Thursday, December 13, 2018

Everybody's colluding but Trump!

Maria Butina admits to engaging in conspiracy against US
Alleged Russian spy Maria Butina admitted in federal court Thursday morning to engaging in a conspiracy against the ...

Is it possible the Grinch who Stole the Election may not make it to Christmas? - Ken Olin

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Advice for Michael Cohen: On first day of prison, go up to the biggest guy in the yard and offer to pay him $130,000. - Stephen Colbert

Chief of Staff Applicants Are Coming Out of the Dugout
Jose Canseco is ready to take a swing at politics.
The former major league slugger has made his pitch for a big job at the White House, tweeting Wednesday to President Donald Trump: “u need a bash brother for Chief if (sic) Staff.”
Canseco told his “little buddy” he has “a secret reorg plan already.” He suggested Trump send him a direct message and signed off (hashtag)yeswecanseco.

I'm beginning to suspect that the guy who cheated on his first wife with his second and cheated on her with his third and cheated on her with a porn actress and lied about paying hush money and then said the hush money payments were legal might not actually be a good christian. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans Are Unsure About The Wall
House Republicans are struggling to come up with a strategy to fulfill President Trump’s demand that the lower chamber pass a funding bill that includes $5 billion for his promised border wall.

Let’s stop calling it a witch hunt and call it what it is. A felon purge. - Ken Olin


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I Wonder If Mueller Will Release This Report Before Or After Pelosi Takes Over The House
Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly planning to begin releasing information concerning foreign countries' efforts to interfere in U.S. politics and the 2016 election.
The Daily Beast reports that three sources familiar with Mueller's efforts in the Russia investigation say that prosecutors will begin outlining in court filings next year how foreign countries, in particular ones in the Middle East, attempted to exert influence over the Trump administration.

Pelosi Rejects Trump’s $130,000 Offer To Be Quiet. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Don’t bring a Pence to a Pelosi fight.- Max Weiss

LOL. Newt Gingrich Doesn't Want The Chief of Staff Job? Really?
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich on Thursday dismissed speculation he is in the mix for White House chief of staff, adding that President Trump should select someone who is willing to stand up to him.

Having already been thrown out of a senior government position for corruption, Newt Gingrich would have the most relevant experience of any White House staffer. - The Hoarse Whisperer


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TRUMP SURROGATES: “No, silly! Payments to women weren’t election fraud. They were to protect delicate Melania from being totally SHOCKED to find her husband, Donald “I Grab ‘Em By The Pussy” Trump, was actually unfaithful to her!”
NATIONAL ENQUIRER: “No, it was election fraud.” - Mrs. Betty Bowers

What the hell happened to Melania? Her hair and makeup looks like it's right out of Walmart.

Business/Tech News

At this point, wouldn’t it be more efficient if the White House just hired a warden? - Conan O'Brien

In Like Flynn
Michael Flynn has told associates his talks with Kislyak began during the ‘16 campaign. It wasn’t just the transition. Flynn says they discussed Syria and Iran.

As Bobby Kennedy taught us, the thing about hope is that it travels through space *and* time, first splashing against the rocks, but eventually breaking down the walls of cruelty and injustice. And if we do our best with the time we’re given, others will take hope in our example. - Barack Obama

Holidays in the Hospital


Good begins mid-January!

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Virgin Galactic’s tourism spaceship climbed more than 50 miles high above California’s Mojave Desert today, reaching for the first time what the company considers the boundary of space. Congratulations, Richard Branson, we will soon need an escape from this rock.
