Thursday, September 7, 2017

Why are there all of these hurricanes?

What's next for Hurricane Irma? What to expect as storm approaches Florida
 The ferocious Hurricane Irma caused multiple deaths and left thousands homeless on islands across the northern Caribbean as it cut a devastating path that could lead to a catastrophic strike on Florida.

A couple of "once in 500 years" storms make sense because 2017 has already felt 10,000 years long. - Full Frontal tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Donald Trump & Kim Jong Un are like two spoiled evil children who somehow survived the Willie Wonka tour. - John Fugelsang

A Verified Russian Relationship
Soon after the United States imposed sanctions on Moscow in 2014, Russian oil tsar Igor Sechin told a Reuters reporter he would miss three things: exploring U.S. culture, the chance to show his children American landscapes, and riding motor-bikes with Exxon Mobil chief executive Rex Tillerson.

BREAKING:  Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

Republican Shenanigans

As Hurricane Irma hit the Caribbean this morning, President Trump tweeted, "Hurricane looks like largest ever recorded in the Atlantic!" Hey, man, could you try not to sound so excited? It's a hurricane, not "The Game of Thrones" finale.- Seth Myers

Trump's Son Testifies
Donald Trump Jr. met behind closed doors with Senate investigators on Thursday, where he told them that he met with Russian government officials in 2016 to seek damaging information on Hillary Clinton because he was concerned she might not be fit for the office of the presidency.

Irma is a frighteningly intense storm, but don't worry, President Trump is tweeting at it. "Watching hurricane closely. My team, which has done— and is doing— such a good job in Texas, is already in Florida. No rest for the weary!" That's a really oddly casual way to describe exhausted first responders racing to save lives.- Stephen Colbert


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Rock The Voter News

When Is The Mainstream Media Going To Take Note Of Constant Persecution Of Hillary With No Results? Enough Already!
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) called Thursday for former FBI Director James Comey to to testify again on the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's handling of classified emails.
"This doesn't add up, and I smell a rat here,"


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Business/Tech News

Today, President Trump announced a new plan to fund the government for the next three months. That’s right, Trump’s going to pay his taxes.- Jimmy Fallon

Facebook Cooperates With Mueller
Facebook has turned over all information about ads "likely" purchased by Russian operatives to special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a report.

The odds of living to age 100 will double by 2020, as will the odds of having to work at a Walmart 'til you're 90.-  John Fugelsang


Sunday is my 68th birthday. I am giving myself a gift of a 3 day weekend. 
I need a break from Trump.

See you on 9-11-17

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The sun only lines up like this twice a year, La Jolla, California.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Trump Sides With Democrats.

Trump bucks GOP leadership, backs Democratic deal on debt ceiling, funding government
President Donald Trump bucked his own party Wednesday and sided with Democrats to support a deal that would ensure passage of disaster relief funding as well as raising the debt ceiling and continuing to fund the government into December.

Sessions jails people for laughing. Now he deports them for dreaming. - Dr. Eugene Gu, MD

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If Trump's strategy was to create a country NOBODY wants to visit "Mission Accomplished"
Lost $37 Billion in tourism in 7 mo
Don't need a Wall. - USMC-SM Tweet

Trump canceled the future of thousands of kids and didn’t have “the balls” to do it himself. - Vicente Fox

Yep. I Thought Dennis Rodman Would Try To Save The World.
U.S. basketball legend Dennis Rodman said on Wednesday he had skied and sung karaoke with his friend North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un and would like to “straighten things out” amid a nuclear standoff with the United States.

Republican Shenanigans

Try to imagine the Mariachi & Gangsta Rap playlist Satan has already picked out as background music for his eternal torment of Jeff Sessions. - John Fugelsang

The Spy Who Was Left Out In The Cold
Natalia Veselnitskaya says she feels like a character in a movie..Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who was at the center of that now-infamous June 2016 meeting with key Trump aides in Trump Tower, says she has been inundated with messages on social media since her role was publicized — even marriage proposals.
But one person who has not reached out to her is the man investigating any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, Special Counsel Robert Mueller — or anybody working for him, she told NBC News in an exclusive interview. 

All white people who want to take "their" Country back should take a DNA test and a history lesson then buy a one-way ticket to Europe. - ProudResister tweet


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Anne Frank was a dreamer - she dreamed of a kinder world.  Anne and her family were denied entrance into America.  What are we doing again? - Anne Frank Center

Rock The Voter News

Hillary Warns About Putin
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton slams Russian President Vladimir Putin in her new book, but warns he "hasn't had the last laugh yet."
"There's nothing I was looking forward to more than showing Putin that his efforts to influence our election and install a friendly puppet had failed," Clinton said in her new book,

FLORIDA - Gov. Rick Scott, who in 2015 banned the use of the words "climate change" from all official communications, took swift action on Tuesday to ban the words "180 mph winds," "catastrophic flooding," and "run for your f*cking lives." - Andy Borowitz


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U.S. residents who have obtained advanced degrees, served in the military, and saved people from Hurricane Harvey will be kicked out of the country by a man who believes that his microwave is spying on him. - Andy Borowitz

Is American Airlines Price Scalping?
On Monday evening, John Lyons, a 53-year-old father from West Hartford, Connecticut, purchased a one-way American Airlines ticket from Miami to Hartford for $159.20 for his daughter to get out of Hurricane Irma’s path as the storm churns through the Caribbean.
On Tuesday, he was shocked at the spike in airfare prices.

