Friday, April 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton called to testify to US Congress in May

Clinton called to testify to US Congress in May
The congressional panel investigating the 2012 attacks on a US mission in Benghazi called on former secretary of state Hillary Clinton on Thursday to testify at two public hearings, the first next month.

BREAKING: Senate confirms Loretta Lynch as Attorney General on condition that she spend next two years investigating Hillary for something.- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"Because of all the jumpers, they are thinking of putting steel spikes on top of the fence, which is crazy. The White House fence doesn't already have spikes? Garbage dumps have spikes on the fence. There are abandoned Blockbuster video store fences that have spikes." –Jimmy Kimmel

Iran Warships Turn Back
An Iranian naval convoy suspected of carrying weapons for Shiite rebels in Yemen has turned back, US officials said, as Saudi-led warplanes kept up air strikes on anti-government forces.

See Congress polarize over the past 60 years, in one beautiful chart

Republican Shenanigans

At the White House, they caught another fence jumper earlier today. It was Obama trying to get out.- David Letterman

Arizona Sheriff Says He Wasn't Intentionally Profiling Immigrants
Controversial Arizona lawman Joe Arpaio admitted on Thursday to civil contempt over his office's violation of court orders in a racial profiling case, apologized to the judge and insisted it was not intentional.

Rock The Voter News

"Recently a guy was having trouble with his computer. So he unplugs it, takes it out in the alley, pulls out a gun, and shoots it eight times. Coincidentally, that's how Hillary got rid of her emails." –David Letterman

Swedish Police Show The NYPD A Few Things
Four vacationing Swedish police officers helped out after two homeless men began fighting on a New York City subway – and showed it’s possible to subdue violent suspects without hurting them.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has been positioning himself to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. Hillary once developed a program to deliver rural healthcare, while de Blasio once dropped a groundhog on its head.- Jimmy Fallon

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Switzerland Is The Happiest Country
Since it was first published in 2012, the World Happiness Report demonstrated that well-being and happiness are critical indicators of a nation's economic and social development, and should be a key aim of policy. This year's report looks at the changes in happiness levels in 158 countries, and examines the reasons behind the statistics. 

Business/Tech News

It’s being reported that Google spent over $5 million on lobbying just during the first quarter of this year. You’d think Google wouldn't really need to lobby politicians. All they have to say is, “We have your search history. Do what we tell you.”- Jimmy Fallon

Tax Dollar Funded Lightning Bolts
New Chargers stadium will have a tower that SHOOTS LIGHTNING BOLTS.
The Chargers and Raiders have released plans for the radical new design of their proposed joint arena in Carson.

"A company has come out with a line of medical marijuana dog treats. Finally a medicine that will help my dog lie on the couch all day." –Seth Meyers


Thank you!

My printer just died. It was eight years old, so I got my money's worth but I still need a printer.
One of the local chain stores had this for sale. The price is under $70. Even donating a dollar would help. :)


Odd News

A beautiful 8 minute video on what people can accomplish. Stunning.

Time To Deflate Photo

This little fellow was right off my balcony early this morning. He let me get about three feet from him, then he dropped his cashew fruit and took off.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Rand Paul yanks Ray-Bans after complaint

Rand Paul yanks Ray-Bans after complaint
Ray-Ban has asked Sen. Rand Paul’s presidential campaign to quit selling the brand’s Wayfarer sunglasses, which Paul had imprinted with the “Rand” logo.

The Rand-Ban sunglasses were for sale for $150 on Paul’s website as recently as Tuesday. The website described the product as “the intersection of politics and cool.”

House GOP to delay final Benghazi report till just before 2016 election in effort to remind voters what a pathetic bunch of wankers they are. - The Daily Edge Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Russian Missile Failure
A surface-to-air missile crashed shortly after being launched in northern Russia on Wednesday, Russian news agencies said, in a failed test that will be seen as an embarrassment for the country's military forces.

Sammy Davis Jr. performs for members of the 1st Cavalry Division Long Binh, Vietnam, 1972.

Paid Off Politicians
 Ultra-conservatives Charles and David Koch could spend $300 million on the 2016 US election, as they favor five Republican candidates that align with the billionaire brothers' political philosophy, one of them said.

New Yorkers, each one on average, create 15 pounds of garbage every week. Of course, that goes up if you're disposing of a body.- David Letterman

Republican Shenanigans

It's still early but Reuters may have won funniest headline of the day with "Rubio reaches out to gay Republicans."- John Fugelsang

“If you touch me again, I’ll drop your a--,” Rep. Stephen Knight (R-Calif.) told a group of protesters...

It's Obama's Fault!
The U.S. Secret Service failed to replace a broken alarm system at the Houston home of former President George H.W. Bush for more than a year, according to a government report on the troubled protection agency.

