Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Party of NO

A weakened President Barack Obama and emboldened Republican leaders in Congress began adjusting to a new political dynamic Wednesday after voters coast to coast used the midterm elections to sharpen the dividing lines in an already divided government.

It's all over, folks. The American public put the Republicans back in power, through the
GOP crafty voting mechanisms and the media. 

I wish I could think of something clever and funny to say to soothe our pain.

In a few short years the damage that will be done by the Republicans will bring the US to its knees.
Obama saved this country singlehandedly, with NO help from the party of NO since 2009. 

Any Republican will win the presidency. The votes aren't ours anymore.

We've been Koched.

The only thing Democrats turned blue yesterday was me :(  - LOLGOP

All we can do now is watch and wait.

Peace? Forget about it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Impeach Obama!

These are the people who believe a Republican Congress will impeach President Obama
It's two months after National Impeach Obama week, and the president is still the president. It could be because two-thirds of the country are against impeachment, according to a July CNN poll. Or, if you're a member of a small but vocal group of activists, it could be simply because Republicans have to win the Senate first.

Yep, if the GOP wins the Senate and keeps the House, they'll impeach Obama and Biden, then we can all say hello to President John Boehner.

I don't want to disappoint a lot of angry voters out there, but even if Republicans gain control of the Senate, the President will still be black.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Nancy Pelosi Said Impeachment Was Off The Table When She Was Speaker Of The House
 Valerie Plame says former Vice President Dick Cheney is a traitor for allegedly having outed her in 2003 as an undercover CIA operative overseas.
It’s now been more than a decade since Plame found herself in the center of a political firestorm.

Happy Election Day - bought & paid for shills/science deniers/fake Christians take the Senate; comedians thank good people for not voting.- John Fugelsang

More Problems In Ferguson
A Florissant, Missouri woman says that police in Ferguson shot her in the head while she was leaving a rally supporting slain teen Michael Brown.

However, according to the Riverfront Times, the bullet that doctors removed from Mya Aaten-White’s head in August has vanished and police claim she was gunned down by unknown assailants in a drive-by shooting.

Republican Shenanigans

EARLY EXIT POLLS: 0% of Republicans are scientists. - LOLGOP

Obama Orders Blacks To Be Violent
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones asserted on Monday that President Barack Obama had inspired black men to commit violent acts throughout the country, and that they had given a “green light” to kidnap the girlfriend of one of his friends.

All those who vote for Republicans shall suffer difficulties with urination and high blood pressure. SMITE! - The Good God Above Tweet

No Voting Info For You, Georgians
Voters looking for their polling place information before work on Tuesday were out of luck in the state of Georgia. The state’s “My Voter Page” went offline sometime Tuesday morning and is still currently inoperable.

America has all the free dumb you can handle- The Good God Above Tweet

Rock The Voter News

Thou shalt vote today or thou shalt be ruled by idiots forever.- The Good God Above Tweet

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Game of Thrones now has 3 characters who are castrated eunuchs; a casting feat matched only by the modern Democratic Party.- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

NRA REMINDER: "Under Stand Your Ground you can legally shoot someone who you fear may vote differently than you. At least in Florida."- Top Conservative Cat

GOP Ruined By Tea Party Claims Republican
If the polls hold, 2014 should be a banner year for Republicans. But Jon Hunstman Sr., a self-described "lifelong Republican" and former special assistant to President Richard Nixon, is looking ahead with concern about the Grand Old Party's 2016 prospects.

"The Tea Party has completely captivated and ruined the Republican Party today and they'll show this in 2016," says Hunstman, author of Barefoot to Billionaire. "Unless a Jeb Bush comes in or John Huntsman Jr., the Republicans don't have a prayer."

Hard to believe the GOP would be silly enough to not raise the minimum wage before 2016. But not that hard.- LOLGOP



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is the USA on the moon, where we might as well be if Republicans win today.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Midterm election rides wave of anger at incumbents

Midterm election rides wave of anger at incumbents
The costliest midterm election in history draws to a bitter close with control of the Senate tilting toward Republicans even as governors, in red and blue states alike, face a well of anti-incumbent anger from New England to the Rocky Mountains.

Crazy idea here. How about laws that make it harder to shoot people and easier to vote? - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

News Outlets Can't Afford To Cover The News
Cash-strapped news outlets looking to cover President Obama's trip to Asia next month may find it difficult to do so. Not because the trip isn't newsworthy -- it is -- but because there are at least 60,000 dollar-shaped reasons not to.

Why does every election analysis ignore that Republicans have their own propaganda TV network that just spews lies all day and all night?- Dave Johnson Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Congress has an approval rating below 12% which is why the media keeps reminding you Obama's approval rating is only 42%.-John Fugelsang

GOP Says They'll Go To Work IF They Control Congress!
 Republicans said on Sunday they will break the legislative stalemate that has paralyzed Washington for the past several years if they win control of the Senate in the upcoming congressional elections. 

Rock The Voter News

So How's Boehner's Lawsuit Against Obama Going?
House Speaker John Boehner’s still-unfiled lawsuit against President Barack Obama for exceeding his constitutional power is in more trouble.
For the second time in two months, a major law firm has ceased work on the lawsuit, sources say.

Computer security experts say that a video released by former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson appears to show her computer "malfunction[ing]," likely due to a stuck backspace key, not being hacked by government agents as she had suggested.

Remember that voice on AOL that said "you've got mail"? Turns out it was the NSA. -

I Forgot To Mention: A Volcano Blew Its Top Here In Costa Rica
Satellites belonging to the United States space agency, NASA, captured images of a “blanket” of sulfur dioxide over western Costa Rica a day after the Turrialba volcano began erupting last Wednesday.

If you make minimum wage or have a uterus, you should recuse yourself from voting tomorrow since you might be biased towards Democrats.- Top Conservative Cat

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Ferguson Police Lied
The U.S. government agreed to a police request to restrict more than 37 square miles of airspace surrounding Ferguson, Missouri, for 12 days in August for safety, but audio recordings show that local authorities privately acknowledged the purpose was to keep away news helicopters during violent street protests over the shooting of an unarmed black teen by a white police officer.

You can refinance your car. You can refinance your home. So why can’t you refinance your student loans? - Sen. Al Franken Tweet

Business/Tech News

85 people are worth more than half the people on earth but raising the minimum wage will hurt the economy. - LOLGOP

Ebola Scare In My Neck Of The Woods
Costa Rican health authorities were placed on alert over the weekend when authorities arrested 14 illegal immigrants from Somalia in Cañas, Guanacaste, at least one of which complained of Ebola-like symptoms.
Those exhibiting symptoms were taken to the Cañas Comprehensive Healthcare Center where tests confirmed that the symptoms were caused by the influenza virus, not Ebola.

Right now, Turkeys are being advised to get their affairs in order. -

Instead of a napkin, I put a tortilla shell on my lap. Whatever falls I can eat. -



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Northern lights in Norway being celebrated by a lone brave soul.
