Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Feds vs. states: Who decides on Ebola quarantines

For Americans wondering why President Barack Obama hasn't forced all states to follow a single, national rule for isolating potential Ebola patients, the White House has a quick retort: Talk to the Founding Fathers.


Still better at curing Ebola than spreading it.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"The Pentagon just announced that its fight against ISIS will be called 'Operation Inherent Resolve.' They came up with that name using 'Operation Random Thesaurus.'" –Jimmy Fallon

Drafting Women In Combat?
As Norway became the first NATO country to require women to register for the draft this month, it has American military analysts debating whether the US could be on the verge of taking the same step, too.

Fox News had the creator of the Weather Channel on to deny climate change then the creator of Cinemax denied the existence of genitals. - LOLGOP

India Supplying Vietnam With Naval Vessels
India will soon be supplying naval vessels to Vietnam, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday, the first significant military transfer to Hanoi at a time when it is embroiled in a territorial dispute with China.

Republican Shenanigans

Chris Christie's 2016 premise: I wrecked my state's economy & credit rating while robbing workers' retirement. But I'm tough on hero nurses.- LOLGOP

The Pope Pulls A Fast One On The Creationists
The “Big Bang” and evolution are not only consistent with biblical teachings, Pope Francis told a Vatican gathering – they are essential to understanding God.
“When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything — but that is not so,” the pope told a plenary assembly of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Karl Rove says the Tea Party is 'not sophisticated;' which is sort of like saying the Jonas Brothers are 'not black.'- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

If you're 'Pro-Life' & support Capital Punishment, Pre-Emptive War, Torture & Drones you're actually just 'Pro-Some-Life.' - John Fugelsang

Sexual Assault At M.I.T.
One in six female undergraduates at Massachusetts Institute of Technology who responded to a survey has been sexually assaulted, but fewer than 5 percent reported a sex crime, MIT said

Michele Bachmann says she wants to be "the next Newt Gingrich," which marks the first time that phrase has ever been used positively.- LOLGOP

 Click here for The Charmed Time

"In 1912, President Teddy Roosevelt was shot, declined to go to the hospital, and gave a 90-minute speech with a bullet in his chest. Then on this day in 2012, I spent the whole day on WebMD because my eyelid wouldn't stop twitching." –Seth Meyers

Business/Tech News

I live in a society where a network called The History Channel can run a 2-hour prime-time special on Zombies.- John Fugelsang

There's No Dunkin' Donuts Here  :(
The Dunkin’ Donuts chain, capitalizing on the cult-like demand for Dominique Ansel Bakery’s Cronut in New York, is introducing its own doughnut-croissant hybrid next week.

In the Bible Jesus is the leading cause of alcohol at parties.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Athabasca Falls At Dusk, Jasper, Alberta, Canada.

Peace and beauty.

Monday, October 27, 2014

I believe in medical science before...

Quarantined woman to be discharged, Christie's office announces
After a heated weekend of sparring between a quarantined nurse and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the nurse is being discharged, the state's Department of Health said in a statement Monday morning.

If a nurse's sermons were quarantined, the right would be lining up to care about her rights.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Nurses who were trying to save our asses are the only people who have contracted Ebola in America. They should be quarantining us.- LOLGOP

Money Talks, BS Walks Talks, Too.
A conservative group, founded with money from the conservative Koch brothers, is seeking to influence the outcome of a tight senate race in North Carolina by promoting the candidacy of a perennial candidate turned  pizza delivery man, urging younger voters to vote for his platform of “more weed, less war.”

Here is an email from a person who wishes I would die a slow and painful death in a mud hut country. See what I put up with for AHNC!

Here's a screen shot and the text is below..

webhosting-userform@allhatnocattle.net  Today at 7:31 AM

name = Paul
email = mirv@tx.rr.com 
comments = I guess if cancer was a contagious disease, you wouldn't have bothered to protect your self from it either. 

Clearly math and planning are not your forte. You continue to press for Ebola exposure in the USA, while you sit in your chosen mud hut nation. I'm sorry you can't comprehend living better than swine. 

Like all those who can't comprehend the obvious need for quarantine, I hope you die a slow and painful death. BTW, keep your mud hut buddies out of my country. 

(In another email he sent this)

Educate yourself.



Gee, Paul, I don't know what to respond to first.

Your link is to the CDC but it is about the Flu, not Ebola, in fact the word Ebola is not mentioned at that link. You realize there are thousands of flu viruses, some are more contagious than others.

People used to think cancer was contagious, too, until they became educated.

Costa Rica a mud hut nation? Really? "In Sept. 2012, President of the College of Engineers and Architects, Olman Vargas, believes that despite the magnitude of the 7.2 earthquake damage was minimal due to the high quality of materials and construction in Costa Rica, which must meet strict seismic code since 1974. Earthquake-report.com agrees. In the Worldwide Seismic code index published by James Daniell in CATDAT, Costa Rica has one of the highest values (96/100) in the world for code compliance and code quality. "

So there, put that in your Texas pipe and smoke it.

As for your horrible words wishing me a horrible death, I don't wish the same for you. I just wish you'd be educated instead of afraid and hateful.

