Friday, January 30, 2015

Rope A Pope

EPA administrator at Vatican ahead of encyclical
 The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency met Friday with Vatican officials who helped draft Pope Francis' upcoming encyclical on ecology, evidence that the Obama administration is seeking to hitch its climate-change message onto that of the popular pope.

"Pope Francis said he will not judge priests who are gay. In response, gay priests said they will not judge Pope Francis for wearing that robe with those shoes." –Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Obama And The New House Of Saud
US President Barack Obama led a heavyweight delegation to Saudi Arabia Tuesday to meet new King Salman and discussed the two countries' ongoing fight against the Islamic State group.

Mitt Romney tells supporters he still loves America, but still not quite enough to pay taxes here. - Richard Hine Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

"President Obama is focused now on cyber security. He's pushing for new laws to protect companies from hackers. And who better to do that than the people who brought us the Obamacare website? Not only couldn't hackers get in, no one could penetrate it." –Jimmy Kimmel­

The Pope Is Being Christian Again!
Starting in mid-February, Rome’s homeless will be able to get free shaves and haircuts every Monday at the Vatican.
Volunteer barbers who usually have that day off will provide the services. The program will rely heavily on donated razors, scissors, and other equipment, much of which has already been given to the Holy See.

I felt a disturbance in the force -as if millions of old Mitt Romney jokes cried that they couldn't live again, then suddenly silence.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

"The IRS suggests filing early to reduce the chance that someone will steal your identity and file before you. Honestly, if somebody wants my identity so badly they'll file my tax return for me, go crazy. You can mow my lawn while you're at it, too." –Jimmy Kimmel

Slip Sliding Away
A Florida prosecutor announced on Friday he will not pursue charges against former neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman stemming from a domestic incident earlier this month after the alleged victim recanted.

Mitt Romney: "Much like Jimmy Carter, I will dedicate myself to eradicating poverty. In my case by building 'Car Elevators for Humanity'"- The Daily Edge Tweet

Science Deniers Won't Like This
Gene research is getting a boost on both sides of the Atlantic, with scientists in England set to launch a project on Feb. 2 to analyze 100,000 entire human genomes and U.S. President Barack Obama backing a big new DNA data drive.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Keystone XL is like Canada sharing their cable service w/China but running the actual cable through your apartment and you pay if it breaks.- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Dartmouth College bans hard liquor: Can booze limits improve student safety?
Dartmouth College, a school with a notoriously rowdy and widespread Greek culture, is taking action to curb misconduct on the Hanover, N.H., campus by banning hard liquor.

If Mitt doesn't run, I want to thank him in advance for weeks of blowing foul wind on Jeb's candidacy.- LOLGOP

Low Gas Prices = Job Layoffs
Profits for companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 index are expected to grow at one of the lowest rates in years, just 1.4 percent. The culprit: Energy companies that suffered as oil prices plunged.

If you want to go to the Super Bowl in Phoenix, it will cost you a lot of money, double what they were last year. The average asking price is around $6,000 per ticket. Do people not know the game is on television this year?- Jimmy Kimmel



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I don't know where this is, but I want to be there!


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Cuban president wants Guantanamo Bay back

Cuban president wants Guantanamo Bay back
Cuban President Raul Castro demanded on Wednesday that the United States return the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay, lift the half-century trade embargo on Cuba and compensate his country for damages before the two nations re-establish normal relations.

Intelligence reports reveal the Sarah Palin Channel used as torture device at Guantanamo. 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"I was thinking of making a Muslim porn site: Sharia Raw." - Geoff Nineman Tweet

Cuban Political Prisoners Group Speaks Up
 A local Cuban political prisoners group is set to gather along with other exile organizations just one day after Cuba’s leader Raul Castro had some major demands for the U.S. in order to normalize relations.

REMINDER: George W. Bush gave his “axis of evil” speech 13 years ago today.

Republican Shenanigans

America Likes Obamacare: Take Note GOP
Americans want Congress to fix a potential Obamacare gap by a remarkable 64-27 percent margin if the Supreme Court invalidates subsidies in three dozen states, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

Now that Ted Cruz is running the NASA committee they've reopened the Challenger investigation and determined it was, in fact, Obama's fault.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Clinton And Romney To Lunch Together 
Former Republican nominee Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann are set to have lunch beside Chelsea Clinton and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, Friday at an event that could be awkward given some unkind words Romney had about Clinton's mother, Hillary, at an event this week.

