Monday, December 22, 2014


New York Times calls for Cheney, Bush officials to be investigated and prosecuted for torture
In a blistering editorial published in the Monday edition of the New York Times, the editorial page editors are calling upon the Justice Department to open an investigation into the torture practices committed during the administration of President George W. Bush with an eye towards prosecuting those who “committed torture and other serious crimes,” along with former Vice President Dick Cheney and other major administration officials.

Now we just need to fix the damage W. did before the financial crisis in time for his brother to ruin everything- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

I miss when we had a leader like Reagan who knew how to stand up to an oppressive regime by secretly selling it anti-aircraft missiles.- LOLGOP

North Korea Took Their Ball And Went Home
 An angry North Korea, now on the defensive over a U.S. accusation of hacking, is refusing to take part in a groundbreaking U.N. Security Council meeting Monday where the country's bleak human rights situation will be discussed for the first time.

Republican Shenanigans

Gas falls below $2 a gallon! Tune into FOX to not hear more!- John Fugelsang

Well, One Less Racist Cop.
An  auxiliary officer with the Fairview Park Police Department, who had written that black people should be “exterminated,” resigned from the force last week.

A lot of the same guys calling Sony cowards for pulling The Interview were quivering over Ebola and hungry kids showing up at the border.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Some people wanted more decades of US/Cuba hate; and they would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for this meddling Pope.- John Fugelsang

I Love This Pope More And More
Pope Francis lambasted the Vatican’s bureaucracy on Monday, saying some within the Church had a lust for power, were indifferent to others and suffered from “spiritual Alzheimer’s”.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

BREAKING: Dow Jones closes up 400 points as Wall Street banks gear up for new housing bubble after Congress gutted financial reform.- Top Conservative Cat

So, The CIA Is Accountable To No One
 A panel investigating the CIA's search of a computer network used by U.S. Senate staff will not recommend disciplining the agency officials involved in the incident, according to the New York Times.

Business/Tech News

First full day without Fox News for Dish viewers. When the DTs set in, the only relief is to yell at BET for trying to get you health care.- LOLGOP

Federal Reserve
When the U.S. Federal Reserve ended its quantitative-easing program in October, it also ended the primary driver of U.S. stocks during the past six years. So long as the central bank kept flooding the markets with money, investors had little reason to worry about a broader economy limping along at 2 percent real growth.

This year: 2,506,000 jobs created and 9+ million gained insurance.
8 years of W.: 1,282,000 jobs created and 7.9 million lost insurance.- LOLGOP


NOTICE: So sorry for not posting a new edition last Friday. I thought I had sleeping sickness. I could not keep my eyes open. I had no other symptoms other than heavy eyelids. That all disappeared by Saturday. Weird.

Thank you so much, Mary!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sunrise at Maroon Bells Lake near Aspen, Colorado.


Friday, December 19, 2014


I needed a sick day.
I slept most of the day. :(
I hope I'm not getting the flu.

Best wishes to all.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sony hack: Attack threat leads Sony to cancel 'The Interview' release

When those who hacked Sony Pictures Entertainment then threatened a 9/11-type attack if 'The Interview' was released, major theater groups said they wouldn't show the film. Sony then canceled its Christmas Day release.

So effective immediately Hollywood will pitch all movie ideas to Kim Jong-Un! Sad.- justirish tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

That awkward moment when Republicans are defending torture, and then start complaining about Cuba's human rights violations.- Top Conservative Cat

You Don't See This In The USA
Australians are showing solidarity with Muslims on Twitter, using the hashtag #illridewithyou in a preemptive bid to curb Islamophobia after a gunman demanded hostages inside a Sydney café display an Islamic flag.

BREAKING: Sony canceled the Christmas release of "The Interview". Lindsey Graham outraged, demands Obama invade North Korea immediately.- Top Conservative Cat

Meanwhile, Back To The USA Torturing People
A Top al Qaeda expert who remains in a senior position at the CIA was a key architect of the agency's defense of its detention and "enhanced interrogation" program for suspected terrorists, developing oft-repeated talking points that misrepresented and overstated its effectiveness, according to the Senate Intelligence Committee's report released last week.

I'll believe there's a War on Christmas when I see footage of Dick Cheney rectally feeding Santa Claus.- Rob Delaney tweet

WHY IS CUOMO BANNING FRACKING??? He’s denying New Yorkers the joy of flaming tap water!- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Well, I think every member of Congress deserves credit for the release of Alan Gross. If they impeached Obama, it never would've happened.- Top Conservative Cat

I would canvass door to door for Jeb Bush if his campaign slogan was 'Fool Me Three Times.'- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

GOP: Obama is a weak ruthless dictator who hates free markets so much that he's trying to bring them to Cuba.- LOLGOP

Just When You Thought Fox Couldn't Go Any Lower. They Do.
Bill O'Reilly advised black Americans to wear t-shirts that say "Don't Get Pregnant At 14" and "Don't Abandon Your Children" during a segment with Martin Luther King Jr.'s son on Wednesday night.

The Cuban embargo would have started working suddenly in its 56th year, just like the Bush tax breaks.- LOLGOP

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Despite Russia's move to raise interest rates this week, the value of the ruble has continued to crash. Russia's economy is so bad, Edward Snowden had to put government secrets on Craigslist.- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

Sony Cancels Theatrical Release for ‘The Interview’ thereby guaranteeing blockbuster opening day sales whenever they want.- John Fugelsang

George W Bush's Old Company Loses Lawsuit
December 17th, 2014 ( After more than nine years, the Administrative Disputes Tribunal has dismissed a lawsuit against Costa Rica brought by Texas oil firm, Harken Energy.

The company, which at the time was closely linked to former U.S. president, George W. Bush, had obtained a 1998 concession to search for crude off Costa Rica’s coast by purchasing the assets of a little known Louisiana-based company named MKJ Xploration....

That awkward moment when Obama forces Republicans to argue AGAINST Wall Street fat cats smoking Cuban cigars... - Top Conservative Cat


Thank you, Carla!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Rising more than 3,000 feet above Yosemite Valley's floor, El Capitan is a favorite for experienced rock climbers.
