Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Republican Politician Is President Of Florida State University

John Thrasher has held a lot of positions in his life: speaker of the Florida House, chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, lobbyist, chairman of Rick Scott's reelection campaign, and current state senator.

Why does this feel like the eventual privatization of a public university?

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Thank god we're bombing #Khorasan cuz they're SO much worse than Isis! Even tho 2 days ago I thought Khorosan was a restaurant in Brentwood. - Bill Maher

Conservatives Salute Obama With The Middle Finger
President Obama disembarked from Marine One on Tuesday and saluted two Marines with a paper cup in his hand. For conservative talking heads the salute, which was captured in a video that the White House posted to its Instagram account, was proof positive of Obama's disregard for the military, ignorance of protocol, and general disrespect for the uniform.

This Is The Correct Way A President Salutes!

The House GOP won't come back to vote on war but Darrell Issa has already held 3 hearings about the president's latte salute.- LOLGOP

I live in a country where sophistication is measured by how many words it takes to pronounce one's coffee beverage.- John Fugelsang

Subject: No More WAR!

War is wrong. Obama is basically funneling money into the military industrial complex as every president has for decades.
Bombing innocent people only makes enemies.
We should not be the world's policeman. I know your favor helping Iraq but how can you feel that way?
I love your site anyway. :)

Thanks for writing, Andrew. I hear you. I hate war too.

As far as the military industrial complex, I feel we spend and waste too much on defense, and we need to reform our campaign finance laws limiting lobbyists access, to even begin to address that problem. 

I see it this way concerning ISIS. It is a dangerous world out there and we really do have mortal enemies. If we weren't the world's policeman, who would fill the vacuum? Putin? China?

Obama got us out of Iraq. He stayed out of the Syrian War for over three years.

I believe ISIS would love to strike Europe and the U.S. and have no doubt they are actively trying to do so.

The U.S. getting involved with Arab allies will probably help the situation greatly, and probably more lives will be saved from ISIS than lost by helping to stop ISIS. 

It is quite an extraordinary moment in history to have this level of cooperation from the neighboring Arab countries, but they know the danger ISIS presents.

ISIS is pure barbarianism, as the videos they release have shown.

If we completely pulled out of Iraq, what would happen?

Would Iran move in and snatch Iraq as Putin snatched Crimea and is actively trying to snatch eastern Ukraine? Or would Saudi Arabia, one of the largest buyers of U.S. weaponry, snatch Iraq?
Would Turkey grab Northern Iraq?

What I am trying to say is we created the problem by putting Bush the lesser in office who made this mess.

I feel we have an obligation to help.

The problem is old time religion, and in this case Sunni versus Shia since the beginning of Islam. Sunnis make up about 85% of the Muslim religion.

It reminds me of when the Church of England was formed, they broke away from the Catholic church and all these other Christian sects were formed, before during and after.

Osama bin Laden was an extremist Sunni. Saddam was a bit more moderate Sunni.

In the U.S. our Sunni extremist equivalent is the dumbing down of the masses
through televangelism, you know, the crowd who hates government and thinks there is a war on Christmas. Thank God they're not as organized or well funded as ISIS. But then again FOX News sure echoes their cause.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has compiled a list of domestic terrorism since Timothy McVeigh blew up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma.

Now they are in our government a.k.a. The Republican Party/Tea Party or in my view, America's Taliban.

Obama is not only fighting ISIS, who are Sunnis, but he is fighting the Christian right on a daily basis with members of Congress , and on the airwaves and cable systems throughout the country.

If the Christian right got control of the presidency, the Middle East would be their Armageddon and Holocaust wrapped into one. Our last president said Jesus was his favorite political philosopher, and look at the mess he made, much worse than what Saddam's WMDs, had done.

I can envision President Ted Cruz rallying the troops in his crusader uniform.

The only American boots on the ground I want to see are on Arab feet, to paraphrase John Fugelsang.  And I think Arabs feel the same.

And to think it took a Kenyan Muslim to unite the Middle East against ISIS.


