Monday, August 25, 2014

ISIS Intent on Hitting West, 'External Operations' Under Way

ISIS Intent on Hitting West, 'External Operations' Under Way, McCaul Believes
House Homeland Security Chair Rep. Michael McCaul said today he believes that ISIS, the jihadist army that has taken control of large part of Iraq and brutally murdered American journalist James Foley, has external operations under way to hit the West.

Those proposing American ground troops in Iraq must say what the GOP didn't say in 2003: 
They will need to be there for generations.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Finally protesters are standing up for the right of a police officer to kill an unarmed man, get a $300,000 reward and not be questioned. - LOLGOP

Soldier Shoots Herself On Base
 A female soldier shot and wounded herself at Fort Lee, Virginia, on Monday, sparking a lockdown of the U.S. Army installation, the base said on its Facebook page.

Obama Would've Been Immediately Impeached If He Did This:

It's important to remember that #Ferguson officer is innocent until proven guilty; as opposed to, say, the unarmed guy he shot 6 times.- John Fugelsang

I Watched This, So You Don't Have To: See Toon Below
Trend chasing community access TV hostess Sarah Palin heard about this here ALS Ice Bucket Challenge which is raising money for some disease or something or whatever –she doesn’t care– and so she decided to use it to fill time on her rogue TV network with her being all cutesy and ‘g’-droppin’ again.

Yes, this should be awful and it is.

BREAKING: The Republicans who wanted ground troops in Iraq in 2003, 2007 and 2010 want them there in 2014.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

"Texas Governor Rick Perry has been charged with two felonies. Yesterday, after he got his mug shot, he went out for ice cream – or, as Mayor Rob Ford calls it, multi-tasking." –Jimmy Fallon

When Will Police Brutality Stop In L.A.? Or Anywhere?
Police officers in Los Angeles ignored pleas for help and complaints by a man who said he couldn’t breathe and later died in custody, reports show.
Two reports released in the past week indicate that officers didn’t take Jorge Azucena seriously and one sergeant told him: “You can talk, so you can breathe,” the Los Angeles Times reported Friday.

Weird. Your "religious freedom" is only violated when women get the same freedom as men or LGBT get people the same rights as human beings.- LOLGOP

Obama Statue Returned
Police have returned a life-size statue of President Barack Obama that went missing from its owner's northeastern Pennsylvania porch and was found a few days later reclining on a ...

Rock The Voter News

Welcome to Walmart!
Police authorities in Greenville, South Carolina are reviewing video of an arrest at a Walmart store Saturday afternoon where an officer can be seen repeatedly punching a suspect in the head as horrified shoppers begged him to stop.

Meanwhile, The Atlantic Coast Is Bubbling Methane
In an unexpected discovery, hundreds of gas plumes bubbling up from the seafloor were spotted during a sweeping survey of the U.S. Atlantic Coast.

Even though ocean explorers have yet to test the gas, the bubbles are almost certainly methane, researchers report today (Aug. 24) in the journal Nature Geoscience.

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Business/Tech News

Disney's stock just reached a new high this week of $90.37 a share. That's when you know tickets to Disney World are too expensive — when it's actually cheaper to own part of the company.- Jimmy Fallon

Pipeline Activists
Demanding a halt to pipeline corporation Enbridge's continued expansion of Line 6B—which ruptured in 2010, spilling over one million gallons of tar sands oil and diluting chemicals into a tributary of the Kalamazoo River—two activists Monday morning locked themselves to a pipeline construction truck leaving Precision Pipeline storage yard in Oxford, Michigan. The action caused a back-up of trucks leaving the facility.



Odd News

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Architecture for resistance design by Dionisio González. He designs homes for hurricane prone areas.


Friday, August 22, 2014

Russell Brand: Racism peddled on Fox News is ‘so outrageous it’s almost art!’

Russell Brand: Racism peddled on Fox News is ‘so outrageous it’s almost art!’
On the latest episode of The Trews, Russell Brand continued to discuss Fox News’s racist coverage of the civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.

The aim of the conservative media is to make conservative politicians look respectable in comparison.- LOLGOP

Would the officers who beat Rodney King have a crowdfunding page today?- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Putin Plays Trojan Horse Card
Ukraine accused Moscow of invading after Russia unilaterally sent the first part of its mammoth aid convoy into eastern Ukraine on Friday, warning against any attacks on the trucks.

I only take time from my efforts fighting ISIS, saving orphans in Syria and curing Ebola to tweet my concerns about Obama playing golf.- LOLGOP

The War Drum Is Beating
The Islamic State poses a greater danger than a conventional “terrorist group” and is pursuing a vision that could radically alter the face of the Middle East, US defense leaders said Thursday.

REMINDER: No black president has ever taken more vacation than Obama. Ever. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

The GOP. Spends 6 years trying to get Obama out of the White House then complains whenever he's out of the White House.- LOLGOP

Okie Senator Warns Of ISIS Blowing Up U.S. City
Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said ISIS members are “rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major U.S. city and people just can’t believe that’s happening.”
“Yes, it’s really significant what’s happening,” he added during a local television interview on Wednesday.

