Thursday, July 21, 2016

Secret Service investigating Trump adviser’s call for Hillary to be 'shot for treason'

Secret Service investigating Trump adviser’s call for Hillary to be 'shot for treason'
The Secret Service told Politico Wednesday it is investigating Trump adviser and New Hampshire delegate Al Baldasaro's call to put Hillary Clinton "in the firing line" and shoot her "for treason.”

"Lock her up" is also what conservatives chant outside Planned Parenthood clinics.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Republicans' problem is that Trump can win their nomination acting like Putin with a weave. Now they want to make it America's problem. - LOLGOP

Trump Delegate Booted Instead Of Arrested
A Donald Trump delegate was sent home to Illinois after using a racial slur in a Facebook post suggesting police should shoot black protesters.

Republican Shenanigans

Cruz story matters. It's about Trump's leadership. Trump was vicious to Cruz's family even when the race was over. Hate has consequences. - LOLGOP

Payback's A Beotch
 Ted Cruz declined to endorse Donald Trump as the GOP nominee for president in a dramatic speech to the party's national convention on Wednesday, urging Republicans to instead “vote your conscience.”

Here's the thing: Ted Cruz is really just a poorer Donald Trump with political experience. - Will McAvoy

Revenge Shall Be Mine Saith The Trumpet
When Tony Schwartz, Donald Trump’s ghostwriter for his 1987 memoir, “The Art of the Deal,” decided to tell the public about his concerns that Trump isn’t fit to serve as President, his main worry was that Trump, who is famously litigious, would threaten to take legal action against him. Schwartz’s premonition has proved correct.


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Pence: Christian. Conservative. Republican. In that order.
So I guess being an American comes after all that. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

If any of these jokes sound old, it’s because Michelle Obama used them in 2008.- Jimmy Fallon


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Newt lived long enough for Republicans to remember why they chased him out of office. And if he lives 20 more years it may happen again! - LOLGOP

Biz/Tech News

What's really interesting is that Trump came out to the Queen song "We are the Champions." I would have gone with a different Queen song: "I See a Little Silhouette-o of a Man."- James Corden

Bend Over Trump Supporters
Just a few hours before he officially accepts the presidential nomination of the Republican party, Donald Trump agreed to pay a $11,200 federal settlement for retaliating against workers who voted to unionize at his eponymous Las Vegas hotel.

If you don't follow politics, what basically happened last night is Taylor Swift invited Kim Kardashian on stage and handed her a mic. - side-eye spice tweet



Odd News

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I would love to have my morning coffee, brunch, or anything chocolate under that umbrella in Engelberg, Switzerland.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

What global warming?

NASA: Hottest June on record continues 14-month global heat wave
The first six months of 2016 were the hottest ever recorded, NASA announced on Tuesday, while Arctic sea ice now covers 40% less of the Earth than it did just 30 years ago.

Look, if Obama had 3 ex-wives and 5 children with different women, 'modern' and 'blended' family wouldn't be the terms being used right now. - Joan Morgan Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

You people just don't get that Donald Trump is the closest some of us will ever get to being able to vote for Boss Hogg. - John Fugelsang

Trump Humps Anti-Obama Crowd
If he wins the presidency, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would seek to purge the federal government of officials appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama and could ask Congress to pass legislation making it easier to...

So far the #GOP convention has been a mix of lies, fear, hate-mongering and distortion w/a few moments of inspiration stolen from the Obamas. - Richard Hine Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Paul Ryan wants us to see Republicans as "kindness and justice" while the crowd chants "Lock her up!" - Kona Lowell

Trump Admits Plagiarism. Promptly Blames Friend.
After 24 hours of confusion and the campaign’s resistance to admit to plagiarism, it seems America finally has an answer from the Trump campaign confirming it was plagiarism and that a close friend might be responsible.

The religious freedom conservatives are most interested in is the freedom to decide what your religion is.- LOLGOP


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GOP Nominates Man Fined $750,000 by Justice Department. - David Corn

Rock Band Mocks GOP
The rock band Third Eye Blind frustrated some guests at a charity concert held during the Republican National Convention on Tuesday. According to multiple accounts posted by attendees on social media, the band played some of its more obscure songs and mocked socially conservative positions during its set at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.

Rock The Voter News

Let's all thank @FLOTUS for the only positive speech on night 1 of the RNC. - John Fugelsang


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It's a good thing Roger Ailes is a serial sexual harasser and not a black man with a broken taillight, because that has consequences. - Jeff Tiedrich

Biz/Tech News

Quicken Loans Arena, home to the NBA champion Cleveland Cavaliers, is hosting the Republican Convention this week. And just like the Cavs’ starting lineup, the convention is expected to have four black people.- Seth Myers

The EU v China
The European Union on Tuesday launched dispute proceedings against China in the World Trade Organization over import duties and other alleged measures involving raw materials.



Odd News

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Actresses playing mermaids lounge during the filming of Peter Pan in 1924.


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Mrs. Trump plagiarizes Mrs. Obama's speech

Trump Campaign Struggles to Manage Melania Trump Speech Fallout
The Trump campaign, already on shaky ground headed into this week's convention, struggled to find a response Tuesday to charges that Melania Trump's prime-time speech lifted passages from Michelle Obama's 2008 convention speech.

Night One of the ‪#‎RNC‬ ended with "We Are the Champions," sung by the late Freddie Mercury, who would be fucking furious right now. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

This convention is way different that normal political  convention because it feels like there may be an actual stoning.- LOLGOP

Kim Jong Un Wants Attention!!
 North Korea fired three ballistic missiles on Tuesday which flew between 500 and 600 km (300-360 miles) into the sea off its east coast, South Korea's military said, the latest in a series of provocative moves by the isolated country.

Want a TON national airtime? Be the non-white person on the floor at the RNC. - Tina Dupuy

Republican Shenanigans

I thought Melania only took other people's husbands.- LOLGOP

They Don't Even Bother With Smoke & Mirrors Anymore
A Donald Trump supporter with a primetime speaking slot at the Republican national convention, who is billed as a small business owner employing more than 100,000 people, is actually a “multi-level marketer” who does not employ anyone.

Being a citizen is great. Now please elect my husband who wants to deport child citizens along with their parents. Good night, everyone! - LOLGOP


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Rock The Voter News

Scott Baio is sick of people who want free stuff -- like the charities who expected Donald Trump to deliver the donations he promised.- LOLGOP

GOP Feels The Bern
Republicans approved a party platform Monday peppered with Donald Trump mainstays on trade, the border wall with Mexico -- and an unexpected banking reform provision straight from Bernie Sanders' playbook.


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"We're gonna win so big" is a weird thing for a guy who has busted four casinos to keep saying.- LOLGOP

RNC Today: Make America Work Again
After a tumultuous opening day that saw a delegate insurrection on the convention floor, chants for Democrat Hilary Clinton to be jailed, and speakers accusing President Obama of being a Muslim, the Republican National Convention resumes Tuesday for a “Make America Work Again”-themed day.

Biz/Tech News

Well, Well, Well. Was Megyn Kelly Sexually Harassed By Jaba The Hut?
As a chorus of prominent Fox News women have gone public defending Roger Ailes against the wave of sexual-harassment allegations sparked by former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson’s lawsuit, the network’s biggest star, Megyn Kelly, has been conspicuously silent.

"I'm worried that I will be the last Republican President." George W. Bush



Odd News

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The road to the clouds in Alberta, Canada.
