Wednesday, February 18, 2015

More Measles Reported In U.S.

More measles cases tied to Disneyland, Illinois day care
The number of U.S. measles cases this year has risen to 141, with most of the new illnesses tied to outbreaks at Disneyland in California and an Illinois day care center.

Twenty new cases were added Tuesday to the tally by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 10 in California from the Disneyland outbreak, 8 from the suburban Chicago outbreak at a day care center, and two unrelated cases in Nevada.

"Rand Paul and Chris Christie both said vaccinations should be a choice, not a government mandate. Because when have Republicans ever told people what they could do with their own bodies?" –Bill Maher

The Department of Homeland Security runs out of funds in 11 days, but at least Republicans aren't letting it cut short their 15-day vacation. - Tea Party Cat

Whitey Wannabe Disses Black Prez
Conservative activist and convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza on Wednesday raised the bar for his incomprehensible Twitter feed, tweeting a photo of President Obama with the message, "YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO."

BREAKING: No plagues of homosexuals falling from the sky since gay marriage allowed in Alabama.- Tea Party Cat

GOP Still Messing With Iran: From Iran/Contra to GOP/Israel 
 Mistrust between the Obama administration and Benjamin Netanyahu has widened even further in recent days because of U.S. suspicion that the Israeli prime minister has authorized leaks of details about the U.S. nuclear talks with Iran.

Goldilocks Bush:

My dad invaded Iraq too little.

My brother did it too much.

I'll invade Iraq just right! - LOLGOP

Republican Bra Holster Tragedy
Law enforcement officials in Michigan said that they learned this week that an elected Republican official who had recently shot herself to death had been adjusting her bra holster when the accident occurred.

A recent poll shows that New Jersey residents feel Hillary Clinton has the "right look" to be president, while Chris Christie does not. Then today, Christie was spotted at JCPenney, trying on pantsuits.- Seth Myers

From Imaginary Birth Certificates To Imaginary Hand Signals
President Barack Obama has moved beyond the “terrorist fist jab” with another hand gesture that conservatives believe proves he is, in fact, a Muslim.

Writing for The American Thinker website, the blogger and Islamophobic author F.W. Burleigh closely examines a photograph of Obama taken in August during a meeting with African dignitaries.

"Is President Obama a Muslim?  A lot has been written about this."

--American Thinker (not the best-named outfit) - Zandar Tweet


This should be me, to keep me from using my left arm. Habits are hard to break.


Time To Deflate Photo

Don't try this at home.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

White House to appeal ruling blocking Obama's immigrant protections

White House to appeal ruling blocking Obama's immigrant protections
The Obama administration on Tuesday said it would appeal a move by a federal judge in Texas that temporarily stopped the president’s executive actions on immigration, an anticipated judicial roadblock that was greeted with partisan reactions.

Obama Signs Executive Order Removing Texas from Nation. - Andy Borowitz

BREAKING: House GOP passes bill removing Presidents Day as a national holiday because Obama. - Tea Party Cat

Our Founding Fathers Had It Right: SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE
Roy Moore, the conservative chief justice of Alabama’s Supreme Court, said Sunday that if the U.S. Supreme Court decides that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, he would defy the ruling because it would alter God’s “organic law.”

P.T. Barnum Said There Was A Sucker Born Every Minute
New report says conservative chumps sent $50 million to right-wing ‘scam’ groups like SarahPAC

New poll finds Republicans will be blamed if Republicans shut down the Department of Homeland Security.- LOLGOP

Mississippi lawmaker says calling blacks violent and lazy isn’t racist, it’s just ‘a way of talking’

GOP hates activist judges -- except when they deport grandmas or take insurance from diabetics or baptize corporations with ultrasound wands. - LOLGOP

NSA Versus Russia?
Russia-based security firm Kaspersky on Monday released a report about a mysterious and sophisticated malware distributor, dubbed Equation group, which might be linked to the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA).

I told facebook my concerns about lack of privacy and they said they already knew how I felt about it.- John Fugelsang

President Hillary Clinton & The Stock Market
President Bill Clinton brought Wall Street arguably its best bull market ever. There's historical precedent to believe Hillary -- or any Democrat in the White House -- could deliver even more good times to investors.

Getting old is really getting old. I somehow injured my upper left arm and am typing with my right hand, so today's edition is a bit short.


Time To Deflate Photo

I think this was one of the funniest movies I had ever seen, SOME LIKE IT HOT, with Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis. I wish there were more movies like that today instead of all the flash and bang movies.


Monday, February 16, 2015

Boehner ready to let funding lapse for Homeland Security agency

Boehner ready to let funding lapse for Homeland Security agency
John Boehner, the Republican House of Representatives speaker, said he is willing to let funding for the Department of Homeland Security lapse as part of a Republican push to roll back President Barack Obama's executive actions on immigration.

"Those who fail to learn from history are huge supporters of my presidential campaign." 
- Jeb Bush

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Weird. Jeb Bush doesn't want to discuss the wars his brother lost.- LOLGOP

Happy President's Day, President Carter.

Costa Rica Reacts To Anti-Vaxxers Results
Costa Rica’s Ministry of Health is calling for measles vaccination of children who will be traveling to the United States as a result of the recent measles outbreak in that country.

Money and ratings dominate the media. I'll believe 'the left' dominates when an anti-war rally gets coverage.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

JohnFugelsang: Happy Black History Month - or, if you're Rush Limbaugh, Happy Rich White Guys are the Real Victims Month.

"No, you can't deny women their basic rights and pretend it's about your religious freedom." - President Barack Obama

Boehner & BiBi
"Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace on Sunday quizzed House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on his decision to invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak before Congress.
Boehner invited Netanyahu without consulting the White House, leading numerous congressional Democrats to boycott the speech

George Soros is a foreign-born billionaire using his $ to influence American politics, say fans of Rupert Murdoch's FOX News.- John Fugelsang

"Times have changed since I first sat at this desk. For example I used to be the only pretty blonde woman to read the fake news. Now there’s an entire network devoted to that." - Jane Curtin on SNL's 40th Anniversary Show

Rock The Voter News

Commercial Drones
The Federal Aviation Administration released Sunday its long-awaited proposal for governing small commercial drones, setting a plan for remote-controlled aircraft to share the skies with passenger planes.

Maybe I'm a dreamer, but I wish mental health care were as easy to get as, say, a gun.- Andy Borowitz

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Irony: Brian Williams is still too honest for Fox News.- Republican God

Oily CEO Says No To Fracking Water Tower (Near His Casa)
Exxon Mobil's CEO has joined a lawsuit to stop construction of a water tower near his home that would be used in the fracking process to drill for oil.

Business/Tech News

WTF? Cyber Attack But Unknown Amount Of Money Stolen
A leading security company says it has uncovered an "unprecedented" cyber-attack on up to 100 banks, which could result in $1bn (£648m) of losses.

But security experts are split over the severity of the alleged breaches, and on how much cash was stolen.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Rawa Island located in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
