Monday, October 13, 2014

Costa Rica on alert for Ebola; Top U.S. general fears “mass migration” from CentAm in case of outbreak

Costa Rica on alert for Ebola; Top U.S. general fears “mass migration” from CentAm in case of outbreak
Costa Rica is on high alert for the Ebola virus and a top U.S. general is warning that mass migration from Central America is a very real threat should an outbreak occur in the region.

Why is a U.S. General spreading this fearful warning instead of a health official?

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Real EbolaBusters!
U.S. citizens who refuse to undergo the new screenings for Ebola at five major American airports could find themselves held in quarantine for up to three weeks, officials told Yahoo News on Thursday. Non-citizens who refuse the screenings could be quarantined or turned away from U.S. soil by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Weird. The people who think denying 4 million people health insurance for no good reason think a travel ban is good public health policy.- LOLGOP

Iraq Billions Lost: Yep, Definitely Bush's Fault
More than $1bn earmarked for the reconstruction of Iraq was stolen and spirited to a bunker in Lebanon as the American and Iraqi governments ignored appeals to recover the money, it has been claimed.

If cannabis is a Gateway Drug then I guess beer is the wide, brightly-lit walkway that leads you directly to the gate. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

World Health Organization raises Ebola death toll to 4,033, though Fox News is still reporting the count as 1 white person.- Top Conservative Cat

I Bet Sarah Palin Didn't See This From Her House
 A U.S. federal judge on Sunday ruled that the state of Alaska's ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional.

Look, we all know Ebola left Africa because it heard Obama will let it get gay married in America. - Top Conservative Cat

Rock The Voter News

California Dreaming Of Water
Since 2012, California has been suffering through a historically severe drought. For the farmers of the Central Valley, which is, as Dana Goodyear writes in this week’s issue, “the country’s fruit basket, salad bowl, and dairy case,” the future seems especially bleak. Wells have gone dry, orchards have been left to perish, and those who came to California to work the fields stand idle. 

Being in Austin, Texas, is like sitting next to a fun gay cousin at a Romney wedding.- Andy Richter Tweet

Hillary Heckler
A man with a bullhorn interrupted Hillary Clinton on Sunday during a speech she was giving in San Diego.
The heckler, sporting a suit and tie, sounded a loud alarm with the bullhorn and began shouting at the former Secretary of State before he was quickly removed by security. It's not immediately clear why the man interrupted Clinton's remarks.

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New York state is spending $750 million to open a solar plant in Buffalo, which will create thousands of jobs. Most of those jobs will be shoveling the snow off the solar equipment.- David Letterman

Meanwhile, Back In Hong Kong
 Rowdy scenes erupted at the main Occupy Central protest site in Hong Kong on Monday after hundreds of people opposing the pro-democracy occupation tried to tear down protest barricades.

Business/Tech News

Over Worked Traffic Control Staff
The head of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority told federal safety officials that traffic control staff at the Metro-North Railroad worked seven days straight for weeks when several accidents, including one fatal, disrupted commutes in Connecticut and New York last year.

U.S. Oil Will Be Fracking Mad At Saudi Arabia
Despite a nearly 25% slide in oil prices in recent months, Saudi Arabia has no intention of cutting oil production. On the contrary, according to a Reuters report Sunday, the kingdom “is quietly telling oil market participants that Riyadh is comfortable with markedly lower oil prices for an extended period.” How much lower? Perhaps down to $80 per barrel, for a year or two.

A woman in the U.K. held a wedding ceremony to marry herself. "I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think that lady you just married might be crazy."- Seth Myers


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Friday, October 10, 2014

Conservative icon: Obama wants Americans to die from Ebola in order to make US more like Africa

Conservative icon: Obama wants Americans to die from Ebola in order to make US more like Africa
In an interview with World Net Daily’s Paul Bremmer, conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly claimed that President Barack Obama is allowing people infected with Ebola to enter the United States in order to make the country more like Africa, Right Wing Watch reports.

People who hate minorities really don't like that they're becoming one.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Sorry, Bill O’Reilly, but they gave Patrick Modiano the Nobel Prize in Literature. Maybe next year.- Top Conservative Cat

Spain To Train Iraqi Troops
Spain says it plans to send 300 soldiers to help train the Iraqi army for combat against the Islamic State group.


