Monday, March 2, 2015

Snowball's Chance In Hell

...Inhofe tried to make the case that global warming is fake because it is currently very cold. This is not even true. (It is unusually cold in the Eastern United States, but the planet on the whole is having an unusually warm year.) 

I always prefer scientists over politicians when it comes to science. But that's just me.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The GOP will worship a leader of a government with universal healthcare and government-funded abortions if he wants to bomb Iran hard enough. - LOLGOP

ISIS Threatens Twitter?
Twitter Inc and U.S. authorities are investigating alleged threats made by Islamic State militants against the social media network's co-founder and other employees, according to media reports.

The last time Netanyahu meddled in American politics like this we got President Romney.- LOLGOP

U.S. Jews Disagree With Netanyahu
Strong Jewish support for an Iran nuclear deal was a surprise finding of a poll of American Jews who voted Tuesday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned against any deal that leaves Iran with an enrichment program

I wonder if a bunch of people who still think Saddam was building nukes will be upset to find out Bill O'Reilly lied about another thing.- LOLGOP

Venezuela Says NO To Bush, Cheney & Other GOPers
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced a new mandatory visa requirement for all Americans visiting the country. The leader also called to review and downsize the number of US embassy staff in Caracas....He added that former US President George W. Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and Republican Congress members Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Robert Menendez, and Marco Rubio will be denied visas into the country, labeling Bush and Cheney as “terrorists.”

Republican Shenanigans

'There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning.' - Warren Buffett

Undoing Obamacare
Republican fears are mounting over a Supreme Court case that the party has long hailed as its best chance to undo ObamaCare.

The Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday on a GOP-backed case that threatens to erase healthcare subsidies for 8 million people. The vast stakes are raising alarm among Republicans, particularly in the Senate, who increasingly fear a backlash at the polls if their party can’t find a fix.

...and we thank thee, Lord, for the comedic gift of hate-driven Twitter trolls who spell 'Moron' with an 'a.'- John Fugelsang

The difference between your guns and health insurance is someone is actually coming for your health insurance. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Marijuana is officially legal in our nation’s capital. Or as President Obama put it, “Clear some space, Michelle. Barry's getting his OWN garden!”- Jimmy Fallon

“It’s like Palm Springs without the riff-raff.” —Robert Mitchum, describing the L.A. county prison farm where he served two months for marijuana possession in 1949.

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Same-sex marriage bans went out of fashion quicker than Chris Christie.- LOLGOP

Hillary Clinton is receiving criticism after telling a crowd to “unlock their full potential,” because that line is commonly used by another possible candidate, Carly Fiorina. People said, “You can’t just steal someone’s slogan like that!” And Hillary said, “Yes we can!”- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

Net Neutrality is Big Government Overreach. When Jesus wrote the Constitution, he never intended the government to regulate the internet.- Tea Party Cat

Mainstream Media Ignoring Biggest Trade Agreement Ever!
Adding to the chorus of protest over President Obama’s push for a controversial new trade pact with Asia, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) sounded off on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and accused mainstream media of not covering what could be one of the biggest trade agreements in history.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lake Pehoe, Patagonia, Chile.


Friday, February 27, 2015

Republicans prepare to pass Homeland Security funding

Republicans prepare to pass Homeland Security funding
Hours from a partial agency shutdown, Congress is moving to approve a short-term funding bill for the Homeland Security Department that leaves intact Obama administration immigration policies Republicans vowed to repeal.

The GOP is trying to destroy this country from within. My old moniker for the GOP: Slow motion coup d'etat, is more relevant than ever. :(

UPDATE: GOP didn't pass a bill funding homeland security. They are so useless.

I'm at #CPAC2015 where participants are listening to Republicans tell Obama teleprompter jokes, using teleprompters.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

“When the conservatives go to run for president, you can’t have people disagreeing with 97% of the world’s scientists, relentlessly, and then claim you want to participate in the most powerful country in the world.” –Bill Nye

Yep. Global Warming Is Worse Than We Thought.
From the ground in this extreme northern part of Antarctica, spectacularly white and blinding ice seems to extend forever. What can't be seen is the battle raging underfoot to re-shape Earth.
Water is eating away at the Antarctic ice, melting it where it hits the oceans. 

John Boehner Tells Press To Kiss Off With Kissy Noises!
The Department of Homeland Security is headed for a shutdown tomorrow night unless Congress acts to fund it. Republicans in the Senate and the House can't seem to get on the same page as to the right strategy to solve the problem. It's deja vu all over again for a Republican congressional leadership...

Republican Shenanigans

O'Reilly's Pants Pulled Down. Again.
Former colleagues of Bill O’Reilly, the Fox News host whose tales of past reporting exploits are facing renewed scrutiny, have disputed his account of surviving a bombardment of bricks and rocks while covering the 1992 riots in Los Angeles.

