Friday, December 12, 2014

George H.W. Bush defends CIA, silent on son’s role

George H.W. Bush defends CIA, silent on son’s role
The 90-year-old father of George W. Bush felt 'compelled' to defend the agency in the face of criticism over the interrogation of terror suspects after September 11th. The 41st President didn't address his son's decision to sanction the enhanced interrogation techniques, under scrutiny after the release of a Senate report.

I see conservatives are still putting the Christ in "Christ, Cheney is on TV defending torture again."- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Ronald Reagan signed a ban on torture. Who lets a guy like that into the Party of Reagan?- John Fugelsang

Merkel Denounces Right Wing Racists
Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned a series of anti-Muslim demonstrations centered on the eastern city of Dresden, saying via an aide on Friday that there was "no place in Germany" for hatred of Muslims or any other religious or racial group.

1984: If Libs say trickledown will ruin middle-class in 30 years, call em Commies. 2014: If middle-class ruined, blame Libs.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

George W. Bush's Latest Masterpiece

Dick Cheney is a constant reminder that George Bush's greatest accomplishment was not dying in office. - John Fugelsang

Republicans Sure Have Memory Problems
 Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker has said he doesn't remember sending a letter about a menorah that is signed, "Thank you and Molotov."

Dick Cheney is the kind of guy that chuckles quietly while reading the Book of Job.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Next up on Fox News: Rain in San Francisco ends year of drought, proving that climate change is all a hoax.- Top Conservative Cat

Judge Sides With Protesters
A federal judge on Thursday ordered St. Louis area police to issue warnings and give crowds reasonable time disperse before firing tear gas, following complaints by activists over heavy-handed police tactics during ongoing race-related protests.

Good thing America has learned its lesson and will never approve another limitless war in the Middle East. Oh... Going to cry for hours.- LOLGOP

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Catty Racism In Hollywood
Oscar-winning producer Scott Rudin apologized Thursday for calling Angelina Jolie a "spoiled brat" and making racially offensive jokes about President Obama's presumed taste in movies.

Jeb has the Bush name, Romney's portfolio and Rubio's squishiness on immigration.
It's like they built him from junked parts.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

"Apparently the president had a sore threat. His doctor said he needs Zantac. Sadly, that's actually the best news President Obama's gotten in a very long time." –Jimmy Kimmel

Meanwhile, China Loves Central America
With ambitious plans for a canal through Nicaragua and a Honduran hydroelectric dam, Chinese firms are increasingly testing the waters in Central America, a region long considered the United States' backyard.

Willie Nelson is 81 so somebody PLEASE warn him that all that weed's eventually gonna lead him directly to crack.- John Fugelsang


Sunday, December 14, 2014 will be AHNC's 14th Anniversary!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Great Wall of China.


Thursday, December 11, 2014

The House of Horrors

CIA feared for future of interrogation program, report shows
A decade ago, when word started getting out in Washington that the CIA conducted brutal interrogations, the program had already hit a major speed bump inside the Bush administration over whether the White House really knew what was going on at the secret "black site" prisons overseas.

Torture totally solves everything. That's why the world was perfect when Bush and Cheney left office.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Weird. The only administration who thought they needed torture was the only administration that didn't stop 9/11.- LOLGOP

They Knew
 Just six days after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, President Bush signed a secret order that gave the Central Intelligence Agency the power to capture and imprison terrorists with Al Qaeda. But the order said nothing about where they should be held or how the agency should go about the business of questioning them.
They envisioned a system in which detainees would be offered the same rights and protections as inmates held in federal or American military prisons.

It's Crap, Says Cheney
In an interview that aired on Fox News Wednesday, former Vice President Dick Cheney called the recently released report on the CIA’s use of torture after 9/11 a “terrible piece of work.”

That awkward moment when Cheney says "we needed to torture to stop another 9/11" and Obama stopped torture and another 9/11 didn't happen.- Top Conservative Cat

Republican Shenanigans

Sure, our former vice president is running around admitting to war crimes but at least he isn't trying to fight global warming.- LOLGOP

There’s No Way Bush and Cheney Didn’t Know
The Senate Intelligence Committee suggests that the White House knew everything about the CIA’s torture program but the details.