83 Americans die each day of gun violence.

0 die of gay marriage, voting without an ID or access to birth control.- LOLGOP

GOP Finally Approves Ebola Funds
Republican U.S. Senator James Inhofe said on Friday he has approved a shift of $750 million in Defense Department war funds to fight Ebola in West Africa, lifting the final objections to that amount in Congress.

"It's interesting that in spite of all of Russia's troubles, Putin has an 80 percent approval rating, which I guess is something that happens when your pollsters carry machine guns." –Jimmy Kimmel

Republican Shenanigans

The Koch Brothers Performed By The Motch Brothers

Keep picturing Fox News showing a map of Ebola spreading...

"That's actually same-sex marriage, Brett."


Thrilla In Wasilla Just A Drunken Palin Family Brawl. No Charges. Hatfields and McCoys Object.
Prosecutors won't proceed with charges in a brawl that involved several members of the Palin family, Anchorage police said Thursday.

The news comes as Anchorage police released reports Thursday morning outlining witness statements in the fight.

"Scientists are suggesting that Pluto should be considered a planet again eight years after it was classified as a dwarf planet — and Americans are suggesting that scientists cut the crap about Pluto and figure out how to stop Ebola." –Seth Meyers

The GOP's "Prove you're not in ISIS!" gambit is perhaps their finest act of Latino outreach.- LOLGOP

Boehner: Guantanamo To Stay Open
House Speaker John Boehner aggressively attacked President Barack Obama after the Wall Street Journal reported Friday the White House is "drafting options" to "overrid[e] a congressional ban" and shut down the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay.

Rock The Voter News

Here's My Voter Outreach To My Beloved Latino Community

A new study estimates that only 3.4 percent of Americans will vote in the midterm elections next month. But on the bright side, 100 percent will still complain about the results.- Jimmy Fallon

Unemployment claims hit 8-year low as Americans hire security squads to protect them from rampant gay marriage.- LOLGOP

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Give a Republican a fish and he'll think he learned how to fish. Teach him to fish and he'll call you socialist.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

I Just Love Katy Perry. She's Got Chutzpah.
Pop star Katy Perry will be the halftime performer at Super Bowl XLIX, according to multiple reports...the NFL was looking for artists to pay up to perform at the game, which draws massive ratings...
Perry, in an appearance on ESPN's "College GameDay" on Saturday, said she's "not the kind of girl to pay to play the Super Bowl."

Karma means that shallow young people who mock old folks will one day be bitter old folks who can't stand young people.- John Fugelsang

If the minimum wage kept up with inflation and productivity, Republicans would be piiiiiiiisssssssed. - LOLGOP


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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Family, friends question medical care given Texas Ebola patient

Family, friends question medical care given Texas Ebola patient
Family and friends of the first person to die of Ebola in the United States condemned the medical care that Thomas Eric Duncan received and called for a full examination of the case.

78% of Republicans want to cancel all flights from Ebola.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Kim Jong Un is missing. Nobody's seen evil North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un for about a month now. And his daughter, Kim Kardashi Un, is worried sick. - David Letterman

USARAF team helping fight Ebola outbreak in West Africa
A health worker (far right) from Doctors without Borders briefs (starting second from left) Maj. Gen. Darryl A. Williams, commander of U.S. Army Africa; Gen. David M. Rodriguez, commander of U.S. Africa; and said U.S. Ambassador to Liberia, Deborah R. Malac. on the operation of Ebola treatment unit. U.S. Agency for International Development is the lead U.S. Government organization for Operation United Assistance. U.S. Africa Command is supporting the effort by providing command and control, logistics, training and engineering assets to contain the Ebola virus outbreak in West African nations. (U.S. Army Africa photo by Cmdr. Peter Niles/Released)

Last night they had one of those special lunar eclipses called a blood moon. The moon was glowing red, which means that the Republicans have gained another seat in the Senate. - David Letterman

Republican Shenanigans

A conservative is a man who believes no one has the right to tell him what to do with your uterus.- LOLGOP

Flori-duh may pull some real boners but Texas voters have a plethora of electile dysfunction.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) said this week that President Barack Obama was more worried about climate change than ISIS and Ebola, and he was allowing infected people to sneak into the county because he wanted everyone to “feel included.”

