Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day

Washington State Is So Screwed
California's been getting all the attention, but it isn't the only agriculture-centric western state dealing with brutal drought. Washington, a major producer of wheat and wine grapes and the source of nearly 70 percent of US apples grown for fresh consumption, also endured an usually warm and snow-bereft winter.

Happy Day, Earth. You're hotter than ever.- LOLGOP

This is what we should be fighting for:

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Only 7,395 shopping days till the Rapture, say Republicans #EarthDay - The Daily Edge Tweet

U.S. Supreme Court Made It Easier To Sue The Feds
The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday made it easier for people to sue the federal government by ruling in favor of plaintiffs in two separate cases including one involving a Hong Kong woman who was strip-searched while in immigration detention in Oregon.

America's great at treating corporations as people. Actual people aren't so lucky.  - The Daily Edge Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

When Jesus comes back it'll be hard to hear Him over the sound of certain Christians calling for his head. - John Fugelsang

Obama Is Not (Fill In The Blank)____________________
Fox News’ Kirsten Powers, one of the network’s more liberal voices, is really going after President Obama for staying “largely silent” on the issue of Muslim terrorists slaughtering Christians just because they’re Christians.

Whenever someone like Marco Rubio denies climate change, I like to close my eyes and picture him clinging to a melting chunk of ice in the Arctic Circle.- Andy Borowitz

China to invest $46B to build roads and bridges in Pakistan. GOP to invest $0B in fixing 70,000 unsafe bridges in US. - The Daily Edge Tweet

Rock The Voter News

Another False Claim About Hillary. Yawn.
The Republican National Committee chairman says Hillary Clinton paid women in her Senate office less than men. But annual salary data provided by the Clinton campaign show median salaries for men and women in Clinton’s office were virtually identical.

For a group of people who say they are being "bullied into silence," the Christian Right sure won't shut the f**k up. - Jim David Tweet

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Meanwhile In Costa Rica
Forest fires at DiriĆ” National Park in Costa Rica’s Guanacaste province have already consumed nearly half of the park’s 5,400 hectares (13,000 acres).

Wildfires started on April 5 and smaller fires have since sparked up, sweeping across the dry, hard-to-reach protected area, according to a report from the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC).

Park administrators believe that hunters started the fires.

Business/Tech News

Those like me who don't like to talk to people on planes would pay a premium to sit in "None Of Your Business Class."- Jim David

Fracking Faulted For Oklahoma Quakes, By Oklahoma Scientists
Oklahoma geologists have documented strong links between increased seismic activity in the state and the injection into the ground of wastewater from oil and gas production, a state agency said on Tuesday.

I'd like to publish a photography book of very recently born babies and call it 'Not Cute Yet.'- John Fugelsang



Odd News

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Shadows from the solar eclipse are reflected on clouds over the Arctic Ocean in images captured by NASA's Terra satellite on 20 March 2015.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Republican Motto 2015

Clark Hill, a legal and lobbying firm that manages many of the largest Super PACs in the country, including the Jeb Bush group known as Right to Rise, is accused of engaging in an illegal kickback scheme with one of its clients, according to a recently filed lawsuit.

Obamacare is now more popular than any of the Republican candidates for president.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Obamacare has not cured my compulsion to always include "Hussein" when I say the president's name. - LOLGOP

The Rapture Is Coming! The Rapture Is Coming!
Michele Bachmann says the rapture is coming, thanks to President Barack Obama’s policies on Iran’s nuclear program and marriage equality.

Thou shalt not pass laws prohibiting people from feeding the homeless! What the hell is wrong with you humans??- GoodGodAbove Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

In the Bible God admits to giving humans diseases so they will love and need Him. He's history's best-documented case of Munchausen-by-Proxy. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Lobbyists: GOP's Best Friends
K Street’s largest firms are starting to reap the rewards of the new GOP-controlled Congress, leaving lobbyists bullish about 2015.
Nearly all of two-dozen firms that provided their first-quarter earnings totals to The Hill on Monday — the deadline to report the figures to the House and Senate — saw their revenues increase.