Michelle Obama didn't wear a headscarf in Saudi Arabia and now people in Saudi Arabia know she has hair. HAIR!!! - Tea Party Cat

 Click here for The Charmed Time

President Obama is in the Middle East. He met the new king of Saudi Arabia. Obama also met Saudi Arabia's first lady, the second lady, third lady, and fourth lady.- Conan O'Brien

Click on the map to enlarge

Business/Tech News

The Koch Brothers literally have $41 billion each and think the minimum wage is too damn high.- John Fugelsang

Today's GOP. Because why regulate dirty fossil fuels when Jesus will be back soon anyway?- The Daily Edge Tweet

GOP To Neuter The EPA
Even when Democrats controlled the Senate, Republicans found ways to put limits on the Environmental Protection Agency.

As the Center for Public Integrity reported last week, Republicans used the appropriations process to make it harder for the EPA to evaluate the dangers posed by toxic chemicals. Without the science, the EPA cannot enact new regulations to protect the public.

On eBay, a group of four Super Bowl tickets is going for $51,000. Although to be fair, that price includes a full-body rubdown from stadium security.- Jimmy Kimmel


Thank you Ramesh for thinking of me!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Norway Northern Lights.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hillary Clinton agrees to testify on Benghazi, panel’s ranking Dem says

Hillary Clinton agrees to testify on Benghazi, panel’s ranking Dem says
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has agreed to testify before the House Select Committee investigating the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, CNN reports.

"In my White House, we will know who wears the pantsuits."- Hillary Clinton 2008

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Welcome to Vietnam, Pvts Cheney, Bush, Romney and Limbaugh.  #UnlikelyLinesFromAWarMovie - John Fugelsang Tweet

Pro-Vietnam War parade in New York City by Mary Ellen Mark, 1968.

Islamaphobia On Increase Due To Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper, the film covering the life of an American Navy SEAL with the most confirmed “kills” during the course of his duty, has led to an increase in threats against Muslims in the US since its release, an Arab-American civil rights group has claimed.

Rick Perry doesn't trust Texas' criminal justice system? He probably should have let us know that when he was busy executing 250+ people.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

The difference between weather and climate is conservatives care about the weather.- LOLGOP

Flag Hags
Bill Maher wondered when Confederate “flag-hags” would give up a divisive symbol many consider to be racist and possibly treasonous.

I enjoy watching Republicans trying to reject Palin, Trump and Huckabee, when all three are polling ahead of Marco Rubio and Scott Walker.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Numbers show successes in the War on Poverty, but many Republicans still think we aren't killing the poor fast enough.- Republican God

Michelle Obama Didn't Wear Ugly Clothes In Saudi Arabia
Tuesday, President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama stepped off Air Force One at the VIP airport terminal in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to meet with new King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. They met the king and other regional officials to pay their respects following the passing of King Abdullah. While officials planned to discuss the Syrian civil war, the political situation in Yemen, and the campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq, one thing in particular made the headlines.

The first lady’s attire.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

'Climate Change' is a sick conspiracy by the world scientific community to convince people pollution is bad. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Obama Allows Offshore Drilling In Atlantic
The Obama administration on Tuesday outlined a politically fraught plan for allowing oil and gas drilling offshore along parts of the Atlantic coast while imposing new restrictions on environmentally fragile waters off northern Alaska.

Dear Republicans, how about regulating Wall Street instead of vaginas? - Snarky Pundit Tweet

Scarborough's 'Liberal' Co-Host Becomes A Sudden Koch Bros. Convert 
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough hasn't been shy about his support for the industrial billionaire conservatives Charles and David Koch, but it took a weekend in Palm Springs for his liberal co-host Mika Brzezinski to see the light.

'Dasani' is Italian for 'Coke just sold you tap water.' - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is a half selfie I took yesterday in Santa Cruz, Costa Rica. The parrot would say Hello and How are You in Spanish.
