Wednesday, September 17, 2014

LA schools police to give up grenade launchers, but will keep rifles and armored vehicle

LA schools police to give up grenade launchers, but will keep rifles and armored vehicle
Los Angeles schools’ police said on Tuesday it would give up three grenade launchers it acquired for free through a federal program now facing mounting scrutiny for supplying local agencies with military-grade equipment, the L.A Times newspaper reported.

Street gangs are toning down their colors in order to be less noticeable to law enforcement. So now there are three gangs walking around in L.A. — the Crips, the Bloods, and the Earth Tones.- Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Things I still believe: Arming Syrian moderates is not smart, US combat troops are the problem in Iraq not the solution and ¿Saudi Arabia?- LOLGOP

Iran Shakes Finger At ISIS
"The killing and beheading of innocent people in fact is a matter of shame for them"

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told NBC News’s Ann Curry on Wednesday that ISIS terrorists “want to kill humanity.”

This week Scotland will vote on whether it wants to leave the United Kingdom. If Scotland votes "yes," it will also leave the European Union and NATO and be responsible for defending itself. Or as Vladimir Putin put it, "I got dibs!"- Jimmy Fallon

ISIS at the border is mostly craven scaremongering but at least the GOP has stepped up from scaring us with starving child refugees.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

I spend most of my Constitution Day pretending that the words "general welfare" and "well-regulated" have no meaning.- LOLGOP

FUN FACT: God Always Puts Listening To Prayers At Football Games At The End Of His TO DO List
After receiving a reminder from the American Civil Liberties Union that it is unconstitutional to hold school-sanctioned prayer over the loud-speaker before football games, a group of Oneida High School cheerleaders decided to use the moment of silence to lead the fans in a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer.

FYI: The next time a Benghazi hearing will fall on Constitution Day will be every single year of Hillary Clinton's administration.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

The White House today came out in support of requiring police officers to wear body cameras at all times. It’s a great way for fans to keep up with their favorite NFL players.- Seth Myers

Cruz Makes Crazy Claims About Obama. Yawn.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) went after Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey's responses during a Senate hearing on the Obama administration's plan to fight ISIS by suggesting the plan is essentially to send social workers to Iraq and put everyone there on expanded Medicaid.

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If Americans cared about justice Dick Cheney would be giving his opinions on ISIL via telephone interview from The Hague.- John Fugelsang

Glad To See FSU Is Addressing Crude Comments About Women. Sorta.
The reigning Heisman Trophy winner will sit out the first half of Saturday's game against Clemson. Winston shouted a lascivious comment that may have derived from an internet meme while on campus Tuesday.

Business/Tech News

My plan to create thousands of new jobs involves opening a vast network of Tattoo Removal Parlors over the next 12 years.- John Fugelsang

They Took The Money And Ran
"and like that: he's gone."

This is an actual headline from a company press release: "CEO and COO disappeared, most of the company's cash missing." (Via FastFT)
In a statement, German-based shoe company Ultrasonic said its CFO,  Chi Kwong Clifford Chan, has been unable to reach the company's CEO, Qingyong Wu,  and COO, Minghong Wu,  who apparently left their homes and are untraceable. 

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
- John Kenneth Galbraith



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

La Jument Lighthouse, France.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Gas production blamed for rise in Colorado, New Mexico quakes

Gas production blamed for rise in Colorado, New Mexico quakes
The deep injection of wastewater underground by energy companies during methane gas extraction has caused a dramatic rise in the number of earthquakes in Colorado and New Mexico since 2001, U.S. government scientists said in a study released on Monday.

We shouldn't frack Mother Earth. She's complaining.

So you're willing to bet the next 1,000 years of the planet that Rick Perry knows more about science than Neil deGrasse Tyson.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

This week President Obama gave a big speech from White House where he outlined his plan to quote “degrade and ultimately destroy” the terror group ISIS. When asked how, he said, "I’ll build their website." - Jimmy Fallon

War On Ebola
The United States announced on Tuesday that it would send 3,000 troops to help tackle the Ebola outbreak as part of a ramped-up response including a major deployment in Liberia, the country where the epidemic is spiraling fastest out of control.

President Obama announced in his speech the other night that he's sending 475 military advisers to Iraq. Not own that but he's also sending 475 military advisers to the NFL. - David Letterman

Republican Shenanigans

Everything Rush Limbaugh knows about sex comes from women who were trying not to have sex with Rush Limbaugh. - LOLGOP

What A Stupid Remark, By A Republican, Of Course.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) defended his proposed abortion ban this week, saying that if a pregnant mother sings to her fetus then it must be considered a person.

Domestic Terrorist Caught On Tape
Authorities released surveillance video from the “full-frontal” assault on a Georgia courthouse earlier this year by a sovereign citizen.

