Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hillary's Email "Scandal"

To someone who has watched many “scandals” that were expected to ruin Hillary Rodham Clinton evaporate into the Washington mist — even after a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist predicted she would end up in prison! – the current furor over her email habits hardly seems earth shaking.

If only the case for the Iraq War were treated with as much skepticism as the Clinton emails.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

We're going to need a Bush to solve our not-enough-U.S.-troops-in-Iraq & too-many-people-with-health-insurance problems.- LOLGOP

Iran Responds To Netanyahu
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday said Israel creates the "greatest danger" in the region, after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned against a nuclear deal with the Islamic republic.

Your media will cover Petraeus avoiding jail time for giving CIA secrets to a mistress after some scandalous outrage over Hillary's emails.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Alabamy Says NO To Gay Marriage, But You Can Marry Your Cousin!
The Alabama Supreme Court has made itself an outlier in the judicial march legalizing same-sex marriages in the United States, drawing rebukes from gay rights advocates and evoking comparisons to Alabama's defiance of federal authorities during the civil rights movement.

The guys who live in fear of the postman coming for their guns can't imagine that a police department could be biased against black people.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

It's 2015 and the only place we don't have cameras is where we actually need them -- in the Supreme Court.- LOLGOP

Back To Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly's false claim that he witnessed the brutal 1980 murders of four American women in El Salvador -- and his excuse, after his lie was exposed, that he meant he saw photos of their bodies -- is drawing harsh criticism from journalists who covered the story and lawyers who worked with the nuns' families to bring justice in the case.

Actually, seeing ads on facebook for something I just looked at on Amazon is a bit closer to 'creepy' than 'convenient.' - John Fugelsang

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In Ferguson, people live in genuine fear of government but conservatives are worried about real tyranny like people getting health insurance. - LOLGOP

Pentagon To Focus On Hack-Proofing Weapons
 Cyber attacks on U.S. weapons programs and manufacturers are a "pervasive" problem that requires greater attention, the top U.S. arms buyer said Thursday, saying that he would add cybersecurity to the Pentagon's guidelines for buying weapons.

Business/Tech News

In 1992, then-Veep Dan Quayle said being gay is a choice. No wonder the GOP doesn't believe in evolution.- Tina Dupuy

Words Do Have An Effect
The biggest exchange-traded fund tracking Russian stocks dropped the most in a week after President Barack Obama said the U.S. will extend some sanctions linked to the Ukraine conflict and as oil prices declined.

Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Now you're a mile away and you have their shoes. Life is good. - Jeff Tiedrich Tweet



Odd News

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Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. See, winter can be beautiful!


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Americans Rally Around The President As Obama Approval Jumps 5 Points Thanks To Netanyahu

Americans Rally Around The President As Obama Approval Jumps 5 Points Thanks To Netanyahu
Since Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu arrived in the U.S., President Obama’s approval rating has increased by 5 points in the Gallup poll.

"If you take out Saddam…I guarantee it will have enormous, positive reverberations on the region" - that other #BibiSpeech to Congress, 2002. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Ralph Kramden actually threatened to send Alice to the moon fewer times than Netanyahu has said Iran was about to get nuclear weapons. - LOLGOP

Meanwhile, Back In Paris There Are Drones Everywhere
Paris police on Wednesday said the public had reported around a dozen drone sightings over sensitive areas of the French capital -- the latest in a baffling series of overflights.

That awkward moment when Republicans question the President's patriotism and then outsource US foreign policy to Benjamin Netanyahu.- Tea Party Cat

How Far The Mighty Have Fallen
 Former CIA Director David Petraeus has agreed to plead guilty to mishandling classified information, with the retired four-star general admitting to giving eight "black books" full of such data to a military mistress who was writing his biography.

We have unlimited funds for war with Iran, say Republicans, but can't afford to fix that shaky bridge your kid's school bus uses each day.- The Daily Edge Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

RNC chairman Reince Priebus criticized Joe Biden, saying that he can't control his mouth. That's kind of like someone trying to say the name "Reince Priebus," which sounds like a drunk person trying to say "rented Prius."- Jimmy Fallon

Conservatives Say The Poor Don't Deserve Tax Subsidies For Health Insurance
 The U.S. Supreme Court will consider on Wednesday a second major legal attack on President Barack Obama's healthcare law, with conservative challengers taking aim at a pivotal part of the statute that authorizes tax subsidies to help people afford insurance.

