Friday, January 9, 2015

Bush Team Sets Bold Fundraising Goal: $100 Million in Three Months

Bush Team Sets Bold Fundraising Goal: $100 Million in Three Months
Jeb Bush's allies are setting a fundraising goal of $100 million in the first three months of this year—including a whopping $25 million haul in Florida—in an effort to winnow the potential Republican presidential primary field with an audacious display of financial strength.

Jeb Bush may run for President. Bush Presidencies are like 'Caddyshack' movies. They should have stopped with one. –David Letterman

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

I wonder what al Qaeda's satirical magazine would look like.- Lizz Winstead Tweet

Weird how the guys who think they're so tough on terror didn't stop 9/11, didn't get bin Laden and bungled us into a mire in Iraq.- LOLGOP

Violence Works
 Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which angered Muslims by publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad 10 years ago, will not republish Charlie Hebdo's cartoons due to security concerns, the only major Danish newspaper not to do so.

"It shows that violence works," the newspaper stated in its editorial on Friday.

For the cost of the Iraq War, we could made college tuition free for every American for decades. - LOLGOP

Saudi Arabia Flogs Journalist
A liberal activist sentenced to prison and flogging in Saudi Arabia underwent the first round of 50 lashes in public after Friday prayers, rights watchdog Amnesty International said.

Republican Shenanigans

That awkward moment when Republicans say “Not All Cops” and then blame ALL ONE BILLION MUSLIMS for Charlie Hebdo.- Tea Party Cat

Fox News Noise
Fox News anchor Shannon Bream on Wednesday pondered how observers would've known that the gunmen who perpetuated the terrorist attack on French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo were bad guys if they didn't know what their skin color was.

New Ten Commandments monument set up at Oklahoma statehouse
A new Ten Commandments monument was installed on Oklahoma state capitol grounds on Thursday to replace a previous one that was destroyed when a man drove his car into it.

Hi, it's cold and I don't read much so that proves 97% of the world's scientists are wrong about climate change.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Republicans are as mad at Obama when good things happen as we were at Bush when terrible things happened, all the time, for 8 years.- LOLGOP

After Obama proposed offering free tuition at community college, Ted Cruz introduced a bill raising community college tuition to $1 million.- Tea Party Cat

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“I feel like Bush presidencies are like ‘Godfather’ films. You should stop at two.” – David Letterman

Next on Fox News: Charlie Hebdo perpetrators killed, though House GOP investigating whether they died to cover up Obama's role in it.- Tea Party Cat

Business/Tech News

EVERYONE KNOWS: If you give poor people a break, they get lazy. If you give rich people a break, jobs explode from their every orifice.- LOLGOP

Keystone Pipeline OK'd By Nebraska
A decision by the Nebraska Supreme Court on Friday clearing the way for the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline through the state means President Barack Obama can no longer delay the project, the top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives said.

Keystone XL is the Justin Bieber underwear ad of jobs plans. Even if it works, it's terrible for the environment.- LOLGOP



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Great Wall of China. Cross country skies would come in handy.

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The pen is mightier than the sword.

Charlie Hebdo attack: Hunt for killers focuses on northern France
The intense manhunt for the two brothers wanted for the Charlie Hebdo magazine massacre focused Thursday on northern France's Picardy region, where helicopters swarmed overhead and heavily armed officers canvassed the countryside and forests in search of the killers.

Does anyone even doubt that Americans will defend our right to make a joke of anything? We're even considering another Bush.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If your religion tells you that God wants someone dead but doesn't feel like killing them Himself then your religion sucks at religion.- John Fugelsang

Al Qaeda Spokesman Instructs Terrorists To Stock Up At Local Gun Shows
In a video released today Al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn encourages terrorists to use American gun shows to arm themselves for potential Mumbai-style attacks. Gadahn's video laid out a new tactic for Al Qaeda to continue their murderous terrorist agenda...

That awkward moment when the NRA demands absolute gun rights and then Al Qaeda has members stock up at US gun shows- Top Conservative Cat

West Point Prof Preaches Disability Money Harmful For Wounded Vets
Nearly 200 sick and wounded soldiers in a gym at Fort Carson last month listened silently as Lt. Col. Daniel Gade offered a surprising warning: The disability checks designed to help troops like them after they leave the service might actually be harmful.

