Thursday, March 26, 2015

Jeb Bush prepared to be third Bush to use military in Iraq

Jeb Bush prepared to be third Bush to use military in Iraq
If Jeb Bush does run to be 45, he says he is prepared to be the third Bush to employ American military power in Iraq...

In a sane world, the exact guys who led us into Iraq would be held to a one-war minimum.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Well, yes, military/drone intervention in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Yemen didn’t work, but going to war with Iran can’t fail!- Tea Party Cat

The Real Death Panel
The U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority on Wednesday signaled hostility toward the Obama administration’s refusal to consider costs before regulating emissions of mercury and other hazardous pollutants mainly from coal-fired power plants.

"Obama was willing to trade 1 deserter for 5 terrorists!" said the guy who was willing to trade 4486 dead soldiers for 1 dead Saddam.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Looking forward to Rand Paul's libertarian approach to bombing Iran.- LOLGOP

Screaming To Impress His Favorite Lobbyists
A bombastic Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) unloaded on the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission during a congressional hearing Wednesday on net neutrality.
“You’re playing God with the Internet!” Gohmert shouted during testimony by FCC chair Tom Wheeler.

Ted Cruz is the first official candidate for the 2016 presidential election. As history has shown, the first declared candidate always goes on to win the election — except in 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, 1996, 1992, 1988, 1984, 1980, 1976, 1972, 1968, 1964, 1960, 1956 . . . - David Letterman

Rock The Voter News

President Obama admitted that he doesn't get enough sleep. But doctors said he should find little tricks to doze off, like counting intruders jumping over the White House fence.- Jimmy Fallon

The Pope Will Visit Obama
Pope Francis will visit U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House on Sept. 23, the White House said today in a statement on the meeting, scheduled as part of the pontiff's first visit to the United States.

Five years later, Republicans just can't accept that Obamacare is working because they've never seen a Republican idea work before.- LOLGOP

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We can't let the terminally ill ruin their lives by getting hooked on marijuana.- Kona Lowell

Business/Tech News

Ted Cruz: "I traded classic rock for country because of 9/11. And I traded my belief in science because the Kochs gave me a bagful of cash"- The Daily Edge

Norway Changes Rules After Germanwings Plane Crash
Budget airline Norwegian Air said on Thursday it had changed procedures to have two people in the cockpit at all times during a flight after the Germanwings plane crash in the French Alps.

We can't let the terminally ill ruin their lives by getting hooked on marijuana.- Kona Lowell


Someone Has To Watch The Right Wing


Odd News

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A male kangaroo, I would address as sir.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ben Carson calls Obama a 'psychopath'

Ben Carson calls Obama a 'psychopath'
Ben Carson says President Barack Obama is a psychopath.
His comment came in an exchange between the neurosurgeon who's likely to mount a bid for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination and his chief adviser, Armstrong Williams, captured by a GQ reporter on the night of this year's State of the Union address.

President Signs Order Making Ted Cruz Ineligible for Obamacare. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

“Everybody wants to see Ted Cruz’s birth certificate.  Not me; I’ll take his word for it: he was born in Canada to a Cuban father and an American mother.  Now let’s see his mother’s birth certificate.”- Rick Wise

Sen. Rubio Puts In His Worthless Two Cents
Some of President Obama's top political operatives were sent to Israel leading up to last week's elections in an attempt to defeat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said Tuesday.

Ted Cruz could be president of the United States. If you thought the Secret Service was drinking before . . . - David Letterman

Iran To Hit US Soldiers?
As negotiations on a possible nuclear deal approach a March 31 deadline, U.S. officials are increasingly alarmed about Iran’s expanding military presence in Iraq — and the threat it may pose to American soldiers in the country.

Subject: Reinstate the draft 

Hi Lisa,

I have not seen anything close to the present situation in my lifetime.  The Iran letter could have been serious; thankfully, Rouhani saw through it and did not take it seriously.  So now it just looks foolish, as do its author and the other signers.  That letter will be a career-changer for Tom Cotton, I think.

Netanyhu?  He’s as craven and untrustworthy as they come.  Somebody should have brought in busloads of Arabs to vote against him.  Netanyahu is living proof that Israel’s main export is chutzpah.

Now Israel is saying it would never spy on the United States and try to subvert peace talks between the P5+1 and Iran.  My response: Bullshit.  I think that’s Obama’s response, too.

Netanyahu and our GOP want war with Iran, plain and simple.  If they get their way, I think Congress needs to take three actions:

  • ·         Declare war – we need a formal Declaration of War, no more executive-approved                       conflicts under the War Powers Act. 
  • ·         Pay for the war – we need a separate war budget funded by highly progressive tax                     surcharges.
  • ·         Reinstate the draft – we need to get the whole country involved in the war, including                 some of our precious fraternity boys who seem to have nothing better to do.  I say that as           a Vietnam-era draftee (who joined the Navy).

Then we’ll see just how much the country backs the idea of another preemptive war in the Middle East, when Middle America has to actually foot the bill and send its sons and daughters to do the fighting.