In honor of Earth Day, America must go all out to save a creature that’s on the verge of extinction. I’m talking, of course, about the Republican politician who believes in science. - Bill Maher

Rock The Voter News

Surprising Supreme Court Ruling
The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on Tuesday that the Constitution forbids police from holding a suspect without probable cause, even for fewer than 10 extra minutes.

Writing on behalf of the court, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg declared that the constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure prevent police from extending an otherwise completed traffic stop to allow for a drug-sniffing dog to arrive.

 The Fox News host who said Hillary Clinton ate at Chipotle to appeal to Hispanic voters——must answer me this: where is she supposed to eat? If she goes to Chick-fil-A, they’ll claim she’s flip-flopped on gay marriage; Panda Express, she’s not being tough enough on China;  Dunkin Donuts, sympathizing with violent cops;  Dairy Queen, sounds too much like “welfare queen”; and, thanks to her husband, forget about going to In-n-Out. - Bill Maher

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“The Republicans can’t run on the economy, because it’s the best it’s been since Hillary’s husband was in office. So, they have to run on 'We’re the American Sniper.' ” – Bill Maher

Half Of Fracking Companies Are Closing Or Being Sold. Well, That Escalated Quickly.
Half of the 41 fracking companies operating in the U.S. will be dead or sold by year-end because of slashed spending by oil companies, an executive with Weatherford International Plc said.

Business/Tech News

The Koch brothers are in the oil business, and they’re pledging almost a billion dollars in this election. For that kind of money, Cruz and Bush and the rest of them will say anything. It’s what their fellow prostitutes in the sex industry call “The Girlfriend Experience.”- Bill Maher

Honda Jets?
Honda on Thursday unveiled its first private jet before it hits the market this summer, as the Japanese giant, better known for making cars, targets deep-pocketed business flyers.

 "I intend to live forever, or die trying." ~ Groucho Marx


I would make a lousy politician as I hate to ask for money. But...


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

An orchid choir.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day

Washington State Is So Screwed
California's been getting all the attention, but it isn't the only agriculture-centric western state dealing with brutal drought. Washington, a major producer of wheat and wine grapes and the source of nearly 70 percent of US apples grown for fresh consumption, also endured an usually warm and snow-bereft winter.

Happy Day, Earth. You're hotter than ever.- LOLGOP

This is what we should be fighting for:

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Only 7,395 shopping days till the Rapture, say Republicans #EarthDay - The Daily Edge Tweet

U.S. Supreme Court Made It Easier To Sue The Feds
The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday made it easier for people to sue the federal government by ruling in favor of plaintiffs in two separate cases including one involving a Hong Kong woman who was strip-searched while in immigration detention in Oregon.

America's great at treating corporations as people. Actual people aren't so lucky.  - The Daily Edge Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

When Jesus comes back it'll be hard to hear Him over the sound of certain Christians calling for his head. - John Fugelsang

Obama Is Not (Fill In The Blank)____________________
Fox News’ Kirsten Powers, one of the network’s more liberal voices, is really going after President Obama for staying “largely silent” on the issue of Muslim terrorists slaughtering Christians just because they’re Christians.

Whenever someone like Marco Rubio denies climate change, I like to close my eyes and picture him clinging to a melting chunk of ice in the Arctic Circle.- Andy Borowitz

China to invest $46B to build roads and bridges in Pakistan. GOP to invest $0B in fixing 70,000 unsafe bridges in US. - The Daily Edge Tweet

Rock The Voter News

Another False Claim About Hillary. Yawn.
The Republican National Committee chairman says Hillary Clinton paid women in her Senate office less than men. But annual salary data provided by the Clinton campaign show median salaries for men and women in Clinton’s office were virtually identical.

For a group of people who say they are being "bullied into silence," the Christian Right sure won't shut the f**k up. - Jim David Tweet

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Meanwhile In Costa Rica
Forest fires at Diriá National Park in Costa Rica’s Guanacaste province have already consumed nearly half of the park’s 5,400 hectares (13,000 acres).

Wildfires started on April 5 and smaller fires have since sparked up, sweeping across the dry, hard-to-reach protected area, according to a report from the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC).

Park administrators believe that hunters started the fires.

Business/Tech News

Those like me who don't like to talk to people on planes would pay a premium to sit in "None Of Your Business Class."- Jim David

Fracking Faulted For Oklahoma Quakes, By Oklahoma Scientists
Oklahoma geologists have documented strong links between increased seismic activity in the state and the injection into the ground of wastewater from oil and gas production, a state agency said on Tuesday.

I'd like to publish a photography book of very recently born babies and call it 'Not Cute Yet.'- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Shadows from the solar eclipse are reflected on clouds over the Arctic Ocean in images captured by NASA's Terra satellite on 20 March 2015.