I guess one part of their plan that the terrorists didn't think through is now Charlie Hebdo's cartoons are being seen by millions around the world instead of a few thousand in Paris.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

And now, America's media asks why moderate conservatives won't apologize for the #NAACPBombing. Just kidding; that only applies to Muslims.- John Fugelsang

Republicans Lose
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives failed on Wednesday to round up enough votes for a bill scaling back various financial reforms, a surprising defeat in an area conservatives hoped to prioritize this year.

Jeb Bush could have a worse name.  He could be Nero W. Hoover-Madoff Bush.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

7.9 million lost their insurance under George W. Bush.

600,000 lost private sector jobs.

Anyone know if that guy has a brother?- LOLGOP

The Veto Pen Is Mightier Than The Elephants
The White House threatened more vetoes Wednesday against top-priority legislation of the two-day-old Republican-controlled Congress...

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Bill O’Reilly: “The #ParisShooting was out of bounds. Murderous violence is only for Christians killing abortion doctors, not for Muslims.”- Top Conservative Cat

Business/Tech News

Democratic Verbal Fisticuffs Over Free Trade With Asia?
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) on Wednesday signaled a readiness to fight against President Obama’s push for a free trade deal with Asian countries in the new year.

My Wild Wind

Here is a short 42 sec video I shot on Monday. I had the brilliant idea of going out on my stairway landing trying to capture the force of the wind. I literally hung on for dear life to the railing.

Mother Nature always wins, we humans can only adapt.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

New York City meets Central Park.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sen. Graham Gifts Ernst A Castration Device On First Day As A Senator

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) gave newly elected Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) a plaque with a livestock castration device on her first day in office.

After seeing the bull castration device given to Sen. Joni Ernst by Sen. Lindsey Graham, I couldn't help but think -- Republicans always have sex on their minds.

Insanity is electing John Boehner Speaker of House over and over and expecting different results.
Or any results. - Top Conservative Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Hey, Remember The U.S. Soldiers That Are Still In Iraq?
The 320 U.S. soldiers and Marines at Al Asad air base in western Iraq have been coming under "regular" mortar fire from insurgent forces for several weeks, Defense Department spokesman Col. Steve Warren told reporters Monday.
While Warren insisted that the attacks have been "wholly ineffective" and "no U.S. personnel, no U.S. equipment have been impacted in any way," this was the first time that the Pentagon acknowledged that the 2,100 U.S. troops in Iraq have been in danger since deploying late last year.

The World Is A Dangerous Place
Heavily armed gunmen shouting Islamist slogans stormed a Paris satirical newspaper office Wednesday and shot dead at least 12 people in the deadliest attack in France in four decades.

You can't kill satire. You can only prove its point. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Why is Google showing no results for "John Boehner accomplishments"? - Top Conservative Cat

Bada Bing: Gov. Christie Busy Alienating Future Voters
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) is already in hot water with his state's football fans after he was shown hugging Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones following the NFL team's playoff win last weekend.

Now the potential 2016 contender may have offended Philadelphia residents, too.

Former Republican governor Bob McDonnell to star in next season of MSNBC's Lockup.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

USA: There Are More Prisoners Than College Students
There were 2.3 million prisoners in the U.S. as of the 2010 Census. It's often been remarked that our national incarceration rate of 707 adults per every 100,000 residents is the highest in the world, by a huge margin.

1. Conservatives whine about Boehner
2. Fail to unite alternative
3. Cut food stamps
4. Blame Boehner for not cutting more food stamps

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Republicans Are Coming For Your Social Security. They're Really On A Mission.

Republican opponents of Social Security have not wasted even a single day in their plan to dismantle Social Security brick by brick. What should be a dry, mundane exercise -- the adoption of new rules by the newly convening House of Representatives -- has turned into a stealth attack on America's working families.

Business/Tech News

Spend 2 hours in the right Wal-Mart & you'll stop believing in evolution.- John Fugelsang

Payback's A Bitch
John Boehner moved quickly to punish fellow Republicans who voted against his re-election for House Speaker.

Speaker Boehner to punish defectors he'll begging for votes in a few months.- LOLGOP



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

In 1959, Volvo invented the 3-point seat belt, then gave free license to all other car manufacturers to use it.