If the GOP controls the Senate and House, they will ax Obamacare, put Social.Security in the stock market, & reinstate Affirmative Action for white males only.- AllHatNoCattle

Republican Shenanigans

Jeb Bush says history will be kind to his brother w/the confidence of a man who knows the Texans who publish our textbooks.- John Fugelsang

Crown Prince Bush the 3rd
When Jeb Bush decides whether to run for president, there will be no family meeting à la Mitt Romney, no gathering at Walker’s Point in Kennebunkport to go over the pros and cons. “I don’t think it’ll be like a big internal straw poll,” said his son, Jeb Bush Jr.

It's clearly a GOP wave election. Why else would the GOP leader in the Senate be putting in $1.8 million of his own cash in w/ a week left?- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

OMG! Obama Has Sent An American To Ebola!
As controversy over the US response to Ebola cases within its own shores continued, the US ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, arrived in Guinea’s capital Conakry on Sunday to see first hand how the global response is failing to stop the deadly spread of Ebola in west Africa.

We can trust nurses who risked their lives to fight Ebola in Africa to take their own temperatures?! Someone should have told us that before. - LOLGOP

 Click here for The Charmed Time

You can still watch here Comes Honey Boo Boo in reruns, or wait 10 years & watch her rob your convenience store in person.- John Fugelsang

You'd need at least three Bushes to catch up with as many jobs as were created under Obama.- LOLGOP

Testosterone Overdose Alert!
A 75-year-old Wisconsin man is considering filing a federal civil rights lawsuit after officials in Marathon County sent an armored military to collect fines that resulted from a property dispute.

Business/Tech News

Step Right Up And Get Your Ebola Stocks!
Fujifilm said Monday it would buy a US vaccine maker as the Japanese firm boosts its supply of an experimental Ebola drug to help stem the spread of the virus.

There's Still Hope For Climate Change According to U.N. Report
Climate change may have "serious, pervasive and irreversible" impacts on human society and nature, according to a draft U.N. report due for approval this week that says governments still have time to avert the worst.

The stock market is going crazy. Earlier this week, Warren Buffett lost $2 billion. Luckily, Buffett found it this morning under a pile of $8 billion.- Conan O'Brien


It's hard work keeping this website Ebola Free!


Odd News

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"La Ville-Lumière", Paris, France.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Ebola Arrives In NYC

New York City to check daily with people returning from West Africa
 New York City's health department will actively monitor anyone who arrives in the city from one of the three West African countries affected by Ebola, Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference on Friday.

The only thing we have to fear is the people who are publicly peeing their pants over Ebola.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Maybe we can get the Canadian Parliament Sergeant-at-arms to guard the White House fence.- John Fugelsang

Cri-me-a River: Putin Accuses U.S. Of Doing What He's Doing
Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the United States of endangering the international order by trying to “remake the whole world” for its own, exclusive interests Friday, and predicted that Ukraine would not be the last conflict the major powers would clash over.

North Korea is imposing a travel ban because of Ebola. They'd hate to get that in their gulags. It could ruin their torture programs. Awful!- Tina Dupuy

Republican Shenanigans

It's kind of ironic for a member of Congress to be complaining about government waste. I think we spend around $5 billion every year on Congress. We don't seem to be getting anything out of that, right? What we got is a report on how much money they waste, so thank you.- Jimmy Kimmel

Iowa Republican Thinks He's Going To Heaven! ROFLMAO
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) told an Iowa newspaper that when he dies and goes to heaven, he doesn’t expect to meet any gay people there, and therefore same-sex marriage should be made illegal again in his state.

I worried the GOP might lose the election, but then The Daily Show is in reruns so all the young kids will probably forget to vote. Ha-ha!- Top Conservative Cat

Rock The Voter News

GOP Leads Democrats In October Fundraising
Donors gave the Republican National Committee $8.1 million during the first two weeks of October, and the party borrowed another $5 million to help its campaign allies working on House and Senate races, according to finance reports filed Thursday

Politicians in Miami have passed a resolution to split Florida into two states. Yeah, the two states would be known as Geezerville and Methylvania.- Conan O'Brien

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Honey Boo Boo Is Honey Bye Bye
"Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" has been canceled.
The decision comes on the heels of a TMZ  report that show matriarch Mama June, or June Shannon, is dating a convicted child molester.

Televangelism = A fool + his $ are soon parted.- AllHatNoCattle Tweet

Business/Tech News

Alls I'm saying is the party that sees political advantage in a deadly disease may not have your best interests in mind.- LOLGOP

Ebola Vaccine Is On The Way
Millions of doses of an Ebola vaccine will be produced by the end of 2015, the World Health Organization has announced.
And vaccines could be offered to health workers on the frontline in West Africa as soon as December 2014.

A new Starbucks drink is on the way. Starbucks soon will be offering a chestnut praline latte. And I have to say, it's hard to criticize the government for wasteful spending when we pay $7 for candy-flavored coffee twice a day, right?- Jimmy Kimmel


Please help me put food on my family!


8 Years Ago This Week Joe Scarborough Sent AllHatNoCattle This:

Odd, I never heard from him or Mike Papantonio (yes that Papantonio) again. And I still have the page online. 



Odd News

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New York City
George Washington Statue at Federal Hall, Wall Street
Photo/A N D R E A • C O S T A N T I N I

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend to all!