 If Google auto-complete really reflects popular questions previous users have asked…and when you type, “Is the moon…” it adds, “real…” Then I give up, because that means the most frequent question people ask Google about the moon is, “Is it real?”  Also, if people have really asked, “Is the moon hollow? Is the moon a spaceship? And, is the moon a hologram? Then President Rick Perry, it’s all yours.   Just…Just take over. - Bill Maher

Right Out Of Central Casting
William Temple has a schtick. He goes to conservative events as as Button Gwinnett, a Georgia man who signed the Declaration of Independence. He carries a Gasden flag. (It's been signed by politicians including Ted Cruz and Michele Bachmann.)

“We should at least be honest with our kids and tell them the truth about drug laws in this country: Kids, if you’re going to experiment, make absolutely certain that, beforehand, your parents are white and well-connected.” – Bill Maher

Rock The Voter News

Do, you know that Jeb’s father, the first President Bush, was the last president who didn’t smoke pot? You can see the progression from Clinton copping to it but still needing to say he didn’t inhale, to George W. Bush, not denying it, just saying he wouldn’t answer, to Obama, who said, “Yeah, I smoked weed. I smoked a lot of it, and I looked cool doing it.”  

But, don’t all these guys – Clinton, Jeb, W., Obama – don’t they all owe a debt to the 40,000 unlucky Americans currently in jail for the exact same crime?  - Bill Maher

Sarah Palin Throws Herself & GOP Hopefuls Under The Bus. Why?
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) suggested — perhaps unwittingly — on Thursday that neither she nor any Republican weighing a 2016 presidential campaign is eligible for the position.

People joke about Hilary Clinton's age but she's still younger than the 85yr old Herbert Hoover ideas she'll be running against. - John Fugelsang

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“What is behind Giuliana’s comments? Racism. You’re not allowed to say this. We now live in a society where it’s worse to call someone a racist than to be one.” – Fran Lebowitz

Business/Tech News

“Ben Stein last year during the campaign when it was heating up at the end, said, 
Obama is the most racist president we’ve ever had.'  And I thought, even more than the eleven who actually owned slaves?!” – Bill Maher

Head Transplants?
It's a fascinating concept. You have an otherwise perfectly healthy head on a body that no longer functions. You have, also, an otherwise perfectly healthy donor body. What if you could take the head from its non-functioning body and transplant it onto the healthy body?

"I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office.'' --President George W. Bush


Seriously, if it wasn't for AHNC viewers, I'd starve! 


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Florida at night. The Everglades wetland is almost light pollution free. Photo/NASA Expedition 41

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend for everyone around the world.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

This Is What Republican Control Of Congress Looks Like

This Is What Republican Control Of Congress Looks Like
For John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, the honeymoon is over.
The 114th Congress was supposed to be a Golden Era for the Republicans to flex their muscle in the twilight of Barack Obama's presidency with their largest congressional majority in generations.

Poll: Americans Divided Over What Wild Animal They Would Like To See Congress Mauled By. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Congress' Approval Rating No Longer Detectable by Current Technology. - Andy Borowitz

Bill O'Reilly Lied About Nuns?
For the second time in as many days, Media Matters for America on Wednesday released a report detailing "an apparent fabrication" by O'Reilly.
The latest round of scrutiny is over a claim by O'Reilly that he witnessed the murder of nuns in El Salvador.

Bill O'Reilly fans agree- a lie isn't a lie if it makes you feel good.- John Fugelsang

My favorite story in the Bible is when Jesus fed 5,000 by passing out bootstraps and telling them to get a job.- LOLGOP

Meanwhile, Back In Gaza
The rebuilding of homes, schools and hospitals in Gaza could take more than a century to complete unless an Israeli blockade restricting imports of construction materials into the Gaza Strip is lifted...

Conservatism. The civil rights movement for people who already have all the rights.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans Unlearning Facts Learned in Third Grade to Compete in Primary. - Andy Borowitz

Trump For Prez!!! Yawn.
Businessman Donald Trump is ramping up efforts for a 2016 presidential run, adding to a growing pool of potential Republican candidates, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

Why is John Boehner's job security more important than our nation's homeland security?- Frank Sharry Tweet

Rock The Voter News

Dems. VOTE!
President Barack Obama urged Americans frustrated with the lack of progress on immigration reform to voice their discontent at the ballot box, lamenting the dismal turnout in last November's midterm elections.

We'll build a pipe for Canada's oil if we get Canada's universal health care, same-sex marriage & zero reproductive restrictions.- LOLGOP

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Poll: Americans Favor Legalizing Pot and Criminalizing Congress- Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

A new CBS News poll shows Chris Christie is ranked ninth out of all Republican presidential candidates. He's just behind Bobby Jindal and just ahead of a gun wearing a cowboy hat.- Seth Myers

Google Invests In Solar Projects
 SolarCity Corp on Thursday said it created a $750 million fund to finance about 25,000 residential solar projects, with Google Inc investing nearly half the funding.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Birling Gap, East Sussex, England. I don't think this is suitable for cliff diving.
