Monday, March 30, 2015

Indiana backlash: Opposition to anti-gay law grows

Indiana backlash: Opposition to anti-gay law grows
Add Angie's List to the roster of companies and business interests taking a stand against Indiana's new anti-gay law.
CEO Bill Oesterle announced Saturday that the company had put its proposed campus expansion project in Indianapolis "on hold" following the passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Being gay is not a sin.  If you think it is take it up with the manufacturer.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Obama desperate for peace deal, say guys desperate for a war larger than Iraq and Afghanistan combined.- LOLGOP

National Security Agency Has Security That Worked!
A shooting reportedly left one dead at National Security Agency headquarters on Monday morning after a driver of a vehicle apparently tried to ram through an entrance gate there.

Silly gay people think they can pay for stuff like they're people.- LOLGOP

It's going to be funny when the same state passes both a "religious freedom" law and a sharia law ban. - Josh Greenman

Republican Shenanigans

When a retired union worker living on a pension and SS says he hates Democrats and loves Ted Cruz, do not facepalm yourself unconscious.- Kona Lowell

Indiana Anti-Gay Bill Backlash
In a classic case of “unintended consequences,” the recently signed Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in Indiana may have opened the door for the establishment of the First Church of Cannabis in the Hoosier State.

I can't discuss climate change because "I'm not a scientist" is like saying I can't discuss Republicans because I'm not an asshole.- Kona Lowell

Rock The Voter News

Florida is considering legalizing silencers so you can stand your ground without all the hoopla.-

Effects Of The Bush War Tax Cuts
The U.S. economy has recovered the 8.7 million jobs lost during the Great Recession and its unemployment rate is now the lowest it's been in almost six years. But David Cay Johnston, a Pulitzer prize-winning reporter, author and visiting lecturer at Syracuse University's law school and business school, says the economy would be a lot stronger if not for the Bush tax cuts.

Yeah, the president will meet with Pope Francis at the White House in September. The two will meet for about an hour or so, and then the Pope will spend the rest of the day hearing confessions from Secret Service agents.- Jimmy Fallon


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The Antichrist came to my party this weekend and turned all the wine into water.   Hate that guy.- John Fugelsang

The 2nd Amendment gives the right to bear arms and be a total dick about it.- Tea Party Cat



Just kidding.

New Daily Show Host Chosen
It’s official: Comedy Central has announced that Trevor Noah will succeed Jon Stewart as the next host of “The Daily Show.”

Business/Tech News

Mike Pence should be grateful there isn’t a law prohibiting ‘serving fake Christian bigots’. - John Fugelsang

Americans Are Pinching Their Pennies
Consumer spending is often called an engine of the United States economy. That engine may be about to blow a gasket. Consumers are sitting on their wallets.

FL woman shot her washer /w an AR-15. Seeing she meant business, the dryer surrendered her other sock. -



Odd News

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Short-eared Owl, Búho/ Lechuzón Campestre, or Mocho-dos-banhados (Asio flammeus) by Fabio Rage:


Friday, March 27, 2015

Senate passes Republican budget with deep safety net cuts

Senate passes Republican budget with deep safety net cuts
The Senate passed a Republican-authored budget plan early on Friday that seeks $5.1 trillion in domestic spending cuts over 10 years while boosting military funding.
The 52-46 vote on the non-binding budget resolution put Congress on a path to complete its first full budget in six years. It came at the end of a marathon 18-hour session that saw approval of dozens of amendments ranging from Iran sanctions to carbon emissions and immigration policies.

Looking for the guys who say America is a Christian nation? They're gutting food aid to the poor to fund tax-free inheritances for the rich.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Mike Pence should be glad Indiana businesses can't refuse service to bigoted and revoltingly fake Christians.- John Fugelsang

Europe Tightening Cockpit Rules
Europe's aviation safety agency will recommend Friday that airlines across the continent always have two people in the cockpit of a flying aircraft, according to Scandinavian authorities.

Republicans want to eliminate any taxes the kids of the richest .01% pay on inheritances because that's how much they care about deficits.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

After years of bashing Obamacare, tea party candidate Ted Cruz just signed up for it. And next week he plans to get gay married at Planned Parenthood.- Conan O'Brien

Magical Abortion Reversal In Arizona!
Doctors in Arizona might soon be required to tell women that abortions can be "reversed." As the Washington Post reports, the Arizona legislature just passed a bill that is the latest in state-based attempts to ban women from using their own health insurance to pay for abortion. What makes this bill especially Orwellian is this attempt to force doctors to put the stamp of medical authority on the fantastical belief that women en masse are regretting their abortions hours after getting them and are miraculously getting them reversed through heroic interventions by Christian doctors. 

