Or in Solomon's case, 700 women, 300 concubines.- Kona Lowell

Give This Man An Exploding Cigar
Rush Limbaugh grossly distorted a new study from Duke University, claiming it shows that "there isn't any [global] warming going on." But one of its authors noted that the study actually confirms humans' role in driving global warming and said that Limbaugh's claim is "ridiculous." 

We don't need a Voting Rights Act. If we just give all the votes to rich people, then democracy will just trickle down to everyone else.- Tea Party Cat

I Guess Hillary Ate This Scandal For Breakfast
Journalist Peter Schweizer set off a firestorm last week with revelations from his forthcoming "Clinton Cash" book, which allegedly exposes ties to the Clinton Foundation's foreign donors and favors granted by the State Department during Hillary Clinton's tenure....There's "no evidence of a quid pro quo," Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Sunday on NBC News. "Republicans need to be careful not to overstate the case."

Let's see if Bruce Jenner stays a Republican once he starts making 77 cents on the dollar.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Maybe Kendall Jenner can go to Nepal so American media will cover the earthquake.- John Fugelsang

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Look, I don’t want to cut Social Security; people paid in, they earned it. All I want to do is just raise the retirement age to 95.- Tea Party Cat

Business/Tech News

“The mass of the rich and the poor are differentiated by their incomes and nothing else,and the average millionaire is only the average dishwasher dressed in a new suit.” - George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London

Retailer To Hire Non-Good-Looking People
Starting Friday, you won't have to be good- looking to work for Abercrombie & Fitch Co. You'll also be able to wear eye-liner, though not necessarily a nose ring.

Watching TSA pat down an old woman in wheelchair cos her leg brace is metal. Somewhere in Hell Satan hi-fives bin Laden.- John Fugelsang


Thank you everyone!
I am going this afternoon to buy a printer. I tried one last time to fix my old printer, nothing, nada, zippo. It is frozen with some lights on as soon as I plug it in..

Goodbye, old friend. You served me well!


I miss Robin Williams.

Odd News

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Lichtenstein Castle is a castle situated on a cliff located near Honau on the Swabian Alb, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Historically, there has been a castle on the site since around 1200.
