Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I just couldn't post today. I'm not feeling well. I probably caught something from the anti-vaxxers. lol

I hope to be back online asap.

(click the graphic for a larger version)

See! Proof that organic food causes autism!

Peace and good health to all.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cruz: Parents With 'Religious Convictions' Should Get A Pass On Vaccines

Cruz: Parents With 'Religious Convictions' Should Get A Pass On Vaccines
Cruz said that there is "widespread agreement" that children should be vaccinated, but he added that states should be in charge of deciding whether vaccines are mandatory, according to Politico. He also said that states should consider exceptions for those with "good faith, religious convictions."

If either Rand Paul or Chris Christie are elected President, Jenny McCarthy has a good shot at becoming Surgeon General.- Ray Coniff Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

I'm happy Republicans are embarrassed about their candidates' anti-vaxxer junk. That's how your kids will feel about your climate denial.- LOLGOP

2009: Rand Paul Predicts Martial Law Over Vaccines
Video of an interview surfaced on Tuesday in which Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told the conspiracy theory website in 2009 that mandatory vaccinations could lead to "martial law" in America.

Costa Rica also fully believes in vaccinations.

Republicans mad at Democrats because two of their 2016 frontrunners spouted anti-vaccination junk. Sorry, party of personal responsibility!- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” - Ernest Hemingway

First No Vaccines And Now No Hand Washing
Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) argued this week that restaurants should be able to “opt out” of health department regulations that require employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom.

I thought that Chris Christie's remark was the most damaging thing being done to science right now, and then I remembered that Ted Cruz is overseeing NASA.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

So we're all at risk of getting diseases that could have been eradicated from the planet because conservatives don't like Obama.- Media Matters

Not All Republicans Have Lost Their Minds
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) reportedly described himself as a "big fan of vaccinations" on Tuesday, noting that he had been struck by polio.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

When the aliens arrive I refuse to be the guy who has to explain the behavior of humans on Happy Groundhog Day.- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

If opposing vaccinations made money for big oil, Fox News would have a daily show explaining how measles is good for your complexion.- LOLGOP

Croatia: How They Treat Their Poor Citizens
Imagine meeting a fairy godmother that made all your debt disappear. (Bippity boppity boop!)
This fairy-tale scenario is set to become a reality for about 60,000 low-income Croatians who have been struggling to pay their bills.

If any of these politicians actually believed in a free market we'd all be too busy buying cheap Canadian drugs.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Somewhere in Switzerland. I want to go there, with a parachute in case I slip and tumble over the guard rails.


Monday, February 2, 2015

Chris Christie's Long Dance with Anti-Vaxxers

Chris Christie's Long Dance with Anti-Vaxxers
Six years ago, the governor-to-be told vaccine critics that he would stand with them.
In 2009, as he was on the way to winning his first term as governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie took the time to answer a question from the vaccine-skeptic group Life Health Choices. In a letter, pulled today by reporter Olivia Nuzzi, Christie assured vaccine critics that he had heard them.

I think it's very impressive that between closing bridges and shouting at teachers Chris Christie has somehow found the time to become an expert in the science of vaccinations.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

@JebBush Shouldn't you wait for the wars your brother lost to be over before you run for president?- LOLGOP

What A Saudi Prince Does For Sport
Pakistani authorities are finalising arrangements for a Saudi prince to visit its southwestern desert region to hunt the Houbara bustard, a bird supposedly protected by law, officials said Monday.

I wonder if Christie's GOP competitors will take the bold stand that we shouldn't spread infectious diseases needlessly.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Christie and Paul are just going to end up splitting the batsh*t vote.- Tina Dupuy

Liars & Their Damn Lies
Last week, a new, peer-reviewed paper from scientists at Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute was published in the journal Nature Geoscience. The paper is important: for the first time, it shows that scientists can use incredibly old permafrost to find out what temperatures were like in Siberia thousands of years ago. By using this permafrost, the scientists found that temperatures in Siberia have been gradually rising for the past 7,000 years.
Enter the climate denier media. After the findings were published...

I get why flirting with vaccine denialism is political suicide. I don't get why embracing climate denialism doesn't.- Michael Grunwald Tweet

Rock The Voter News

Republicans coming out as pro-Measles pretty much proves the theory Obama could starve Republicans by advocating food consumption.- LOLGOP

Big Dog Nails GOP
Bill Clinton recently weighed in on the current situation with the government standoff on ABC’s show “This Week”.
Bill told the host “I’ve never seen a time– can you remember a time in your lifetime when a major political party was just sitting around, begging for America to fail?”

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Watching McCain push Lindsey Graham for president is a reminder that even the guy who picked Sarah Palin can try to outdo his worst mistake.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Oscars are where we celebrate film by talking about clothes and Superbowls are where we celebrate football by talking about commercials.- John Fugelsang

Millions Of Gallons Of BP OIL On The Bottom Of The Gulf Of Mexico
 When BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on April 20, 2010, it spewed 200 million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico before it was finally capped after 87 days.

Is it just me, or are Patriots fans acting a little over-inflated today?- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Raggiana Bird of Paradise.
