Thursday, April 2, 2015

Obama solves Iran Crisis

World powers, Iran reach framework for nuke deal
 After marathon negotiations, the United States, Iran and five other world powers announced a deal Thursday outlining limits on Iran's nuclear program so it cannot lead to atomic weapons, directing negotiators toward a comprehensive agreement within three months.

#ThingsJesusNeverSaid “Does this belted, burlap gown and sandals work with my blue eyes, white skin and blond hair?” - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Weird. The guys who think 16 million Americans gaining health insurance is bad don't think a deal that could lead to peace is good.- LOLGOP

My favorite is when Republicans accuse Obama of peacemongering.- LOLGOP

California Is Trying To Ration Water. 
California Gov. Jerry Brown announced a sweeping executive order Wednesday that imposes mandatory water restrictions across the state as California copes with a historic drought and water shortage

Petraeus leaked secrets to a mistress and got zero jail time but Snowden has to spend the rest of his life in a Moscow airport Cinnabon.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

GOP Fighting Over Legalized Casinos 
A bill to create two casino gambling "destination resorts" in south Florida divided the Republican-controlled statehouse on Thursday, with the expansion of craps, slot machines and high-stakes gaming opposed by family-oriented tourist attractions

The GOP is always looking for a Reagan, but they’re picking from two George W. Bushes.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

# of Conservative groups actually forced to disclose donors & lose tax exempt status by Lois Lerner - Zero.  Still.- John Fugelsang

This Is How Low Conservatives Will Go
Michele Bachmann is now a private citizen, not a House lawmaker or presidential candidate, but she has still managed to find her way into the news with a provocative Facebook post likening President Obama to Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz. "With his Iran deal, Barack Obama is for the 300 million souls of the United States what Andreas Lubitz was for the 150 souls on the German Wings flight—a deranged pilot flying his entire nation into the rocks," 

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Castrate Pimps? A GOPer Suggests
A Nevada assemblywoman proposed "chemical castration or straight-up castration" of "pimps" as a solution for sex trafficking, the Reno Gazette-Journal reported on Tuesday.

A Facebook friend from Costa Rica posted this.

Business/Tech News

A new guide for airport security urges agents to look for whistling, recently shaved beards, and excessive yawning. Which I guess explains why I saw two TSA agents frisking each other.- Seth Myers

Walmart Finds A Way To Pay Lower Wages
Walmart is famous for keeping labor costs down inside its more than 5,000 brick-and-mortar U.S. stores. According to a new report from the AFL-CIO, the world's largest retailer may have found a way to save money on its tech workers in the U.S., too.

Subject: "I can't discuss...

Hi Lisa,

I think I saw this recently on AHNC: Saying I can't discuss climate change because "I'm not a scientist" is like saying I can't discuss Republicans because I'm not an asshole.

Great line!  Funny thing, though: you never hear a Republican say …

“I can’t discuss the economy because I’m not an economist.”

“I can’t discuss war because I’ve never been to war.”

"I can't discuss health care because I'm not a doctor."

“I can’t discuss food stamps because I’ve never been on food stamps.”

“I can’t discuss abortion because I’m not a woman.”

“I can’t discuss gay rights because I’m straight.”

But nooobody can venture an opinion on climate change.  Maybe they should try this line: “I can’t discuss bribery because I’ve never taken money from big corpor … oh wait.”

I’m waiting for Scott Walker to say, “I can’t discuss evolution because I never evolved.”  That will be one of those great days when a politician accidently tells the truth.

I'd like to see them all complete this sentence: "I can't discuss intelligence because ..."

Best wishes as always,

Haha, Rick! May I complete the sentence?  "I can't discuss intelligence because Obama and Freedumb!"


President Obama and his wife are going to Kenya. Donald Trump said, "While you're there, pick up your birth certificate."- David Letterman



Odd News

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Glider selfie. Just beautiful!


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Indiana Pizzeria Says It Will Deny Service to LGBT People

Indiana Pizzeria Says It Will Deny Service to LGBT People
Catering pizza to your wedding guests might sound unconventional, but it does happen. Oh, does it happen.
But if you're gay and in Indiana, don't call Memories Pizzeria in Walkerton: They won't help you make your wedding memories. The owners of the family-run business say it will refuse to serve slices to gay or lesbian weddings, joining a chorus of those who cite opposition to marriage equality in support of their state's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Scariest words in the English language: I'm George Bush's son and I have ideas on how to improve the economy. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

A lot of people were angry at the way Netanyahu won this election. They said it was racist that he said, at the last minute, 'Arab voters are coming out in droves to the polls.' And, I guess that is racist in the strictest sense, he’s bringing race into the equation. But, first of all, like Reagan didn’t win races with racism? Or Nixon? Or Bush? Like, they didn’t play the race card?” – Bill Maher

Republican Governor In Arkansas Won'T Sign Religious Freedom Act. No This Is Not An April Fool's Joke.
Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) said on Wednesday he would not yet sign a controversial religious freedom act into law, requesting that the state legislature make changes to the bill in the wake of criticism that the legislation could be used to facilitate discrimination against LGBT citizens and other groups.