Be warned, children! Launch aggressive wars, approve torture, destroy millions of jobs and YOU TOO could end up on Meet the Press.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

The Race Gap Widens
- Americans overall say they disapprove (51%) rather than approve of (41%) the executive actions President Barack Obama plans to take to deal with undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. However, Hispanics, U.S. immigrants and blacks approve of the actions by wide margins, whereas whites are oppose them.

A church in Alabama will start hosting their Sunday services at Buffalo Wild Wings so they can reach a wider audience. And no audience is wider than the people who eat at Buffalo Wild Wings.- Seth Myers

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This Trailer for the movie W. by Oliver Stone Captures The Bush Presidency 


Business/Tech News

Meanwhile, South of the Border...
Mexico is ready to intervene in currency markets to fight the peso's fall against the dollar amid concerns over dropping oil prices and a possible increase in U.S. interest rates.

"Pope Francis announced that next year he is coming to the United States, or as Fox News is reporting it, 'Obama lets in yet another guy from South America.'" –Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Maldives.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sen. Harry Reid eviscerates GOP leaders in New York Times exit interview

Sen. Harry Reid eviscerates GOP leaders in New York Times exit interview
Asked whether any of his Republican counterparts could become president, outgoing Senate majority leader replies, 'Of what?'

This would be a good time to remind some people that Ronald Reagan banned torture.  And technically, Jesus did too. #TortureReport - John Fugelsang

They say Bush purged bin Laden's scourge
And torture did protect us
But soulless hacks are lax with facts
Like textbooks made in Texas.- John Fugelsang

The Feces Are Hitting The Oscillating Fan In Democrat Land
The CIA is still lying about its post-9/11 torture program, even in the face of a devastating Senate report, Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) said Wednesday.

In a dramatic floor speech during his final month in the Senate, Udall said the CIA's lies have been aided and abetted by President Barack Obama's White House and called on the president to "purge" his administration of CIA officials who were involved in the interrogation program detailed in the report.

On 9/11 America was attacked by 15 Saudis and now the CIA is explaining why we had to torture people in Iraq.- John Fugelsang

Afghan President Is Mad At The CIA. Well, Duh.
Afghan president condemns 'inhumane torture' described in CIA report.
Ashraf Ghani vows to defends the dignity of those who had been jailed in reminder of how impact of CIA interrogation programme still fuels anger

Those who do not learn from history are determined to elect another Bush.- LOLGOP

Papa Bush Was Out Of The Loop On Iran/Contra
Baby Bush Knew Nothing Of The Torture. And We Paid These Guys A Salary?
President George W. Bush was promising the world the United States would not torture while the CIA was torturing.
President George W. Bush marked June 26, 2003, the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, with a strong statement spelling out America's commitment to eliminating the scourge from the earth.
Behind the scenes, however, the agency tasked with carrying out the Bush administration's torture program had no idea what the president was talking about.

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Bush/Cheney foreign policy may have been an unmitigated disaster, but on the other hand they also tanked our economy, so it all evens out!- The Teenage Sleuth tweey

Ch-Ch-Ch Cheney In The Torture Report
It may come as little surprise that former Vice President Dick Cheney's name crops up 41 times in the Senate report on the CIA's use of "enhanced interrogation." Here are some of his noteworthy appearances:

1. Cheney personally worked to quash press coverage of the CIA's secret prison network.....

The Tortured Will Eventually Tell You What You Want To Hear
 A Senate investigation into the CIA's use of brutal interrogation practices released Tuesday suggests that at least one detainee supplied false intelligence contributing to erroneous claims by the Bush administration that former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction and was working with al-Qaida.

Radio Hack Makes Heroes Of The  Torturers. How Much Lower Can America Sink?
Radio host and former Republican Rep. Joe Walsh suggested on Wednesday that anyone who participated in torture techniques like rectal forced feedings or chaining prisoners naked to the floor were “American heroes.”

Most of you aren't old enough to remember this but The Torture Report was the original name of the O'Reilly Factor.- LOLGOP

"In Washington, the U.S. House passed a bill unanimously. Every single member of both parties voted for it. What was it? To deny Social Security benefits to Nazis. So from now on, no SS for the SS." –Craig Ferguson


I had to do a quickie edition, today. Deep apologizes for any humor inconvenience. 


Time To Deflate Photo

Grand Canyon Elves Chasm, Colorado River.
