Wednesday, August 6, 2014

GOP lawmaker calls on Sarah Palin to lead new party to replace Republicans

GOP lawmaker calls on Sarah Palin to lead new party to replace Republicans
A former California lawmaker and executive for the conservative social activist network the Council for National Policy is proposing that the Tea Party and Christian extremists form a third party “to do to the GOP what the GOP did to the Whig Party” — and says that Sarah Palin should be its leader

"This Republican party is just full of children, and someone needs to leave them in a hot car." - Bill Maher

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Occupied people build tunnels and shoot rockets? Who knew?- AllHatNoCattle

Gaza Truce Holding So Far
A Gaza truce was holding on Wednesday as Egyptian mediators pursued talks with Israeli and Palestinian representatives on an enduring end to a war that has devastated the Hamas Islamist- dominated enclave.

Officials from Hamas and Israel have agreed to a 72-hour cease-fire. Of course, we won’t have true peace in the Middle East until there’s a cease-fire that lasts longer than a mattress sale.- Seth Myers

Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian have ended their so-called feud after eight years. Then John Kerry said, “Man, that was rough. Now on to the Middle East.”- Jimmy Fallon

Republican Shenanigans

  "Do you know that these fools actually went ahead this week and voted to sue the President of the United States? ...I doubt anything will really come of this lawsuit. First of all, it's a lawsuit. It involves a subpoena. And try to find a Republican who will be willing to be seen serving a black man." - Bill Maher

George W. Bush Legacy Overly Edited By CIA
The chief author of the Senate’s “torture report” urged President Obama on Tuesday to make more of the document available to the public, over the objections of the CIA. She charged that the intelligence agency’s edits “eliminate or obscure key facts” about controversial interrogation practices during the George W. Bush administration.


Rock The Voter News

The Russians Arrived. The Russians Arrived.
Russian hackers stole 1.2 billion Internet credentials from major US companies and others around the world in what is likely the biggest data breach ever, security researchers said Tuesday.

Russian gang steals a billion passwords, now knows your pets' names.- LOLGOP

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Up In Smoke
U.S. planemaker Boeing has teamed up with South African Airways to develop jet fuel from a tobacco plant as part of efforts to cut carbon emissions and promote green energy in Africa's most advanced economy.

Those people at the CDC are just like climate scientists. Totally compromised by the billions of dollars they accept to work in "science."- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

REMINDER: Denying the working poor health insurance does not prevent Ebola.- LOLGOP

Donald Trump Suing His Own Name
 Donald Trump has a message for the two Atlantic City casinos that still bear his name, five years after he gave up anything to do with running them: You're fired.

 Americans must take the rest of the summer to contemplate the fact that we get far less vacation time than any other civilized country. Which is maybe why, on the world "happiness index," we're down at number 17. - Bill Maher



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

 Xcaret Underground River, Mexico


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The War on Whites

Republican blasts Dem 'war on whites'
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) on Monday accused Democrats of engaging in a “war on whites” in the current immigration debate.

The War on Whites must be serious. Dick Cheney is already working on his third deferral. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The War On Children
Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske said in an interview broadcast Sunday that the Central American migrants surging across the border from Mexico are "not dangerous individuals."
“These are family members, these are not gang members, these are not dangerous individuals,” Kerlikowske said in the interview, broadcast on ABC’s “This Week.”

Glad to see Dianne Feinstein fighting to ████ the CIA can't ████ or ███ ████ the torture ████ . ████ RT. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

The Benghazi Blues
Fox News has gone silent on Benghazi amid reports that the House Intelligence Committee concluded that there was no intentional wrongdoing in the Obama administration's response to the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

This is the scene and line from the film, "The Americanization of Emily"

FYI: If voting didn't matter, Republicans wouldn't mind if black people did it.- LOLGOP

Rand Paul Hears the Word Dreamer And Skedaddles. Rep Steve King Is Just Plain Rude.

The best part of Rand Paul's escape from a DREAMer is how quickly he got his rollerblades on to skate away.- LOLGOP

The environment is everything that isn't me. - Albert Einstein

Rock The Voter News

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead

Whew. Murdoch Loses Bid.
Rupert Murdoch said Tuesday that he had withdrawn his offer to acquire Time Warner, all but admitting defeat in what would have been the biggest media merger in recent history.

Tea Party Patriots Stealing From U.S. Marines. Just In Time For Elections!
A conservative charity group that claimed to be sending care packages to U.S. Marines in Afghanistan has been exposed as a fraudulent operation dedicated to pumping millions of dollars into the accounts of a Tea Party loyalist and his political consulting groups.

