Thursday, October 2, 2014

Sick day.

Thank you for dropping by All Hat No Cattle.

I need a sick day. I'm pretty sure I don't have Ebola but I am so tired. I was barely able to post Wednesday's edition.

Get this, I slept 11 hours last night. 11 hours. And I am groggy as hell since waking up.

Sleeping sickness, you say?  Yeah because I am sick of sleeping!

I hope to be better tomorrow, if not I will post something to let you know what is up.

I found a few memes on being sick for your enjoyment!

Peace, y'all!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dallas Ebola patient had contact with children, Texas governor says

Dallas Ebola patient had contact with children, Texas governor says
...The patient, a man, walked into an emergency room at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas on September 26. A nurse asked him for his travel history while he was in the emergency room, and the patient said he had traveled to Africa, said Dr. Mark Lester, executive vice president of Texas Health Resources.
But that information was not "fully communicated" to the medical team, Lester said.

What is so disturbing about the Texas hospital sending the Ebola patient home, was that he told the hospital he was in Africa, and they still sent him home.
Do they have critical thinking skills in Texas?

Ebola hits Texas, where Rick Perry continues to refuse Medicaid expansion.  You guys still interested in secession?- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

America's Early History Of Beheadings
In 1623, just two years after Native Americans and Pilgrims dined together at the first Thanksgiving, Pilgrim commander Myles Standish decapitated an enemy Indian chieftain and impaled his head on a pike outside of the Plymouth fort.

That's the part we typically omit from our Thanksgiving myth...

How many Republicans does it take to block Obama from changing a lightbulb?- Top Conservative Cat

Florida officer Tasers 62-year-old black woman in the back as she walks away

The man who shot the video made this comment after the lady was tased, "And they wonder why they're hated."

When will this madness end?

Republican Shenanigans

Birthers Birth BS: Michelle Obama Is A Man
The birther fringe has been touting some highly dubious “evidence” that Michelle Obama was born a man and so is biologically incapable of being the mother of her own children.

PLEASE NOTE: Americans are still far more likely to die of being denied Medicaid expansion than Ebola.- LOLGOP

OK. I did some research. You're safe as long as you are not in contact with an Ebola victim...or rely on protection from the Secret Service. - LOLGOP

WTF? Is There An Assassination Plot Afoot?
I'm wondering what the editors at Politico were thinking when they let through this bizarre line about Obama being such an abysmal manager that only his death by assassination is likely to bring about needed reform of the Secret Service.

Republicans now think President Obama has a secret plot not to protect President Obama.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

WTF? More Lazy Secret Servicemen?
A security contractor with a gun and three prior convictions for assault and battery was allowed on an elevator with President Barack Obama during a Sept. 16 trip to Atlanta, violating Secret Service protocols, according to three people familiar with the incident.

George Zimmerman wants to have his own reality show so it's a shame 'Getting Away With Murder' is already taken.- John Fugelsang

 Click here for The Charmed Time

White House breach is the biggest scandal since the Secret Service went to Colombia & got secretly serviced.- John Fugelsang

Sure, Minnesota, Go After A Mom Trying To Help Her Cancer Stricken Child
A Minnesota prosecutor will proceed with a child endangerment case against a mother who provided medical marijuana to her son to treat symptoms of a traumatic brain injury — despite the fact that Minnesota recently passed a law allowing cannabis oil to be used for medical purposes — ThinkProgress reports. That law, however, will not go into effect until 2015.

Business/Tech News

The NFL recently hosted a football workshop in China. Unfortunately, most kids just ran when they heard the word “workshop.”- Jimmy Fallon

Texas Is Messing With U.S.
Just like last year, Texas is king of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S., while Vermont remains the greenest state in terms of pollution that causes climate change.

Life is a series of commas, not periods.- Matthew McConaughey



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

659 stairs to the top, The Guatape Rock in Colombia.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

National Review Writer: Women Who Have Abortions Should Be Hanged

National Review Writer: Women Who Have Abortions Should Be Hanged
Kevin Williamson, a correspondent for National Review, suggested Monday that women who have abortions should be hanged.

“How come when it’s us, it’s an abortion, and when it’s a chicken, it’s an omelette?” 
― George Carlin

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

New Rule: [slide of handsome Kurdish fighter wearing stylish sunglasses] Someone has to tell the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, “Not now for sexy time!”   Come on, guys, are we fighting ISIS or picking up Persian girls at the Beverly Center?  

Sunglasses by DKNY, machine gun by CIA.   - Bill Maher

Fox & Friends: The Beheadings Are Coming. The Beheadings Are Coming.
Tuesday morning Fox & Friends segment suggested that more Americans could be beheaded if President Barack Obama was successful in his effort to make guns safer.

Someone has to tell the woman who claims to have cosmetically added a third breast so as to drive away men, that many people actually find three boobs fascinating.

How else can you explain the popularity of “Fox & Friends”?    - Bill Maher

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has not appeared in public for weeks. There are rumors he's sick due to too much cheese, fried chicken, and beer. Sounds like someone is applying for American citizenship.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

War On Women Continued By A Woman
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham on Tuesday argued that a recent security breach at the White House had happened because the Secret Service had placed a woman on duty instead of “a really strong person.”

Right now the NRA preps an email blast to their database of gun owners that Obama is plotting a database of gun owners. - John Fugelsang

Y'all Qaeda Strikes Again!
The National Organization for Women (NOW) chapter in Louisiana has reacted with outrage, and called on the state to help rape victims on Monday after a report revealed that hospitals had started charging them for emergency care.

Rand Paul's candidacy is based on the idea he'll bring in new GOP primary voters. Is there any evidence he's better at this than his dad?- LOLGOP

Subject: Yesterday's Bird Picture

The picture of the bird feeding the chick is a male Upupa epops Hoopoe from central Asia.  It is the national bird of Israel. The male has the big crest.  more info here...



Found your bird!
Hey, pal, the bird is gorgeous! my search turned up eurasian hoopoe. thanks for sharing this. i've never seen this bird before. 



Thank you Kathy and Roger! It is very important to have viewers that are smarter than me!

Rock The Voter News

Secret Service Scandal Update
The man who breached security at the White House this month raced through several rooms on the main floor, penetrating farther into the building than previously disclosed, a Republican congressman said on Monday.

Hearing all the times the Secret Service got it right kind of rings hollow when you think of the few times they got it wrong. - Matt Laslo Tweet

Chelsea Clinton gave birth to a baby girl. And get this, she's already said her first word: "Iowa.”- Jimmy Fallon

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Geez Louise, The NFL Just Can't Stay Out Of The News
When a Kansas City Chiefs safety Husain Abdullah scored a touchdown during his team’s systematic routing of the New England Patriots last night, he did what many NFL players do: he stopped to say a prayer.
But unlike virtually every other touchdown prayer, Abdullah’s drew a penalty.

Business/Tech News

The Walton heirs could buy airtime every night to broadcast themselves beating up Betty White & we'd still shop at Walmart.- John Fugelsang

Newsweek Adds Disclaimer
Newsweek responded on Monday to plagiarism accusations against its former columnist Fareed Zakaria by adding a disclaimer to all of his articles that appear on the magazine's website.

New Rule: If you’re one of the nine people who have complained that their new iPhone 6+ got bent in their back pocket, you have to consider that maybe you just have a great big, fat ass.   
Don’t complain to Apple. Eat one.    - Bill Maher

What a weekend it was. Derek Jeter and George Clooney both quit playing.- Seth Myers



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Perfect Waves at Scorpion Bay, Baja California, Mexico.