There were some major security issues at the White House over the weekend. On Friday, a guy got to the front doors of the White House, and on Saturday another guy jumped over the White House fence. Officials are wondering why it's so easy to get in, while Obama is wondering why it's so hard to get out. -Jimmy Fallon

Republican Shenanigans

The Future Of Florida: Scott or Crist?
Months of mud-slinging by Florida Governor Rick Scott and former Governor Charlie Crist have made voters distrust both men in a hot race that is too close to call, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

Sign outside NH school: "God is allowed here." I'm sure the almighty is relieved.- John Fugelsang

How Not To Appeal To Women: Republican Ad Compares Obama To Abusive Boyfriend
The conservative group Americans for Shared Prosperity released an advertisement in which it compared President Barack Obama to a shiftless, abusive boyfriend.

The militant group ISIS today released a new audio clip mocking American politicians, including John Kerry and John McCain. And Americans are really upset because they released it directly into everybody’s iTunes account.- Seth Myers

Obama: We welcome scrutiny in the United States. In fact, there's a whole news channel devoted to me playing golf.- LOLGOP

Ferguson Unrest
A memorial to Michael Brown, the unarmed black teen shot by police in Ferguson, Mo., burned, and a community still gripped by mistrust again burst into violence.

Rock The Voter News


Mendocino Mercenaries?
They wear camouflaged uniforms, bearing military-style insignia. They ride helicopters into the redwood forests of Mendocino County, Calif., on the state's north coast, equipped with firearms, where they cut down illegal marijuana grows. But they aren't the army. They aren't even the police. They are Lear Asset Management, a private security firm that is attracting a lot of attention for what the work it's doing -- and even perhaps some work it hasn't done

The guys who think someone else using birth control hurts their religious freedom want to make sure that everyone condemns Islam as violent.- LOLGOP

 Click here for The Charmed Time

The situation in the NFL is awful. It's gotten so bad that even the Redskins want to change the commissioner's name.- David Letterman

Business/Tech News

Of COURSE American workers get sick leave, foreign allies!   If you're sick, you leave.- John Fugelsang

So How's Nuclear Power Going In Japan?
"Don't forget Fukushima" was the message Tuesday morning as roughly 16,000 people gathered in downtown Tokyo to protest the restart of Japan's nuclear power plants.

The demonstration, held outside the official residence of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, came a day after the government outlined plans to restart two reactors at the Sendai nuclear plant in southern Japan at a five-day meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Jiji News reports.

A REALIZATION YOU SHOULD HAVE NOW, NOT WHEN MIAMI'S GONE: Maybe we shouldn't have funded a party that completely rejected climate science.- LOLGOP

Ashton Kutcher announces remake of 'Citizen Kane' called 'Dude, Where's My Sled?'- John Fugelsang


I love AHNC viewers. Some of you have stuck with me since AHNC began on Dec. 14, 2000. That's amazing! Thank you.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Port Blanc at sunset. Quiberon, Brittany France.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Remember when Bush called himself the "Great Uniter"?

 The United States and its Arab allies bombed Syria for the first time on Tuesday, killing scores of Islamic State fighters and members of a separate al Qaeda-linked group, opening a new front against militants by joining a three-year-old civil war.

I guess those who said Obama was clueless and had no plans for ISIS will willingly eat their words.


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Perhaps if we all started referring to Climate Change as 'ISIS' the media might take the threat seriously.- John Fugelsang

I'm Glad The President Read This Memo
Airstrikes in Syria against the extremist Khorasan group were prompted by planning for an “imminent” terror attack on U.S. soil, the Pentagon said.

Cheney's proudest accomplishment: Making pre-emptive war something that's not even really debated anymore.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

AM radio taught me Obama's a weak leader & a powerful tyrant; in over his head & a socialist mastermind; a Muslim w/a bad Christian pastor..- John Fugelsang

How's That Lawsuit Boehner Filed Against The President Going?
The law firm that House Republicans hired to file their lawsuit against President Obama lasted less than a month.

The House Administration Committee announced on Friday that it had replaced the original firm, BakerHostetler, with a new lead attorney, William Burck.

Republican Land Rage
The Republican candidate for Minnesota House District 6A on the Iron Range faces a civil trial in Itasca County this week after sawing his neighbor’s garage in half.