For the passionately gullible, the irredeemably stupid, & neo-confederates: Fox News: Open  Border Drives Ebola Concerns. - Gen JC Xtian patriot

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TIP: Keep consulting the Quran or Torah. The answer must be in there somewhere. - The Onion

Happy birthday to President Obama. He turned 53, according to his birth certificate. The truth is he's actually 55 years old but Congress blocked his last two birthdays.- Jimmy Kimmel

Business/Tech News

Name a Republican policy of the last 20 years that's worked as well as Obamacare -- besides Obamacare.- LOLGOP

Report: Government Believes There's A New Snowden Leaking Nat'l Security Docs
CNN reported Tuesday that anonymous U.S. government officials believe there is a new individual following the lead of Edward Snowden and leaking national security documents.

The annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally starts August 4. But times have changed. Now even biker gangs are into recycling. When the motorcycle rally is over, the gangs go around responsibly collecting trash, bottles, and broken teeth.- Craig Ferguson


So sorry today's edition was late and a bit scarce of funny but the power was out this morning!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Grand Prismatic Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA

Beauty and Peace.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy: ‘The Lord told me’ to fight a ‘civil war’ with federal agents

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy: ‘The Lord told me’ to fight a ‘civil war’ with federal agents
Anti-government rancher Cliven Bundy explained to members of the Independent American Party (IAP) over the weekend how God had guided him into a showdown with armed federal agents in Nevada earlier this year.

No one should get amnesty, except Cliven Bundy.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Germans Are Coming. The Germans Are Coming. They're Already Here.
A German Army brigadier general who recently served with NATO forces in Afghanistan is assuming duties as the chief of staff of U. S. Army Europe, the first time a non-American officer has held that position.

TO REVIEW: Conservatives believe the president can ignore the law to torture foreign citizens, but delaying their deportation is lawless.- LOLGOP

Tunnels, Tunnels, Everywhere
Using secret tunnels built by Saddam Hussein and rough terrain to outfox Iraqi troops, Islamic State insurgents are getting dangerously close to Baghdad with the support of heavily-armed Sunni tribesmen, Iraqi security and intelligence officials said.

Republican Shenanigans

Benghazi: Buh Bye
The House Intelligence Committee, led by Republicans, has concluded that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya

Did the House vote to deport the guy with Ebola yet?- LOLGOP

Look, George W. Bush wasn't perfect, but he didn't waste America's time by having a birthday every year.- Top Conservative Cat

Is This A Happy Birthday Gift To The President?
The U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Capitol Police responded to two security incidents on Monday - both of which proved to be false alarms - as Washington, D.C., hosted a summit gathering nearly 50 African leaders.

Today, 91 Americans will die in a car accident. Gun violence will claim another 88. I hope none of them go out worrying about Ebola. - LOLGOP

BREAKING: Jewish voters swayed to a party filled with evangelicals who see Israel as the path to Judgement Day, which will send Jews to hell. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Wow. Good News To Find Out The Bad News
For the first time in its history, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will have to disclose the amount of pollutants its dams are sending into waterways in a groundbreaking legal settlement that could have broad implications for the Corps' hundreds of dams nationwide.

Ebola now internet-borne, nice knowing you.- The Fake CNN tweet

Have A Fresh Glass of Sludge!
Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins raised a glass and took a big swig of local water Monday morning, signaling that it was finally safe to drink. "Here's to you, Toledo," Collins said at a news conference, smiling for cameras before taking a sip of water drawn, presumably, from a nearby tap. With that symbolic gesture, the mayor lifted a three-day-old ban triggered by raised levels of the toxic chemical microcystin, a likely result of algae blooms in Lake Erie fed by runoff contaminated by farm fertilizer and sewage-treatment sludge.

If only we’d defund the EPA, we wouldn’t even have to hear about this water problem in Ohio. - Jason Karsh tweet

When Are We Going To Tax Churches Involved In Politics?
During a speech in Texas last week, Rafael Cruz, the father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), encouraged religious leaders to “restore America” by distributing biblical voting guides in church.

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Republicans are luring Jews the way McDonalds might with a Lox and Cream Cheese Smoothie.- LOLGOP

WTF Google?
Google Play, the official app store for Android operating systems, is currently offering a side-scrolling game called “Bomb Gaza.”

The description of the game states: “Bomb Gaza – drop bombs and avoid killing civilians. new version uploaded. improved performance. added new Israel’s theme music.”

Fox Anchor Caught Shoplifting
A Sacramento television anchor at Fox 40 was arrested last week after employees at a Coach outlet store recognized her on television as the woman who stole over $2,500 worth of wallets, KCRA reports.

Business/Tech News

That corporations are avoiding taxes and denying birth control coverage is proof that they aren't just people, they're GOP 2016 frontrunners. - LOLGOP

Obama Tells CEOs To Stop Whining And Start Helping
President Barack Obama said corporate America has done well under his economic policies, telling the Economist magazine that chief executive officers should stop complaining about regulations and show greater social responsibility.

Kia is recalling more than 50,000 cars because of an issue with the steering system caused by the wrong type of adhesive holding together certain parts. Then Kia drivers said, "Wait, these cars are GLUED together?”- Jimmy Fallon

My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income ~ Errol Flynn


I hope you had a good time today.

sound of crickets


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Two male Gobys either fighting or kissing.
