Friday, April 17, 2015

Gov. Rick Scott sues feds over health care money, Medicaid expansion

Gov. Rick Scott sues feds over health care money, Medicaid expansion
Republican Gov. Rick Scott announced Thursday he will sue the federal government for allegedly coercing Florida to expand Medicaid.

Rick Scott promises all you low-wage sick people of Florida that he'll never stop fighting for govt to serve you less.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Amateur watercolorist who said Iraq would be a cakewalk and tax cuts would create jobs now says his brother would be a good president.- John Fugelsang

Putin Is Pointing Fingers Again
The Kremlin said on Friday the arrival of about 300 U.S. paratroopers in Ukraine to train Kiev's National Guard could destabilize the situation in the east of the country, where pro-Russian separatists are fighting Ukrainian government forces.

"The top 15 contenders for the Republican nomination own at least 40 guns among them. If we elect a Republican president no one is hopping over the White House fence ever again." –Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

"Rand Paul announced he is running for president and bloggers pointed out that his campaign symbol, a small flame, looks nearly identical to the logo for the dating app Tinder. It's appropriate because in either case you have no idea what you're getting into and it probably won't work out." –Seth Meyers

Cruzin' For Cash
Ted Cruz is raising money for his presidential campaign at a significantly faster rate than Mitt Romney did four years ago, eclipsing the early total raised by the former Massachusetts governor who went on to win the Republican nomination in 2012.

Rock The Voter News

Ted Nugent publicly says he'd 'shoot' Harry Reid.  FOX responds by demanding Barack Obama renounce his association w/Rev. Wright.  Again.- John Fugelsang

Democrat Giving Ammo To The GOP
Former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley had some sharp words Thursday evening for Hillary Clinton, who in the first week of her campaign has taken a more liberal stance on same-sex marriage and immigration.

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Thanks, Cliven Bundy & Sean Hannity, for teaching us that 'patriot' means 'armed guy who doesn't like paying for stuff.'- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Being a liberal in America is like going thru life with a violently ignorant conjoined twin.- Kona Lowell

Obama Wants To Pay First Ladies
President Barack Obama used anecdotal evidence of his female-dominated household to connect with women during a town hall Wednesday, adding that "there is clearly not equal pay in the White House."

"Governor Chris Christie says if he's president, he will crack down on the sale of marijuana. However, that was before he was told it also comes in a brownie." – Conan O'Brien


I hope you had a good time today!!


Odd News

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Holy cow! A massive boulder sitting on U.S. 52 in Lawrence County, Ohio, east of the Ashland, Kentucky twin bridges. (Photo: Ohio Dept. of Transportation)

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend..

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Republican Racism: In Your Face Tweet

I clipped this screen image earlier this morning. I could not find any news article about it. But here is the Twitter link

The GOP is just shoving racism in our face. That was was no mistake.

GOP passes bill to make Bible the state book of Tennessee. If signed into law, tattoos and the eating of shellfish to be immediately banned. - The Daily Edge

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Putin Points Finger At USA
Top Russian officials accused the United States on Thursday of seeking political and military dominance in the world and sought to put blame on the West for international security crises, including the conflict in east Ukraine.

I suppose one big difference between Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton is she still supports his immigration bill.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Difference between Barack Obama and Marco Rubio is Obama wants others to have the same opportunities to succeed that he did. Rubio doesn't. - The Daily Edge

Cruz's Father Is Loco
Conservative activist — and Cuban immigrant — Rafael Cruz railed against the very idea of “diversity” in a rally in South Carolina, saying it was part of an effort to divide the country...

Jeb Bush welcomed his fourth grandchild. The new Bush grandchild is happy, healthy, and will be running for president in 2048.- Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

At what point in the Clinton presidency, will the Benghazi committee just become a permanent branch of government?- LOLGOP

Bush/Rubio 2016?
When political handicappers blue-sky about the 2016 GOP presidential ticket, they generally rule out an all-Florida ticket – former Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio. There are constitutional reasons that make it complicated but not impossible. And in some ways, a Bush-Rubio ticket may make sense.