Sorry, people, no time to talk about the huge rallies on climate change, the networks just found a woman with three breasts.- Top Conservative Cat

Rock The Voter News

Pope Francis says people can't use religion to justify violence, though he forgot to mention it only applies to OTHER religions, not mine.- Top Conservative Cat

NY Nails Osama bin Laden's Son-In-Law
A seemingly unrepentant Suleiman Abu Ghaith, a son-in-law of Osama bin Laden, was sentenced to life in prison on Tuesday in New York following his conviction on terrorism charges.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

House on recess for 5 weeks, which is good--I'd hate for legislation and governing to get in the way of complaining about Obama's golf game.- Top Conservative Cat

Business/Tech News

So How's That Privatization Of Toll Roads Going? 
The debt-stricken operator of an Indiana Toll Road filed for bankruptcy protection Sunday with a plan to restructure some $6 billion in debt by selling its assets or reorganizing its business.

Wall Street Journal tells readers: “Climate change isn’t real, and even if it were, you’ve got a yacht for when the oceans rise.”- Top Conservative Cat

We're #1
An anonymous tipster living abroad will be receiving more than $30 million, in the largest whistleblower award ever doled out by U.S. securities regulators as part of a program that aims to incentivize insiders to report wrongdoing.

In Breaking Bad 2 a sick botany teacher grows weed to provide for his family & the town mellows out & everyone gets along.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

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Seljalandsfoss Waterfall – Iceland.


Monday, September 22, 2014

New York climate march draws hundreds of thousands

New York climate march draws hundreds of thousands
 An international day of action on climate change brought hundreds of thousands of people onto the streets of New York City on Sunday, easily exceeding organizers' hopes for the largest protest on the issue in history.

If you actually cared about secure borders, you'd probably stop encouraging the oceans to invade us.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If Climate Change were as bad as you say, the GOP would have voted to repeal it 50 times by now.-Top Conservative Cat

Imagine If Vietnam Veterans Had This When They Returned From War
Colorado businesses joined together over the weekend to distribute free medical marijuana and pot-infused products to military veterans, reports CBS Denver.

During President Obama’s visit to an elementary school yesterday, one little boy actually asked him if he ever fought in the Civil War. Obama told the boy he did not, but he re-enacts it with Congress all the time.- Jimmy Fallon

Uninvited White House Guest
The Texas man accused of breaking into the White House while armed with a knife is a U.S. military veteran who was decorated for his service in the Iraq war, the U.S. Army said on Sunday.

The official GOP position on domestic violence is that the Founding Fathers didn’t care, so it would be un-American for us to.-Top Conservative Cat

Republican Shenanigans

The worst part of hating ppl on food stamps is that if you ever hit hard times the only ppl who care abt you are those damn liberals.- John Fugelsang

FOX NEWS: The Demons Are Coming!
Fox News contributor Father Jonathan Morris on Sunday called for officials in Oklahoma City to shut down a Satanic black mass because he said worshippers were "inciting violence" by mocking Christians.

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government." - Thomas Jefferson

Rock The Voter News

A recent report says the majority of Americans cannot name the three branches of government — Judicial, Executive, and Legislative. To make it easier, the government is renaming those branches Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney.- Conan O'Brien

Washing Off The Oil
John D. Rockefeller built a vast fortune on oil. Now his heirs are abandoning fossil fuels.

The family whose legendary wealth flowed from Standard Oil is planning to announce on Monday that its $860 million philanthropic organization, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, is joining the divestment movement that began a couple years ago on college campuses.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

We just had the hottest summer on record, which is why the House GOP is united in its effort to ban records.- LOLGOP

Baseball Fanatic Says Football Bad
Conservative columnist George Will on Sunday asserted that recent domestic violence scandals in the National Football League (NFL) would not force change as long as the business model was "consciously" merchandising violence.

A man was arrested yesterday after the garbage bag he was carrying split open and a human head fell out. If he’s convicted, the man could receive a two-week suspension from the NFL.- Seth Myers

Business/Tech News

If climate change were real, don’t you think the Koch brothers would do stop it so their money doesn’t get too hot?-Top Conservative Cat

Protesters On Wall Street 
Hundreds of protesters plan to risk arrest on Monday during an unsanctioned blockade in New York City's financial district to call attention to what organizers say is Wall Street's contribution to climate change.

The Islamic State is releasing its own "Grand Theft Auto" style of video game. In their version, the worse crime you can commit is letting a woman drive the car.- Conan O'Brien



Odd News

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