Easter. An annual reminder that you can't keep a good Social Justice Warrior down.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Jeb Bush wants you to know he totally supports Mike Pence's antigay bill that Pence now says needs to be fixed.- John Fugelsang

The Anti-Choice Bullies Are Back
Once again, Arizona finds itself on the frontier of anti-abortion legislation: Late Monday, it became the first state to pass a law requiring doctors who perform drug-induced abortions to tell women that the procedure may be reversible, an assertion that most doctors say is wrong.

"Americans now say they’d be willing to saddle a female president with blame for everything from a stagnant economy to interminable wars in the Middle East."- The Onion

Rock The Voter News

“40% of homicides go unsolved. You know, it’s not a very good record. And, also, 95% of convictions in America come from plea bargaining, which is often coerced. It’s like we have the worst of both worlds. We don’t convict the guilty enough, and we coerce the innocent too much.” – Bill Maher

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Big Gay is so powerful that it only took them 239 years to get the some of the same rights as straight people in some of the states.- Tea Party Cat

Charged with same crime, Iowa paper shows black suspects’ mug shots but whites get yearbook pics
 Iowa newspaper is accused of pro-white bias after it handled the same alleged crime between two different sets of suspects in radically different ways.

Business/Tech News

Google has received a patent for air bags and bumpers for the outside of a car to protect pedestrians. The material has a similar consistency to the memory foam they make beds and pillows out of. So in the future, getting run over is going to be a lot more comfortable.- Jimmy Kimmel

Kansas Is Going To Raise Taxes Because They Lowered Taxes
 Kansas collected $11 million less in taxes than expected this month, and top Republican legislators acknowledged Tuesday that they'll be forced to consider larger tax increases than anticipated to balance the state budget.

“I can’t stay mad at Pope Frank. I just can’t. It’s a funny situation that I like the pope and Mel Gibson doesn’t.” – Bill Maher


I can dream, can't I?


Odd News

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Terry W. Virts ‏@AstroTerry Tweeted from Outer Space:
Looking down into the eye - by far the widest one I’ve seen.  It seemed like a black hole from a Sci-Fi movie #Maysak . Photo taken 5:30am on 4-1-2015


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Indiana Backtracks On Religious Freedom Law

Mike Pence: 'Was I expecting this kind of backlash? Heavens no.'
Gov. Mike Pence pledged Tuesday to "fix" Indiana's controversial religious freedom law to clarify that it does not allow discrimination against gays and lesbians.

The fact that Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz are supporting Indiana's anti-gay law shows that the Republicans are serious about losing the 2016 election.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Hillary Should Just Get A Room At The U.S. House Of Representatives
A U.S. House panel is seeking an interview with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over her use of private email and a personal computer server while at the State Department, the committee said in a letter to her lawyer released on Tuesday.

Crazy idea here, Indiana GOP. How about a law that protect people who actually suffer discrimination?- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Yee Haw. Texas One Ups Indiana!
A Texas mother said a store clerk scolded her after she let her 5-year-old daughter try on a boys suit for Easter.
Jennifer Giordano said she went Saturday with her “tomboy” daughter Maddie to Denison’s art walk, and the pair stopped into Martha’s Miniatures to shop for a holiday outfit, reported KTEN-TV.

The same people who mock trigger warnings and safe spaces live in constant fear of gay cakes.- LOLGOP

"Under God" Insertion Origin
The words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and the phrase "In God we trust" on the back of a dollar bill haven't been there as long as most Americans might think. Those references were inserted in the 1950s during the Eisenhower administration, the same decade that the National Prayer Breakfast was launched

This Hillary Clinton scandal has to do with emails. All I get are emails for Canadian Viagra. - David Letterman

Governor Chris Christie defended his stance against legalizing marijuana, saying that any tax revenue generated from pot sales would be blood money. Then businessmen in New Jersey said, "Yeah, and we can't have that sort of thing here in New Jersey."- Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

GOP Delusional Truth Twisting. Wow.
A top Republican in the House says praise on her Facebook page for ObamaCare is mainly for parts of the law that have bipartisan support.
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers's (R-Wash.) Facebook page has received enormous attention, after her plea for negative stories about the law drew comments from people applauding the law.

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The ex-governor of Maryland, Martin O'Malley, said the presidency of the United States is not some crown to be passed between two families. Jeb Bush said that's true. It should really just belong to one family.- Conan O'Brien

Business/Tech News

Ever notice how the ppl who complain that the poor rip us off for millions don't mind when the rich rip us off for billions? - John Fugelsang

Scantily clad booth babes at tech trade shows get wardrobe check
RSA Conference follows other associations in writing new dress codes for its exhibitors.
And that means no more tube tops, minidresses or bodysuits for women -- or men -- staffing their booths.

Another Media Merger
Cablevision, the parent company of New York’s Newsday daily newspaper, is considering making a $1 offer for the New York Daily News.



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Venice, Italy.