So is it only in the movies that cops shoot people in the hand or the leg?- Lizz Winstead

China Challenging U.S.
The Pentagon on Friday accused a Chinese fighter jet of conducting a "dangerous intercept" of a U.S. Navy aircraft off the coast of China in international airspace.

Rock The Voter News

"Disneyworld has become a popular location for Republican fundraisers. A favorite activity is to ride through It's a Small World and deport most of the dolls." –Conan O'Brien

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"Rick Perry, what a good-looking guy he is. As a requirement for being a Republican candidate for president, you have to look good in a mug shot. I hope this doesn't ruin his chances of being our next dumb president from Texas." –David Letterman

Business/Tech News

You have to give Republican congressmen credit for not even taking a vacation from their vacations to make Obama vacation jokes.- LOLGOP

Berlin Suing Swiss
 Berlin is suing one of Switzerland's largest banks in its bid to recuperate hundreds of millions of euros that went missing during the reunification of East and West Germany, the bank said Thursday.

Kids who used to beat me up in school are now all grown up & on Facebook complaining how their kids get bullied at school.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

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Bernese Alps,Interlaken, Switzerland.

I hope you have a beautiful and peaceful weekend.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Election Season: Republicans Dust Off Nuclear Fear Manual

Conservative Group Tries To Revive Barry Goldwater With 'Daisy 2'
It’s always mushroom clouds with these guys. Secure America Now, a 501c4, has released a sequel of sorts to Lyndon Johnson’s infamous Daisy ad that equated electing Barry Goldwater with nuclear Armageddon. Daisy 2 accuses Barack Obama of “failing” to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, a humdinger of a lie that overlays the original ad’s message of peace with the drumbeats of war.

Hawaii became the 50th State in the Union on this day in 1959 as part of the vast conspiracy to make Barack Obama a citizen.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Dick Cheney Chimes In, Again.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney is predicting that the beheading of American journalist James Foley is just the start of more violence if President Barack Obama doesn’t “deal with this crisis” in Iraq.

Seems like conservatives are finally opening up to the idea of reparations. They just need to decide how much black people owe them. - LOLGOP

Police Officer Suspended for Death Threat
On Wednesday, police said an officer had been suspended for pointing a semi-automatic assault rifle at demonstrators, then cursing and threatening to kill one of them. A protester captured the exchange on video Tuesday and posted it to YouTube and other websites...

  "Do you know that these fools actually went ahead this week and voted to sue the President of the United States?  Yeah, it's so desperate. They said he spilled McDonald's coffee on their lap." - Bill Maher

Republican Shenanigans

Yesterday Egypt's foreign ministry called on the United States to show respect for the rights of protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. Yeah, Egypt said that. Man, talk about living in glass pyramids.- Jimmy Fallon

Muslim Leaders Condemn Muslim Extremists 
The president of the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, Indonesia, on Thursday called the actions of Islamic State militants "embarrassing" to the religion and urged Islamic leaders to unite in tackling extremism.

Conservatives just want you to know that racism isn't a problem. The real problem is someone may have to bake gay people a cake.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Visitors are coming for the 200th anniversary of the 1814 fire, when the President's office was reduced to a chair. - Michelle Obama Tweet

How Climate Change Is Affecting The Area I Live In
August 21st, 2014 ( PLN lawmaker, Juan Marin said this week that the chronic water shortage in Guanacaste is so bad that nine hotels in Tamarindo and Langosta are threatening to close their doors and layoff their staff.

33 Second NASA Video of North Pole Melting From March to August

The great irony -- former Confederate states are among those most likely to be dependent on the federal government. - LOLGOP

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Next weekend Los Angeles is holding its first riverboat race. All that's missing is a river in Los Angeles with water. - Conan O'Brien

Do You Think Fracking Companies Are Worried About Water Shortages?
 A fracking boom isn't enough for U.S. oil and gas producers – they're now starting the re-fracking boom.

  Wells sunk as little as three years ago are being fracked again

"We've created over 200,000 jobs every month this year. Hasn't happened in 17 years. I guess my first question is, when do the Republicans stop calling it 'Obama's economy'?" - Bill Maher

Business/Tech News

If you are desperately trying to blame an unarmed teen for his death, you are a monster. - Lizz Winstead tweet

The NFL wants singing groups to pay the league to perform at halftime of the Super Bowl. Isn't that crazy? It's like the NFL decided that there's some money out there they don't have our hands on.  - David Letterman

Putin Goes After Ronald McDonald
 Russian news agencies reported Thursday that the country's food safety agency will conduct checks on McDonald's restaurants in the Urals following food safety complaints, a day after four branches of the chain were shuttered in Moscow.

REMINDER: Republicans don't need a reason for a government shutdown. They need a reason not to have a government shutdown.- LOLGOP


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Cleaners abseil down one of the faces of Big Ben, to clean and polish the clock face, in central London.