Cruz Supporters Go Crazy On Republican Critic
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) said Friday that supporters of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) had inundated his office with "vulgar, rabid and adolescent-type phone calls" ever since he criticized the presidential candidate earlier this week, the Washington Post reported.

Rock The Voter News

Indiana Anti-Gay Religious Freedumb Bill
Indiana Governor Mike Pence on Thursday signed into law a controversial religious freedom bill that could allow businesses and individuals to deny services to gays, in a move that prompted protests from some business leaders.

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, and it's those who watch Fox News.- Kona Lowell

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Mercedes Pick-Up Truck? For Rich Rednecks?
The German luxury brand says that it plans to enter the market by 2017 and that its first pick-up will take styling cues from its SUV range and comfort cues from its existing executive sedans

This current bumper crop of candidates thrives on fleecing believers with the promise of a Conservative Christian Garden of Eden. Act now. Space is limited. - Tina Dupuy

Business/Tech News

Kraft Foods and Heinz will merge to create the fifth largest food and beverage company in the world. The merger will combine brands like Kraft Mac & Cheese, Heinz ketchup, Oscar Mayer wieners, and Philadelphia cream cheese. Or as stoners put it, "Already did that, bro.”- Jimmy Fallon

Shovel Ready Jobs Still In Limbo
It was another clear reminder of just how far apart the two parties are on any number of issues – including how to finance infrastructure spending.
Senate Republicans defeated a Democratic amendment to the proposed 2016 budget on Tuesday. It was aimed at kick-starting negotiations between the White House and Congress over a new multi-year program for funding highway, bridge and other infrastructure projects.



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Mammatus clouds.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Jeb Bush prepared to be third Bush to use military in Iraq

Jeb Bush prepared to be third Bush to use military in Iraq
If Jeb Bush does run to be 45, he says he is prepared to be the third Bush to employ American military power in Iraq...

In a sane world, the exact guys who led us into Iraq would be held to a one-war minimum.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Well, yes, military/drone intervention in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Yemen didn’t work, but going to war with Iran can’t fail!- Tea Party Cat

The Real Death Panel
The U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority on Wednesday signaled hostility toward the Obama administration’s refusal to consider costs before regulating emissions of mercury and other hazardous pollutants mainly from coal-fired power plants.

"Obama was willing to trade 1 deserter for 5 terrorists!" said the guy who was willing to trade 4486 dead soldiers for 1 dead Saddam.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Looking forward to Rand Paul's libertarian approach to bombing Iran.- LOLGOP

Screaming To Impress His Favorite Lobbyists
A bombastic Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) unloaded on the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission during a congressional hearing Wednesday on net neutrality.
“You’re playing God with the Internet!” Gohmert shouted during testimony by FCC chair Tom Wheeler.

Ted Cruz is the first official candidate for the 2016 presidential election. As history has shown, the first declared candidate always goes on to win the election — except in 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, 1996, 1992, 1988, 1984, 1980, 1976, 1972, 1968, 1964, 1960, 1956 . . . - David Letterman

Rock The Voter News

President Obama admitted that he doesn't get enough sleep. But doctors said he should find little tricks to doze off, like counting intruders jumping over the White House fence.- Jimmy Fallon

The Pope Will Visit Obama
Pope Francis will visit U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House on Sept. 23, the White House said today in a statement on the meeting, scheduled as part of the pontiff's first visit to the United States.

Five years later, Republicans just can't accept that Obamacare is working because they've never seen a Republican idea work before.- LOLGOP

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We can't let the terminally ill ruin their lives by getting hooked on marijuana.- Kona Lowell

Business/Tech News

Ted Cruz: "I traded classic rock for country because of 9/11. And I traded my belief in science because the Kochs gave me a bagful of cash"- The Daily Edge

Norway Changes Rules After Germanwings Plane Crash
Budget airline Norwegian Air said on Thursday it had changed procedures to have two people in the cockpit at all times during a flight after the Germanwings plane crash in the French Alps.

We can't let the terminally ill ruin their lives by getting hooked on marijuana.- Kona Lowell


Someone Has To Watch The Right Wing


Odd News

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A male kangaroo, I would address as sir.