Business/Tech News

Trump Fears Hurricane Irma Could Force Him to Fake Empathy for Second Time. - Andy Borowitz

In Case You Don't Have Enough To Worry About...
The energy sector in Europe and North America is being targeted by a new wave of cyber attacks that could provide attackers with the means to severely disrupt affected operations. The group behind these attacks is known as Dragonfly. The group has been in operation since at least 2011 but has re-emerged over the past two years from a quiet period following exposure by Symantec and a number of other researchers in 2014

Trump is holding 800,000 lives hostage as a bargaining tool for a wall...
Just in case you thought "Both candidates were equally horrible". - Tony Posnanski



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Submariner Armor. Chester E. Macduffee. 1910. Is that a telephone hanging next to his elbow?


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Trump Hands Off Football To Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has long fought legal status for young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children, and on Tuesday, he announced the Trump administration would rescind former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, calling the order “unconstitutional.”

Jeff Sessions, sickens me.

I would greatly appreciate never hearing Jeff Sessions speak publicly again. Especially, without a hood. - Chelsea Handler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

South Korea Changes Strategy
South Korean President Moon Jae-in took office four months ago with plans to reach out to North Korea in a way his conservative predecessors did not in the previous decade. Two ICBM launches and one nuclear test later, his government is ramping up its defenses, with some officials even considering asking the United States to bring back tactical nuclear weapons a generation after their removal from the Korean Peninsula.


Mandatory Evacuation For Florida Keys
Officials in the Florida Keys are set to order tourists to evacuate the islands, and another evacuation directive for residents is soon to come, as Hurricane Irma barrels toward the peninsula. 

Republican Shenanigans

My favorite Bible story is the one where Jesus deported the children of immigrants because f*ck you, that's why. #DefendDACA - Jeff Tiedrich

Mueller Urges Congress To Hold Public Hearings
Mueller’s team “has urged Congress to schedule testimony of some key witnesses in public session — to avoid the possibility that the special counsel may be blocked from accessing information given to the committees privately.”
So far, however, Congressional investigators have only scheduled private hearings with witnesses such as Donald Trump Jr., who in a 2016 email enthusiastically endorsed a plan to work with the Russian government to unearth damaging information on Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

If you think fertilized eggs are people but people brought to this country as kids aren't, stop pretending your concerns are religious. - LOLGOP


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To recap: A guy who dodged the draft, colluded with Russia, and defended Nazis gets to decide who's American enough to stay in the country. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Rock The Voter News

Here's What Lithuania Did With Their Soviet Statues
JOSEF STALIN stands in military dress, his hand tucked inside the breast of his coat. Vladimir Lenin sits—relaxed, cross-legged—with a book. Elsewhere, he extends his arm, mimicking the pose he adopted when he arrived in Russia in 1917 to seize power. Grutas Park, a sculpture garden in south-west Lithuania, is the home of 86 such relics of the Soviet era. 

Remember how enthralling and distracting it could be to play with a bubble machine on a lazy summer’s day?  Can we get Trump one of those? - Conan O'Brien


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Next up on Fox News: Did George Soros pay the Gulf of Mexico to flood Houston to undermine Trump and spread climate change propaganda? - Tea Party Cat

Business/Tech News

This is the Trump economy, low wages and powerless workers paralyzed by racial jealously. - LOLGOP

Netflix’s Narcos Is Stunningly Accurate. It Shows The Good, The Bad And The Ugly. Also, Thanks To The Good Guys In The DEA And Colombia.
On season 3 of Netflix’s Narcos, it doesn’t take long to realize that one man is at the center of the all the action: Jorge Salcedo.
As the head of security for the Cali Cartel and an eventual informant whose work nearly singlehandedly brought down the whole cartel, Salcedo (played by Matias Varela) and his story are central to the show. If you’ve finished the season, you probably know that he’s currently under witness protection in the United States. Still, he served as a consultant for the new season and spoke extensively with Narcos showrunner Eric Newman to ensure the series’ accuracy.

If dogs could fly, nobody would go out without an umbrella. - Stephen King


Mission Accomplished  
Thank you for rescuing me!
Living in a remote area of Costa Rica has its challenges
but nothing beats a dumbass that lives anywhere. Me.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Dream dining in Chamonix, France. You know the food always tastes better with a view like that.