Today is the 10th anniversary of when Martha Stewart had to go to the penitentiary. Martha was in a minimum security facility, like the White House. - David Letterman

Needles Not Bullets
By Lisa Casey

I hope you watched Christiane Amanpour’s interview with the US Ambassador to Liberia and the US General handling the military operations in Liberia. It gave me great faith in the ability to contain Ebola. And best of all, our military is the perfect group to pull this off. They have the logistical knowledge needed. Two labs have been set up already with the ability to diagnose Ebola in 2-3 hours, instead of 2-3 days. And once the hospitals are completed, victims will get the care they need, IV’s to hydrate them and a bed to sleep on.

The Liberian’s are so grateful for the help. Our military and the Liberian military are living and working on this together. These are the times that make me proud to be an American.

It’s understandable how people are fearful of Ebola. It’s the stuff movies are made of, which is now playing at a local country near you.

But it can be contained. Hospitals worldwide need to be on alert. People may show up ill who didn’t know they had contact with someone from the affected African countries. They could have picked up Ebola from helping an Ebola infected person on an escalator or helped them on a bus. That’s what makes it so scary, I think.

The Texas hospital that sent Eric Duncan home made a terrible mistake. I believe if Mr. Duncan handed them a gold star insurance policy he would’ve been given a hospital room and tests would have begun on him, because for crying out loud, isn’t that what you do when someone shows up in the condition of Mr. Duncan? Instead the hospital gave him antibiotics and sent him home. Antibiotics? WTF? Because he was uninsured showing up at a private “religious” hospital, he was given the brushoff. Pure and simple.

Let’s fantasize how Ted Cruz would be treated if he showed up with the same symptoms. Ted, who just returned from visiting several countries in Africa, on his whirlwind tour to show the black folks how much he loves them, falls ill several days after returning to Texas. He did several fundraisers and speeches before succumbing to the symptoms of Ebola. Now Ted wasn’t putting two and two together, nor were his aides, as they were immersed in his presidential campaign, and blamed Ted’s illness on overwork and the flu.

Once it became evident that the Cuban-Canadian-American could no longer function his aides rushed him to the same hospital where Mr. Duncan sought care.

Once  his symptoms were stated to the emergency room, he would have been given a room and testing and questioning would begin. In fact, Ted’s personal doctor was notified and was on his way.

I’d bet the ranch that these learned medical professionals would have zeroed in on Ebola within the hour. Probably diagnosed by his personal doctor.

Personal attention is the key, for each and every human being, because our very lives depend on it.

Yesterday, a  government medical nurse came by. He took our blood pressure ( mine was 120/80) and told us that flu shots will be available in the neighboring town in December. He turned to me and said that since I haven’t had a tetanus shot in over a decade , that they were available for free because I am at that magical age of 65.

The Tico medics check children, their weight, height, etc., and make comparisons to monitor their growth. No one asks for insurance cards, it is just done for everyone. It truly helps people.

Can you imagine that happening in the rural South of the U.S.? I can, Bubba would probably fire a few warning shots because he ain’t gonna let no n***er nurse touch him.

As overstressed as the Costa Rica health care system is, it does take good care of its people and visitors. I am living evidence of them treating my cancer. I only felt well taken care of  in the U.S. when I had top notch health insurance.

Costa Rica has already prepared its hospitals. They are all being outfitted and trained to deal with Ebola over a week ago. Double snap and it was done. Take that lesson, Texas.

My whole point in relaying those scenarios here was, “it’s the humanity of it all.”

We live on this wondrous planet together. And diseases know no borders or skin color.

The irony of it all, is that a disease may teach the world that we must get along or die.

Pura vida.

Rock The Voter News

Rick Santorum just married the Harlem Globetrotters. And you didn't take his warnings seriously.- LOLGOP

US urges action to keep Ebola from becoming 'next AIDS'
 A top US health official on Thursday urged swift action to prevent the deadly Ebola virus from becoming the next AIDS epidemic, as the health of an ....

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This weekend a man in Oregon who is an advocate for the open carry of firearms was robbed at gunpoint. The thief apparently made off with the man’s entire argument.- Seth Myers

Business/Tech News

When The Military Industrial Complex Does Good
 Presidents of several West African countries ravaged by Ebola pleaded for aid at the World Bank on Thursday as the U.S. military ramped up its efforts in Liberia, the country that has been hardest hit by the disease.

It's rumored that a sequel is in the works to the 1996 movie “Independence Day.” I'm not sure how scary it will be. An alien invasion would be only like the fifth worst thing we’re dealing with right now.- Jimmy Fallon


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