Wednesday, November 22, 2017

2017 Thanksgiving Prayer

Trump chooses his own version of reality to back Moore
When reality boxes in President Donald Trump, he simply chooses his own alternative, convenient truth.
The President reached for this politically pliable tactic yet again Tuesday while effectively endorsing Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore despite allegations the outspoken judge pursued teenagers, including a girl as young as 14.

One positive thing that has come out of this year is how reading the news now qualifies as cardio. - OhNoSheTwitnt

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Seth Meyers: 'Maybe Trump thinks he's working hard' because Twitter doubled its characters

Some Coverups Are Worse Than The Crime. Not In This Case. They're Just Stupid.
Jared Kushner was worried about his father-in-law, President Donald Trump, reportedly asking a friend about the ongoing Russia probe: “Do you think they'll get the president?” The businessman and adviser to the president was reportedly concerned about the reach of special counsel Robert Mueller's ...

Republican Shenanigans

We don’t have a leader for a president. We have the personification of all of America’s ills. - Jared Yates Sexton

Don't vote for someone you wouldn't trust as babysitter.- Jesse McLaren

Jesus wouldn't let this fool ride his donkey.
The Pearly Gates Just Sent This Pastor A NO ADMITTANCE Ticket
A prominent right-wing preacher who appeared alongside Senate candidate Roy Moore at a campaign rally just days ago said that Moore dated teen girls because of their “purity” and because when he got back from Vietnam there weren’t any women his age left to date.
Pastor Flip Benham told a local Alabama radio show on Monday that there was nothing wrong with Moore dating teenage girls.

Finally a President that represents ALL pedophiles. - Billy Eichner


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Senate Republicans engaged in obstruction to leave as many judicial vacancies unfilled as possible. Now Trump will add twice as many lifetime members to the federal judiciary in the next 12 months (650) as Obama named in eight years (325). American law will never be the same. - Frank Schaeffer

Rock The Voter News

Can anyone imagine a dirty phone call from Charlie Rose?  What would that even look like?  I mean it’s like getting a dick pic from Abraham Lincoln.- Molly Jong Fast

Sexual Abusers Who Are Lawmakers
“Since last year, at least 40 lawmakers – nearly all men – in 20 states have been publicly accused by more than 100 people of some form of sexual misconduct or harassment, a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found.”


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Business/Tech News

Trump’s support of a child molester makes me nostalgic for the days when he just supported Nazis. - Andy Borowitz

What The Hell? Which Is It?
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen stuck by her prediction that U.S. inflation will soon rebound but offered on Tuesday an unusually strong caveat: she is “very uncertain” about this and is open to the possibility that prices could remain low for years to come.

The endless expanse of red brake lights on freeways trying to leave Los Angeles for Thanksgiving is our Fall foliage. - Elizabeth Hackett


Happy Thanksgiving Y'ALL!
I'll be back on Friday!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Don't let it be forgot / That once there was a spot / For one brief shining moment / That was known as Camelot.
