Thursday, July 7, 2016

The sad truth

Aftermath Of Man's Fatal Police Shooting Captured On Video By Girlfriend
"You shot four bullets into him, sir. He was just getting his license and registration, sir," the woman can be heard saying.
She was then handcuffed and arrested.

REMINDER: We need a President who believes #BlackLivesMatter, not one who spends all day defending white supremacist tweets. - The Daily Edge

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

More humans were killed by ISIS in Baghdad this weekend than in Orlando Paris & Brussels combined.  ISIS hates Muslims.  Je Suis Iraq. - John Fugelsang

Kill Them All. Let Trump Sort It Out
A Patriot Movement supporter, approved by the Trump campaign, talks of violently overthrowing the federal government.

Republicans will hold hearings about Benghazi, Clinton, the IRS, and just about anything except assault weapons and murdered black people. - Shoq Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Are you a suicidal career politician? Just need a part-time job? Text TRUMP VP to 88022. Experience not required. - Kona Lowell

Trump Receives De-endorsement
Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) is highlighting his split from presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump as an example of his independence as he runs for reelection.
"My independence is pretty clearly demonstrated when I de-endorsed Donald Trump," the Illinois Republican told a local radio station. "I felt Donald Trump was too bigoted and racist for the land of Lincoln."  


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Rock The Voter News

I've noticed that the idea of free college is particularly offensive to people whose parents paid for their college.- LOLGOP

The Revengers
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) on Thursday introduced a bill to strip Hillary Clinton of her security clearance, joining a growing chorus of Republican lawmakers who say she is unfit to handle classified information.


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Biz/Tech News

The president we hired to deal with a historic layoff crisis led us into record-low layoffs -- if you're wondering why the GOP is so pissed. - LOLGOP

The Riskiest Medical Experiment In History Will Soon Be Underway!
With less than a month until the 2016 Olympics get underway in Rio de Janeiro, almost all mentions of the games are accompanied by tangible of the most ominous threats is “super bacteria,”



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Beam me to Venice, Scotty.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Republican's Big Tent

McConnell: GOP will have 'frank' talk with Trump
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Wednesday that a Thursday sit-down with Donald Trump will be a "frank exchange."
"I look forward to having a frank exchange tomorrow. All of us are anxious to win the presidential election," he told reporters.

Imagine if powerful white men were as vocally outraged about an innocent black person being shot as they are about improper use of email. - OhNoSheTwitnt

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

NRA: "Buy a gun"
GOP: "Buy a gun"
Cops: "He had a gun" - The Daily Edge

Republican Shenanigans

The bill to abolish the FBI was drafted in a matter of minutes Tuesday morning, Republican staffers confirmed.- Andy Borowitz

GOP To Investigate The Investigation
Republicans will hold hearings to learn more about the FBI's decision to not recommend criminal charges for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday night.

Trump Claims FBI Director is Biased and Mexican - Andy Borowitz

The Guy Who Is Creepier Looking Than Alfred Hitchcock
Longtime Fox News personality Gretchen Carlson has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against her former boss, CEO Roger Ailes.

Might be useful  to have a house committee on rampant police shootings instead of witch hunts against Planned Parenthood and Hillary Clinton. - Sean McElwee on Twitter


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With the FBI clearing Hillary of all charges, the only looming threat to her campaign is Bill Clinton. - Andy Borowitz
Rock The Voter News

Clinton Cannot Understand Why Campaign Plane Left Without Him - Andy Borowitz

Trump Raises 51 Million --- Probably From ISIS
Donald Trump's campaign on Wednesday announced a $51 million fundraising haul for June, a significant improvement that still falls shy of Hillary Clinton's massive fundraising efforts.


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I do not blame Trump for retweeting material from a racist website. It must be exhausting coming up with original racist content himself, day in, day out.- Andy Borowitz

Biz/Tech News

Brexit Backlash
Global stock markets were lower on Wednesday while the British pound hit a new 31-year low, as investors worried about the effect of Britain's decision to leave the EU on the U.K. real estate market following the Bank of England governor's remarks.

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito." —The Dalai Lama, who was born 81 years ago today


Did you have a good time today?
Please kick in a couple of bucks.


Odd News

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I need a weekend get-away doing just this.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The vast right wing conspiracy scorecard

FBI’s Comey: No charges appropriate in Clinton email case
In a bombshell announcement, FBI Director James Comey accused former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday of having been “extremely careless” in handling classified information on her private email server but recommended that she not face criminal charges.

BREAKING NEWS - people who hated Hillary Clinton still hate her; people who defended her still do.  More on this huge story as it develops.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"Guy contributed, like, nothing to the Roman economy.  SAD!  I like Messiahs who don't get crucified" - The Theology of Donald Trump - John Fugelsang

Is The Trump War On Journalists Over?
Journalists banned from Donald Trump’s campaign events can rejoin their press colleagues in Cleveland at the Republican National Convention, an official said Tuesday.
“If they have made it through the credentialing process, yes,” Annie Tin, the House Press Gallery director, who issues credentials for the convention, said...

Republican Shenanigans

If you think Trump isn't careful about who he offends, you are wrong. He is very careful not to say anything that offends racists and misogynists. - Andy Borowitz

Hey Dorothy, Look What Happened To Kansas
Republican Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, launched an “experiment” when he was elected in 2010 that has bankrupted the state’s economy.

If you discovered you were inspiring hordes of antisemites, would you?
a) apologize & hide 
b) insist Jews can't recognize a Star of David. - LOLGOP

Only Little People Follow Regulations
Donald Trump often boasts he made a lot of money in Atlantic City, despite the repeated failures of his casinos there, but what he does not mention is his casino empire's repeated run-ins with government regulators over broken promises---


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Obama: "I'm ready to pass the baton, and I know that Hillary Clinton is gonna take it" 

Rock The Voter News

Bill Clinton Moved to Undisclosed Location Until November Ninth - Andy Borowitz

Bill Clinton could have sex with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac and I would still vote for Hillary Clinton. She's running against Donald trump. - Paula Poundstone

Wait. Wait. The World's Worst Investigators Launching Another Investigation!
Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told reporters on Tuesday that he will meet with House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and the House sergeant-at-arms on Tuesday afternoon to discuss whether to launch a formal investigation into the sit-in demonstration staged by House Democrats at the end of June


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Oops. Prayer Didn't Work!
A county clerk who went to jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples violated the state's Open Records Act, the Kentucky attorney general's office said Tuesday.

Biz/Tech News

If Donald Trump posted a flamin' cross on Twitter, his followers would call it a " Shiny Plus Sign. " - Tea Pain on Twitter

New Olympic Medal Should Be Awarded For Swimming In Sludge
A group of Brazilian scientists have detected a drug-resistant bacteria growing off the shores of some of Rio de Janeiro's most stunning beaches, one month before they're due to host the 2016 Olympic Games.

They have found a "super bacteria" in Rio waters. If the swimmers go really fast maybe they could avoid it. We should see some record times. - Paula Poundstone



Odd News

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The Black Panther is one of the rarest animal on the planet.
