Thursday, June 30, 2016

North American Leaders Meet

Three Amigos Summit: What Trudeau, Obama and Pena Nieto agreed on
What did the Three Amigos discuss?
The talks hadn't even started between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto when statements began circulating about what they'd agree on.

I read that a record number of Americans are expected to travel this 4th of July. And if Trump wins the presidency, twice as many Americans are expected to travel this 4th of November.- Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"Transgender people shouldn't be in the military." - old men who would've pretended to be transgender in order to avoid the draft - OhNoSheTwitnt

Boris Johnson Says No To PM Job
Boris Johnson, one of the leading voices in the Brexit campaign and the man considered to be the favorite to replace outgoing Prime Minister David Cameron, delivered a bombshell Thursday when he announced he didn't want the job.

Boris Johnson bowed out running for Britain's prime minister in favor of serving as Donald Trump's hair farm.- Warren Holstein

Republican Shenanigans

In Britain, a politician drops out of the race if he is unfit for office; in the US, that is the main criterion for entering the race. - Andy Borowitz

Trump, A Blonde AG & Trump University
A Massachusetts attorney is asking federal prosecutors to investigate a donation made to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi by GOP candidate Donald Trump...

A new ballot measure will allow Californians to vote in November on whether to legalize recreational marijuana. Californians will have the option of voting either "Yes" or "Hell yes."- Conan O'Brien


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The Miss Teen USA pageant has officially gotten rid of the swimsuit portion of the competition. They announced this in a brief press release that simply said, "Sorry, creeps."- Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

N.R.A. Uses Veteran Cemetery As Ad Background 
The National Rifle Association is stepping on soldiers' graves — and apparently violating government policy — in its latest shameful display.
The organization's Political Victory Fund released an anti-Hillary Clinton ad Wednesday, "Stop Clinton, Vote Trump," that shows former Marine and Benghazi attack survivor Mark Geist walking through a veterans cemetery.

BREAKING: Paul Ryan announces House GOP will do its job and vote on something at least once in July. - Tea Party Cat


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Biz/Tech News

Toyota announced another massive recall because their airbags can explode at any moment. Toyota then said, "Enjoy your holiday weekend."- Conan O'Brien

Brexit: Brilliant Or Bonkers?
When the dust settles ... it won’t be pretty," Bank of America Merrill Lynch UK economist Robert Wood said. "Once the dust of the knee-jerk market reaction settles, we think that the UK's economy will clearly be the main victim."

If you're going to live each day like it's your last how about co-signing a loan for me.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

My favorite city, New York City.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Trump insists that waterboarding isn't enough when it comes to preventing terrorist attacks

Trump insists that waterboarding isn't enough when it comes to preventing terrorist attacks 
Donald Trump responded to the deadly bombings that ripped through Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport on Tuesday with renewed calls for torture.

In response to former AZ Gov. Jan Brewer's complaint that he calls Republicans "racists and bigots," Obama will now use "assclowns." - Kona Lowell

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Crazy idea: Let's make it a lot easier to vote and little harder to get a gun.- LOLGOP

Surprise, Hate Crimes Soar After Brexit Vote.
The number of hate crimes reported to the UK police’s online registering site has risen 57 percent in the wake of the Brexit referendum, according to the country’s National Police Chiefs’ Council.

Critics are calling those in Britain who voted to pull out of the European Union "racist" and "anti-immigrant." After hearing this, Donald Trump said, "Wow, I’m running for leader of the wrong country."- Conan O'Brien

All Aboard the GOP Benghazi Fishing Expedition! More To Come!
The House Select Committee on Benghazi is scheduling at least one new interview this week, even after releasing its long-awaited report... the committee said that it would be proceeding with a new interview of a military official who claimed on Facebook that he might have knowledge of the incident.

Republican Shenanigans

If Trump did actually find Christ, he'd deport him. - LOLGOP

Ryan Says NO MORE SIT-INS. But Govt Shutdowns, Obamacare Repeals & 200+ Vacation Days OKEY DOKEY
House Speaker Paul Ryan said he "will not tolerate" another sit in on the floor of the House of Representatives like the one Democrats staged on gun control last week.