REPORT: Jeb Bush's campaign considering going with the slogan "Better at Email."- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Ferguson Police Still Mum On Internal Investigation
Seven months after one of its white officers fatally shot an unarmed black 18-year-old, the Ferguson, Missouri Police Department’s own findings of what transpired remain under wraps.

BREAKING: Netanyahu rejects Newsmax proposal to be photographed shirtless on a horse. - The Daily Edge Tweet

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Who Knew Hillary Was A Tech Head?
 The computer server that transmitted and received Hillary Clinton's official emails when she was secretary of state traced back to an residential Internet service registered to her family's home in Chappaqua, New York.

Internet records reviewed by The Associated Press disclosed the service registered to the Clinton home.

Business/Tech News

The latest ranking of the world's richest billionaires came out this morning. Bill Gates came in first with $79.2 billion. I feel bad for him. Can you imagine having that much money and you still don't have an iPhone 6?- Seth Myers

Meanwhile, Back In Egypt
Bulldozers push earth and dredgers spit mud round the clock at Egypt's Suez Canal in a race to quickly expand the strategic waterway for two-way traffic, a project trumpeted by President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi to revive both the country's damaged economy and visions of nationalist glory.

Taco Bell is testing a new product called “Cap’n Crunch Delights,” which are balls of sweet dough, covered in crushed Cap’n Crunch cereal, and filled with a “milk icing” — you know, Mexican food.- Seth Myers



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Breathtaking Pamukkale Thermal Pools,Turkey.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Netanyahu warns Congress: Deal will lead to Iranian nuclear bomb

Netanyahu warns Congress: Deal will lead to Iranian nuclear bomb
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Tuesday that a proposed agreement between world powers and Iran was "a bad deal" that would not stop Tehran from getting nuclear weapons -- but would rather pave its way to getting lots of them and leave the Jewish State in grave peril.

We conservatives swooned over Netanyahu. Until we realized we now have to go back to our mealy-mouthed candidates for 2016!- Mrs. Betty Bowers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Charlie Daniels is right. The South's gonna do it again. Because one biblically-proportioned ass-kicking just wasn't enough. - Kona Lowell

The exact same guys who said we needed a war with Iraq now said we need one with Iran. At least they have the courtesy to use a new Bush.- LOLGOP

Snowden Must Be Getting Homesick
 Edward Snowden, the fugitive whistleblower who has been given refuge in Russia, is willing to return to the United States if he is given a fair trial, his lawyer said Tuesday.

Republican Shenanigans

The pressure to lose more wars than your brother must be especially intense for Jeb Bush.- LOLGOP

We live in a world where a few bad Yelp reviews can ruin your business but 8 years of losing wars makes you a foreign policy expert.- LOLGOP

Bent Boehner?
House Speaker John Boehner is expected to move soon -- as early as Tuesday -- to bring up the clean bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security for a vote on the House floor, according to two House GOP sources familiar with leadership discussions.

#CPAC, where conservative Christians come once a year to embarrass Jesus.- Kona Lowell

Hillary Used Private Deviously Named Email While Secretary of State
During her four years as secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton did not use a State Department email account, opting instead to conduct official business through a personal email account that wasn't then and is not now under the government's control.

Rock The Voter News

Presidential Aspirations?
Former Maryland Governor and possible Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley said on Tuesday he will not seek the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by retiring Senator Barbara Mikulski.

That awkward moment when Republicans question the President's patriotism and then outsource US foreign policy to Benjamin Netanyahu.- Tea Party Cat

 Click here for The Charmed Time

I Wonder If There Are Shadows Of Coffins On Dubya's Portrait
Nelson Shanks, who painted a portrait of former President Bill Clinton in 2006, revealed in an interview published Sunday that there's more to the image than meets the eye, including a reference to the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

"The reality is he's probably the most famous liar of all time," Shanks told the Philadelphia Daily News....

"If you take out Saddam…I guarantee it will have enormous, positive reverberations on the region" - that other #BibiSpeech to Congress, 2002 - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

The GOP wants to repeat every single mistake that led to the Iraq War and the Great Recession. So don't be angry about it or anything.- LOLGOP

Deadly Bacteria Infects Monkeys
How a potentially deadly strain of bacteria escaped from a primate research lab infecting four monkeys is a mystery, government officials said, but they added the incident poses no threat to the public.

If the Pope's against birth control because God commands us to be fruitful and multiply then why's the Pope celibate?- John Fugelsang



Odd News

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The Blue Grotto in Malta.