Jeb Bush welcomed his fourth grandchild. The new Bush grandchild is happy, healthy, and will be running for president in 2048.- Conan O'Brien

 Click here

Have we all decided who we're going to vote for president yet? You know you only have 574 days left to figure it out.- Jimmy Kimmel

Business/Tech News

Hillary Clinton announced that she is running. Then she drove from New York to Iowa in a van. You can't be president of the United States unless you agree to eat a corn dog in front of a small group of farmers.- Jimmy Kimmel

In Your Dreams: You Can Trust A GOPer With Your Safety On A Train
Despite a series of train derailments across the country in the past several years, North Dakota’s GOP-led House Appropriations Committee stripped funding from the  budget for a state rail safety program, with one lawmaker saying, “accidents are gonna happen” anyway.


I hope you had a good time today!


Odd News

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Kawachi Fuji Garden, Japan.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Panel unanimously approves Iran bill after surprise White House retreat

Panel unanimously approves Iran bill after surprise White House retreat
Just hours after the White House withdrew its opposition to a bill requiring Congressional oversight on any nuclear deal with Iran, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously approved the legislation, called the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, prompting a victory lap by the bill’s author, committee chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn.

April is 'Confederate History Month,' because what's more patriotic than quitting America cos you wanna keep people as pets.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Iran's President Not Negotiating With U.S. Congress
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani downplayed Wednesday the threat of US congressional action against an eventual nuclear deal, saying Tehran is not negotiating with the lawmakers but with world powers.

Is that a gun in your pocket or you happy to see me? Oh, right, we’re at the NRA convention; it can only be a gun.- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton announces plans to become the top story on Fox News for next 4-8 years.- Tea Party Cat

Conservative Conserving Votes
A Fox News segment with conservative columnist Ann Coulter on Wednesday discussed why the country would be better off if Americans had to pass so-called “literacy tests” similar to ones that were used in the Jim Crow South to suppress black voters.

Campaign 2016- It'll be a big relief for those who've been speaking in coded racism to now be able to speak in open sexism.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

BREAKING: HIllary Clinton announces she's abandoning plans to run for president after being "really impressed with Rand Paul".- Tea Party Cat

Chicago Paying For Bad Cop's Misconduct
The Chicago City Council is expected to approve on Wednesday $5.25 million in settlements in two alleged police misconduct cases: the fatal shooting of a black teenager and a botched manslaughter investigation involving a former mayor's nephew.

Hillary Clinton is now driving from New York to Iowa. It's been called the least-exciting spring break trip in history.- Conan O'Brien

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2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Is Still Gunking Up The Wetlands
In a steamy Louisiana marsh, crickets do their best impersonation of a canary in a coal mine.
Afloat in orange cages on the coastal wetland, the featherless chirpers warn researchers of toxic fumes rising from oil. Oozing oil is a recurring yet elusive problem on the marsh in Barataria Bay, just south of New Orleans. One day, a patch of the wetland is green and lush, the next it’s drenched in thick, noxious goo. It’s a haunting vestige of North America’s largest marine oil disaster: the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill.

Remember that the Civil War was about States Rights, not slavery, even though slavery is gone but States Rights aren't.- Tea Party Cat

Business/Tech News

The Rich Are Getting Richer. They Need A Luxury Mall To Spend Their Money!
 Blackstone Group LP has secured a $600 million loan for a Florida developer turning a once dingy, warehouse district in Miami into a premier luxury retail destination, according to sources familiar with the deal.

New Kansas law requires that poor people sing at least 3 verses of the blues before they can buy milk for their kids with food stamps.- Tea Party Cat

On this day 1947, Jackie Robinson joined the major leagues. For the next decade racists pointed out how good race relations were before him.- LOLGOP



Odd News

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The end of the road.