I would like to congratulate House Republicans on their excellent and insightful Benghazi report. I look forward to their inquiry into the 4,425 Americans killed in Iraq.- Andy Borowitz


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Donald Trump: “The ABC poll is very dishonest. I’m not losing. I get tons more retweets than Hillary, and that’s worth way more than votes.”- Tea Party Cat

Rock The Voter News

Hillary Spends Millions On Advertising. Trump Gets It For Free!
When it comes to television advertising, Hillary Clinton is blowing Donald Trump out of the water.
Clinton and her allies have outspent Trump forces by more than $20 million in June on television advertising,...

Trump will show off his wife at #HeterosexualPrideDay on a float sponsored by the company that sold her to him. - Mrs. Betty Bowers


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Biz/Tech News

Last week, over 30 participants in a Tony Robbins seminar burned their feet walking on hot coals. The victims just signed up for a second seminar: "How To Get Rich Suing Tony Robbins."- Conan O'Brien

This Ain't Your Daddy's Rolls Royce
Rolls-Royce isn't limiting its robotic transportation plans to luxury cars. The British transportation firm has outlined a strategy for deploying remote-controlled and autonomous cargo vessels. It's working on virtual decks where land-based crews could control every aspect of a ship, complete with VR camera views and monitoring drones to spot issues that no human ever could. Accordingly, Rolls is designing boats where humans wouldn't have to come aboard. In theory, one human would steer several boats -- crew shortages would disappear overnight.

Britain Searching for Graceful Way to Tell Europe It Was Just Kidding. - Andy Borowitz



Odd News

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Sea Cliff Bridge, New South Wales, Australia.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Is this the last Benghazi Report to be released?

Trump's Lawyer Tweets Clinton 'Murdered An Ambassador' In Benghazi
An executive at the Trump Organization and special counsel to Donald Trump posted a meme accusing Hillary Clinton of "murdering an ambassador" on Tuesday, shortly before the House Benghazi Committee released its report.

In 6 years in power, the GOP has delivered 8 Benghazi reports, dozens of Obamacare repeals & a shutdown. They deserved Trump so hard.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Hi, I'm more angry at 4 dead in #Benghazi than 4486 dead in Iraq. 
I also plan to stick it to the man by voting for a billionaire landlord. - John Fugelsang

Putin POed At U.S.
Moscow is accusing a U.S. Navy ship of coming dangerously close to one of its ships, hitting back at the Pentagon’s recent accusations of Russian planes doing the same thing.

Republican Shenanigans

White Supremacists tend to be the greatest argument against the concept of White Supremacy. - John Fugelsang

Trump Says He's Charitable But No One Can Find Proof!
While Donald Trump’s campaign claimed that the candidate personally donated millions to charity between 2008-2015, Washington Post investigation out Tuesday only managed to find one donation amounting to less than $10,000...The Trump campaign, which has banned the Post from covering its events, did not respond to the newspaper’s multiple requests for comment. His staff said when he launched his campaign in June 2015 that he’d personally given $102 million between 2010-2015 alone.

Donald Trump: “The ABC poll is very dishonest. I’m not losing. I get tons more retweets than Hillary, and that’s worth way more than votes.”- Tea Party Cat


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House Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton Was Second Gunman On Grassy Knoll. - The National Report

Rock The Voter News

Hillary was warned about Benghazi if by 'Hillary' you mean 'Bush' & by 'Benghazi' you mean '9/11.' - John Fugelsang


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Biz/Tech News

Donald Trump wants to consider racial profiling. I hope he doesn’t mean cracking down on white rapists, white gunmen, and white CEOs.- Tea Party Cat

Uh Trump, It Is Illegal To Fundraise From Foreign Nationals 
Donald Trump's first foray into email fundraising is not off to the greatest start...Numerous members of the British parliament have complained that they have received multiple emails from the Trump campaign asking for a donation.

Here's the link to the Federal Election Committee



Odd News

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Red Eye Tree Frog on a Calla Lily.
