Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My observation of the State Of The Union Address

There were 6,493 words in President Barack Obama's State of the Union address in the copy published by the White House before the speech. But eight words, unscripted and delivered off the cuff by the president, were arguably the most memorable....


Boehner blows nose during union labor ovation.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

My favorite part was when no Republicans stood up to applaud and Obama said, "I see every Republican who ever beat me is standing."- LOLGOP

Cop Shoots Surfer Dead. Not In The USA, But Brazil.
Brazilian surf star Ricardo dos Santos has died after reportedly being shot by an off-duty police officer.
Heartbroken tributes poured in from the 24-year-old's surfing peers.

Republicans considering congressional action to reverse Obama's zinger.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Vive Le Liberte
The French fake news show "Le Petit Journal" on Friday sent a few of its correspondents dressed up as Fox News reporters to hit the streets of Paris, playing up fear of terrorism and Islam in fake "no-go zones."

I had to pay Joel Osteen $15,500 in tax-free cash to explain to me how I can still follow poor Jesus and love money! #RichPeopleProblems - Mrs. Betty Bowers

What Is Really Interesting, Is Who Is Not Showing Up In Iowa
The Republican race to the White House begins at Hoyt Sherman Place.
The venerable Des Moines venue will be the scene for Saturday's Iowa Freedom Summit, the U.S. Rep. Steve King-sponsored conservative confab already pegged by the campaign-industrial complex as the kickoff to Iowa's first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses.

Mike Huckabee says 2016 will be all about American values. He said that while playing guitar with draft-dodging pedophile Ted Nugent. - The Daily Edge Tweet

Rock The Voter News


Biden Throws Pork Chop To The Wolves
Vice President Joe Biden says "I think I could do a good job" as president but says it's too soon to say if he'll try to succeed Barack Obama.

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The RNC released its first presidential debate schedule, which includes at least nine debates in different states across the country. As opposed to the Democratic debates, which will just be Hillary staring at her opponents until they burst into flames.- Jimmy Fallon

Joni Ernst wore breadbags, people, and that's why billionaires need another tax cut.- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

I've heard that there are people so poor they don't have enough food for their chefs to prepare. #RichPeopleProblems  - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Renaissance CEO?
Aetna (AET) raised employees' wages to a base of $16 per hour because paying them less was not fair, Chairman and CEO Mark Bertolini told CNBC on Wednesday.

An apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enough. -how about no tweet

Babe Ruth after he was knocked out when he ran into a wall trying to make a catch July,1924.



Odd News

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Multnomah Falls, Oregon.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Oui Oui! Fox News Insulted Paris, France!

CNN analyst urges Fox to settle Paris lawsuit: Unlike US, French have ‘criminalized’ slander
Two CNN legal analyst said on Tuesday that the city of Paris could win a lawsuit against Fox News because French law was less tolerant of slander and defamation than United States law.

Good article and true. The UK has similar laws. In the good old USA your can fling as much crap as you want and hope some sticks. Paranoia is bred in the USA by this crap. The French have more class.

Joe Biden to nurse fake baby during State of the Union.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Just saying if George W. Bush were president right now, he'd enter the State of the Union riding a Segway wearing an "I cured Ebola" sash.- LOLGOP

Meanwhile, Back In Washington, D.C.
A Muslim prison inmate in Arkansas has won his battle to grow a beard for religious purposes over objections by prison officials. In a unanimous decision, the US Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that...

Republican Shenanigans

Obama is just trolling us, Republicans said as they posted a meme of the president burning the Constitution with a flaming puppy.- LOLGOP

The Greying Old Party
The Senate’s top tax law writer accused President Barack Obama on Tuesday of undertaking “class warfare” with his plan to raise taxes on wealthier Americans to help the middle class.

Remember, don't be mad at the civilian governments that sent soldiers to die for lies, be mad at Michael Moore and Jane Fonda. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

The next president will be sworn in exactly 2 years from today so let's just save time and start hating each other all over again right now.- John Fugelsang

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Business/Tech News

Republicans are so concerned about the poor that they want to relieve them of the burden of health insurance and food stamps.- LOLGOP

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Sometimes it's fun to remind Creationists that Jesus' basic message was 'Evolve.'- John Fugelsang


Busy, busy day today, mea culpa for the delay and the short but sweet edition!


Odd News

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A baby octopus on a finger with a blue fingernail. I find the strangest photographs.


Monday, January 19, 2015

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Alabama school superintendent bans high school history club from seeing ‘Selma’
A school trip to the see the historical civil rights drama ‘Selma‘ by a high school history club has been cancelled by the school superintendent over concerns over language, reports WAFF.

The current Republican Whip of the House voted against making Martin Luther King Jr. Day a holiday. It is 2015.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

American Sniper is one of the best films ever made about patriotically shooting people in a country that never attacked us. - John Fugelsang

Man Arrested For Video Taping Barbaric Saudi Arabian Beheading
 In a recent video from Saudi Arabia, three uniformed security officers and a professional swordsman in a white gown struggled to placate a woman cloaked in black and sitting in the street. A Saudi court had convicted her of murder, but she was proclaiming her innocence.

Then the officers stepped back, the swordsman took aim and the woman shrieked and fell silent as he struck her neck with his blade, three times in total. Medics wearing white gloves tended to the body, and the swordsman wiped his blade with a cloth.

Republican Shenanigans

As a politician, Paul Ryan won't listen to 99% of scientists on climate change. As a Catholic he won't listen to the Pope, who's infallible.- The Daily Edge Tweet

I'm not buying your "so-called" climate science until it's verified by someone who has returned from heaven.- LOLGOP

51% Of Public School Children Are Poor
2015 - Low income students are now a majority of the schoolchildren attending the nation’s public schools, according to this research bulletin. The latest data collected from the states by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), show that 51 percent of the students across the nation’s public schools were low income in 2013.

Happy MLK Day, when sane people celebrate a great man, and angry people celebrate Jackson-Lee Day to praise men who kept people as pets.

GOOD NEWS: The GOP presidential field is a mess. - LOLGOP

YeeHaw. Tea Partier Claims He Owns Martin Luther King Jr
During his speech at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition convention yesterday, conservative entertainer and YouTube celebrity “Wild Bill” Finley claimed ownership of slain Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

I have a dream that people remember how ‪#‎MLK‬ was anti-war & fought for labor rights as much as for civil rights.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

President Obama At 50% Approval
President Barack Obama's approval rating has risen to 50 percent in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll released Monday, his strongest showing in the survey since the spring of 2013.

Forty-four percent disapprove of how he's handling his job as president.

To be fair, Republicans voted against the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday before the technology existed for them to Google him.- LOLGOP

REMINDER: If Martin Luther King Jr. had lived, he'd be 86 today and conservatives wouldn't be quoting that one speech.- LOLGOP

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Richest 1% Likely to Control Half of Global Wealth and all Republicans by 2016, Study Finds. - LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Republicans could completely eliminate income inequality by disbanding and opening a cupcake shop.- LOLGOP

Oily Dealings
J.P. Morgan is the latest among Wall Street banks to downgrade oil & gas companies in Asia.

The bank now sees that Brent crude can fall below $40 per barrel in the near-term, “should the oil market not be able to accommodate a 1.6mb/d surplus,” that Brent crude will average at only $49 per barrel this year and $56.8 next, and that the recovery will be a slow U-shape.

I don’t have a drinking problem, I have a winter weather solution.-


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The simple life.