If Israel is facing an existential crisis, it was created by Netanyahu with the help of the American GOP.  I hope that at some point Israelis and Americans can see through what’s going on.

More later,

Thanks for writing Rick. The GOP and Netanyahu want to bring upon the Apocalyse, and rapture to heaven. No wonder our founding fathers were so intent on separation of church and state. Now we know what it is like to be governed by loonies.

Ted Cruz released a presidential campaign video in Spanish. Cruz explained, "It's important for me to reach out to the people I'm trying to deport."- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Christian Taliban Versus Planned Parenthood
A Texas woman admitted to police this week that she threw a Molotov cocktail-type device at a Planned Parenthood clinic in South Austin.

According to a new poll, exactly 50 percent of Americans view President Obama's presidency as a success. While the other half of Americans are actually candidates for the Republican presidential nomination. - Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

Probably my worst quality is that I get very passionate about what I think is right. ~ Hillary Clinton

Obama Takes A Few Smirking Swipes
President Barack Obama ribbed Republican efforts to undermine Obamacare and their failure to offer a serious alternative on Wednesday from the White House.
"I mean we have been promised a lot of things these past five years that didn't turn out to be the case —death panels, doom, a serious alternative from Republicans in Congress," Obama said, smirking during a speech highlighting the fifth anniversary of his signature healthcare law. "The budget they introduced last week would literally double the number of uninsured in America."

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That awkward moment when Ted Cruz is forced to switch to Obamacare and then is not killed by the Death Panels.- Tea Party Cat

Business/Tech News

What's funny about Jeb Bush trying to distance himself from George W. Bush is that George W. Bush would be leading the GOP primary by 60%.- LOLGOP

Bye Bye Democracy, Hello Oligarchy
A new study from Princeton spells bad news for American democracy—namely, that it no longer exists.
Asking "[w]ho really rules?" researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page argue that over the past few decades America's political system has slowly transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where wealthy elites wield most power.

A new article states that millennials have terrible conversational skills. When asked for comment, millennials texted a series of crying frowny faces. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

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Grand Canyon Sunrise.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

US accuses Israel of spying on Iran nuclear talks

US accuses Israel of spying on Iran nuclear talks
Israel denies Wall Street Journal reports that it shared confidential information from talks with members of the US Congress in attempt to derail any deal

I'm confused, is it Obama or Bibi I am supposed to be beholden to? Or better yet, ask Boehner that question.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

#GOP Hates AG Holder. Holder stays in office until nominee confirmed. GOP stalls on Lynch Confirmation. GOP Cuts off nose to spite genitals. - @Bluesaloon  Tweet

Israel Denies Spying On US
 Israeli officials on Tuesday denied a report that the country spied on the United States' handling of sensitive negotiations over Iran's nuclear program, moving to contain a new crisis that threatened to deepen a widening rift between the two allies.

"I promise that I will not leave the US any worse off than my brother did in 2008." - Eric Elder /Rightarida

You can't kiss on the campus of Liberty University, which is cool because they don't teach the students what "liberty" actually means.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Sure, Republicans don't have a replacement for Obamacare, but they do promise to pray for you when you can't afford your cancer treatment.- Tea Party Cat

Cruz Tweets Candidacy
The 2016 presidential campaign has its first official candidate. Republican Ted Cruz jumped into the race for the presidency, announcing his intentions in a tweet at 12:09 am EDT Monday morning.

"Religious Discrimination" bills is more accurate than "Religious Freedom" bills. But I'll compromise: "Religious Freedom to Discriminate."- LOLGOP

Democrats And Republicans Finally Come Together: Say NO To Obama
A veto-proof, bipartisan majority of House lawmakers have signed an open letter to President Barack Obama warning him that any nuclear deal with Iran will effectively require congressional approval for implementation.

Rock The Voter News

George Zimmerman Is Just Asking For It, Isn't He?
George Zimmerman in a recent interview accused President Barack Obama of a “dereliction of duty” by using “racially charged comments” to divide the public against him during his murder trial.

There are gangbang porn stars who have not exposed themselves as much as George Zimmerman.- John Fugelsang

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Miley Cyrus, Ted Cruz and the Kardashians all just called George Zimmerman an Attention Whore.- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Only at a "Christian" university can one expect to hear 1000's of young people cheering for millions losing health insurance.- Kona Lowell

Lookee At What The Russian Military Industrial Complex Is Doing
With the U.S. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter still in limbo over reliability problems, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s administration on Monday said it would begin regular production of its newest fighter jet, the T-50, next year.
According to state-run media, the Russian military will begin mass-producing the advanced fighter jet in several versions, and will also begin making models that will be available for export

Bacon Wrapped French Fries.  Because you don't want to kill yourself all at once.- John Fugelsang


Someone Has To Find Things To Laugh At!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

On the Edge, Mount Blanc, France. This is not the time you would want to hear, AVALANCHE!!!!