Reclusive Deity Hasn’t Written A New Book In 2,000 Years. - The Onion Tweet

Rock The Voter News

Bill Maher To Target GOP Rep With Comedy
The politically incorrect host of HBO's "Real Time With Bill Maher" announced on Friday he will target Minnesota Rep. John Kline, the chair of the House Education and Workforce Committee, in his "flip a district" campaign. He said he'll make repeated visits to the district for stand-up comedy in an effort to motivate voters to oust the "crummy" and "corrupt" Kline on Nov. 4.

Not only do I believe cannabis should be legalized, it should also be forcibly administered to Congress.- John Fugelsang

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What Would William Wallace Do?
Of all the many crises this summer -- from ISIS, to Ukraine, Ebola to Libya -- who'd have thought jolly old England would be on that list?

Technically, it’s the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But for how much longer? On Thursday, after 307 years, Scotland may vote for independence and with it, potentially change the world order that has lasted since the end of the Second World War. 

It's been 4 years this week since Jack Kevorkian went to meet his customers.- John Fugelsang

I'm afraid if we don't settle on an official name for ISIS/ ISIL/ Islamic State, John McCain may end up arming one of them.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

British Prime Minister David Cameron went to Scotland this week to persuade citizens of the country to vote “no” on leaving the U.K. He said, “It's never worked out for anyone-well except America, and Canada, Australia, India, and . . . I'll stop talking now.”- Jimmy Fallon

Putin Sure Has His Hands Full Of Enemies
Romania's energy minister said on Tuesday Russia was playing games with gas supplies to cause concerns in EU states, after analysts warned that Moscow could use the flows to retaliate against sanctions imposed over its role in Ukraine.

Nutty: since 1990 oil prices "2% lower in month preceding a US election and 4% lower in election month itself."- Harry Shearer Tweet


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Tallulah Gorge in Autumn, Georgia.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Why won’t Rand Paul admit he’s changed his mind?

Why won’t Rand Paul admit he’s changed his mind?
Back in Washington after a long break last week, Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul was stepping off the escalator in the Capitol basement on his way to lunch, when a reporter approached him with a straightforward question.

Rand Paul is so caught up in revising the past, pretty soon he may say he supported the North in the Civil War.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Dick Cheney criticizing Obama on ISIS is like Dr. Frankenstein mocking the villagers for not catching that monster yet.- John Fugelsang

GOP Senator Mimics Fire and Brimstone Preacher
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) did not hold back on Sunday in expressing his outrage at President Barack Obama’s refusal to send ground troops to confront ISIS, warning that the “gates of hell” would “spill out onto the world.”

If George W. Bush was so right about Iraq, how come Republicans aren't including them in all their ads and campaigns?- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

The US has the lowest voter turnout of any wealthy country and no evidence of stolen elections -- so the GOP wants to make it harder to vote. - LOLGOP

ISIS Is Sneaking In Through Mexico Says Sheriff With No Proof 
A Texas sheriff spoke to Fox & Friends host Elizabeth Hasselbeck this morning and warned her that members of the ISIS terrorist group, attempting to consolidate power in the Middle East, are also currently infiltrating the United States by sneaking over the border from Mexico.

Rick Perry's Lawyers Are Going All Hysterical Historical
Lawyers for Rick Perry invoked a former Roman emperor and 17th-century French King Louis XIV in a motion filed on Monday seeking to dismiss abuse-of-power felony charges leveled against the Texas governor.

If Bristol Palin gets to be an unwed teen mom paid to talk abstinence then the Palin brawl means she can get paid to talk nonviolence.- John Fugelsang

Sarah Palin's Saturday Night Brawl Response. Sorta.
Sarah Palin's camp has finally weighed in on the Alaska birthday party brawl that put the former Republican vice presidential nominee and her family back in the national spotlight this past week.

If your belief system is not founded in an objective reality, you should not be making decisions that affect other people.- Neil deGrasse Tyson

The wait times at the polls in Florida are so bad that by the time you get to vote Rand Paul might even agree with himself again.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

"My big concern is that too many men are being falsely accused of rape."
- a guy who just told you everything you need to know about him. - LOLGOP

Militia To Block U.S./Mexico Border With Guns. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Border militias are threatening to block international ports of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border later this week to protest the jailing of a former Marine on Mexican weapons charges, and authorities fear the protests could spark violence.

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This tweet contains the names of every right-wing pundit who ever complained when a white president went golfing.  Thank you.- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

I can't wait to show off my new Urban Outfitters Hiroshima Hoodie.- John Fugelsang

Have A Glass Of Flaming Water!
Homes in a Texas community face worsening water contamination caused by nearby gas production, according to a study released today.

Republicans don't believe Climate Change can make winters colder but they do believe tax cuts for billionaires will create jobs. Science! - LOLGOP



Odd News

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Residential skyscrapers in Dubai.
