Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I will be back with a new edition on Wednesday, January 28, 2015.

What a day I had. Good news but it took the whole day to find out.

Thank you for stopping by.

This is how I felt at the end of the day!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Trump throws his hat into the ring

Donald Trump Rages At 'Meet The Press' After Being Mocked By Chuck Todd
There was host-on-host violence at NBC on Sunday.
Donald Trump, who hosts the network's reality show "The Apprentice," blew up on Twitter after a remark "Meet The Press" moderator Chuck Todd made a crack on air Sunday morning.

Todd was discussing Trump's Saturday speech at the Iowa Freedom Summit when he threw in a jab...

Donald Trump considering a run for President if he can get his hair cleared as the VP candidate. -absrdNEWS

Republicans proved in Iowa that they have a wealth of candidates who would make embarrassing running mates.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was summoned to answer questions about the footballs that were mysteriously deflated in their game against the Colts. This was covered live on all the sports networks and also live on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and a bunch of local channels. You would think Tom Brady had killed the president's dog.- Jimmy Kimmel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address US Congress, where he's expected to announce his run for president on the GOP ticket.- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

Before Bobby Jindal lets God decide if he runs for president, he should keep in mind God was like 0 for 6 in the last GOP primary.- LOLGOP

GOP Is Messing With Government Backed Loans
A top U.S. Republican lawmaker will revisit a plan to reduce government involvement in the country's housing finance system, and expects Senate colleagues to be receptive to potential changes, according to an interview aired on C-SPAN on Sunday.

Maybe Jesus did say to help the poor 2000 years ago, but Reagan schooled Him on the benefits of tax cuts for the rich once he got to Heaven.- Tea Party Cat

Rock The Voter News

The Koch network spent $100+ million in 2014 and $400+ million, more than the top ten unions combined, in 2012.- LOLGOP

GOP: Thing Go Better With Koch
Three potential Republican presidential candidates appeared before a gathering of wealthy donors organized by the conservative billionaire Koch brothers in California on Sunday night.

God loves atheists, they don't ask him for anything. - JokeBlogger.com

 Click here for The Charmed Time

"Historic Blizzard" isn't going to cut it, CNN.

Weather Ebola?
Wolf Blizzard?
Revenge of Missing Plane?

Business/Tech News

Obama Protects 12 Million Acres In Alaska
President Barack Obama will call on Congress to expand protection of Alaska's Arctic refuge where oil and gas drilling is prohibited to 12 million acres (5 million hectares), an area that includes 1.4 million oil-rich acres along the coast.

The Jamaican government is considering a bill to decriminalize marijuana. But first they have to get over the shock of finding out it was illegal in the first place.- Seth Myers



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A Sno-Cat balanced precariously over a crevasse during the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition. c. 1955. Yikes!


Friday, January 23, 2015

Saudi King Dies

Death of Saudi king unsettles oil market, prices waver
Oil prices rose initially on news of the death of Saudi Arabia's powerful King Abdullah, but the increase was moderate and short-lived.
The king's death is unlikely to lead to a change in the kingdom's immense crude production or change the course of oil prices in the coming months, analysts say.

To be fair to Saudi Arabia, 4 of the 19 9/11 hijackers weren't from there.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

REPORT: Guys who were OK with a president misleading us into a catastrophic invasion upset that the president did interviews with YouTubers.- LOLGOP

Anti-Semitism and the U.N.
The first U.N. General Assembly meeting on anti-Semitism on Thursday sparked calls for global action to combat the rising hatred of Jews and a surprising denunciation from the world's 57 Islamic nations of all words and acts that lead "to hatred, anti-Semitism, Islamaphobia."

Saudi King Abdullah has died; members of the Bush family to be flown at half-mast.- John Fugelsang

Free speech in America means you can go on TV and say 'Dick Cheney is evil' but you can't say 'Cheney is an evil dick.'- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

GOP will allow abortions in cases of rape, as long as the woman's entire town certifies that she isn't some hussy.- Tea Party Cat

The Daughter Of Darth Vader Is A Decorator!
Mary Cheney is the self-proclaimed daughter of Darth Vader.
“I’m Darth Vader’s daughter,” Cheney, 45, said during a discussion at American University on Wednesday, adding that the moniker led her to decorate her son’s room with a vintage figurine of the “Star Wars” character.

Which reproductive rights ban that will never become law are Republicans cannibalizing themselves over today?- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

First lady Michelle Obama wore a suit to the State of the Union that apparently had also been worn by Julianna Margulies’ character on the “The Good Wife.” They both wore the same outfit, which is why Obama just passed an executive action ordering Us Weekly to say Michelle wore it better.- Jimmy Fallon

Loaded Guns In Airports
The next time you are standing in the security line at the airport, be aware that some of your fellow passengers may be packing more than just clothes.

The Transportation Security Administration says that a record 2,212 firearms were discovered in passenger's carry-on bags or on their bodies in the past year. And more than eighty percent of those guns were loaded.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

"We saved an economy that was on the brink of depression. We've created 11 million new jobs. We've doubled clean energy. We've reduced pollution. We've made sure that more young people can go to college. We have given now so far 10 million people health insurance that didn't have it before, and that's going to grow over time. We have ended two wars in a responsible way." —President Obama

Business/Tech News

If you really care about controlling gas prices, you should run for King of Saudi Arabia.- LOLGOP

Oil Jobs To Disappear
Oil drillers will begin collapsing under the weight of lower crude prices during the second quarter and energy explorers who employ them will shortly follow, according to Conway Mackenzie Inc., the largest U.S. restructuring firm.

A new helicopter service called Gotham Air is now offering users cheap flights from Manhattan to JFK or Newark airports that start at just $99. If there's two words I trust together in the same sentence, it's “cheap” and “helicopter.”- Jimmy Fallon



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Hot-springs in Arenal, Costa Rica.