Supreme Court rules 5-4 that per the Citizens United decision, corporations may now buy elections, thus eliminating the need for voters.- Tea Party Cat

Rock The Voter News

Mitch McConnell says he will agree to a vote on AG nominee Loretta Lynch before the end of 2019 if Hillary agrees to only serve one term. - Daily Edge Tweet

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“A study out of Duke University came out this week that said nine percent of Americans have both anger issues and a gun. Yeah, they’re called cops.” – Bill Maher

Business/Tech News

You can take drugs to treat your depression, or you can google ‘Rick Perry eats a corn dog in front of a painting.- John Fugelsang

As California Goes, So Do Most States
With all the attention focused on California’s water woes, an observer might conclude that the Golden State’s drought is the exception. It isn’t. Forty states expect to see water shortages in at least some areas in the next decade, according to a government watchdog agency.

Roman Catholics are the Roman Polanski of faiths.  Mormons are the Victoria's Secret of Faiths.- Mrs. Betty Bowers


Thank you!


Odd News

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The stairway to Butchart Gardens. It is a group of floral display gardens in Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada, located near Victoria on Vancouver Island.


Monday, April 20, 2015

NY Times Reporter Confronts Judith Miller: 'Your Stories Were Wrong'

NY Times Reporter Confronts Judith Miller: 'Your Stories Were Wrong'
Former New York Times reporter Judith Miller appeared on Morning Joe Monday morning to defend her coverage in the run-up to the Iraq War, arguing there was a consensus at the time around the existence of WMDs and that the Grey Lady had made her a scapegoat.

Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial—but Democracy and freedom in a strictly Pickwickian sense. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit. – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, published 1958

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"Muslims abusing Christians in the Middle East? How barbaric!" cried the respectable Christian who cheered for Shock & Awe back in '03.- John Fugelsang

Pilot Has No Regrets
The pilot of a small helicopter arrested last week after flying near the U.S. Capitol said on Monday he had no regrets about his flight aimed at protesting current campaign financing rules and had alerted authorities ahead of time.

A gyrocopter landing on The Capitol lawn to protest a bought-off Congress gets more news coverage than America having a bought-off Congress.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

With so many people on Social Security voting for someone promising to end it, I realize why the aliens haven't landed.- Kona Lowell

Republican Rapist Rights
 Iowa Republican has held up legislation that would prevent convicted rapists from claiming parental rights to children conceived during the assault, dismissing the bill as “feel-good” legislation.

Sen. Claire McCaskill on Sen. Marco Rubio: He "folded like a cheap shotgun" on immigration reform. 

Rock The Voter News

Hey remember when RollingStone helped lie us into war? Oh wait, that was those all those other publications now criticizing RollingStone.- John Fugelsang

Abortion: #1 To GOP
When it came to his plans to back a controversial abortion bill, Sen. Lindsey Graham showed no signs of skittishness before a crowd of conservative activists Thursday:

"I am dying to have this debate" the South Carolina Republican and potential presidential candidate said.

A House version of the proposal – a federal ban on abortions after 20 weeks – became mired in controversy before an embarrassed leadership had to pull it from the floor.

Hillary's answer on her age: "Republicans think I'm too old to be president but not old enough for Social Security." - LOLGOP

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Hillary Clinton is making income inequality a central theme in her campaign. Yeah, for example, today she pointed out that her husband makes $300 million a year. She has to get by on $200 million a year, and that's not fair.- Conan O'Brien

GOP Has Alernative To Obamacare? God Help Us All.
If the U.S. Supreme Court blows up the tax subsidies at the heart of Obamacare in June, Republicans hope to deliver on their promise to offer an alternative healthcare plan.

The Hillary team is driving around in a van. Sometimes people get those gag bumper stickers put on their van. Hillary has one on her van, and it says, "If this van's rockin', I'm deleting emails." - Dave Letterman

Business/Tech News

We can't end poverty in this country! Who would we blame for all our problems?- Kona Lowell

No Municipal Fracking Rights In Texas
The Texas House overwhelmingly approved a bill on Friday that would give the state the exclusive right to regulate the oil and gas industry, and gut the power of municipalities to pass anti-fracking rules.


I hope you had a good time today! Thank you for stopping by.


Odd News

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A red lipped Batfish.
