Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Investigator Is Being Investigated

House Investigating Nunes for Possible Illegal Disclosure of Classified Info
As a result of allegations that Rep. Devin Nunes possibly disclosed classified information unlawfully, the House Ethics Committee announced on Thursday that they are investigating the Congressman from California.


Virginia police are investigating vandalism at Trump National Golf Club over the weekend. They found graffiti that said, “Help, I don’t want to be president anymore.” - Seth Myers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Steve Bannon replaced on the National Security Council by Rick Perry, a man who thinks Arab Spring is a Saudi deodorant. - John Fugelsang

It's Times Like This I Miss Boris Yeltsin 
The U.S. could be vulnerable in the face of the threat posed by nuclear-capable Russian cruise missiles deployed by Moscow last month, according to the head of the U.S. Strategic Command.

I've got the loaded part down pat.

Bannon Is Locked & Loaded
White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon told associates “I love a gunfight” within 24 hours of his ouster from the National Security Council, according to a Thursday report.

This week, the National Archives reached out to the White House and requested that all of the president’s tweets be saved and preserved for history. Future generations: I’m so, so sorry. - James Corden

Republican Shenanigans

Steve Bannon is pissed.
Not only has he threatened to quit, he also threatened to unhinge his jaw and swallow Mike Pence whole. - Erik Bransteen

Senate Republicans are expected to trigger the “nuclear option” on Thursday, eliminating the minority party’s power to filibuster Supreme Court nominees.

Today was National Hug a Newsperson Day. But if you see Bill O’Reilly, maybe just go with a fist bump. - Seth Myers


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The president signed a bill that will allow internet service providers to collect and share your personal information and search histories without asking your permission to do it. Now these big companies can see every detail of our lives online. We still can’t see his tax returns, but they can see everything we look at. - Jimmy Kimmel

Rock The Voter News

Secret Service Is Broke And Exhausted
Eleven weeks into the Trump presidency, the Secret Service is grappling with how to constrain the rising costs and unexpected strain that have come with protecting a new first family as large, mobile and high-profile as any in modern American history.

Donald Trump donated the first three months of his presidential salary to the National Park Service. That tremor you just felt was all four presidents on Mount Rushmore rolling their eyes. - James Corden


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Biz/Tech News

The White House has just released the official portrait of first lady Melania Trump. Here it is. It doesn’t look like a first lady portrait, does it? It looks like a brochure for a two-day real estate seminar. “Grow rich with no money down!” - James Corden

While Trump Builds His Wall, Norway Builds A Tunnel For Ships
Norway plans to build the world’s first tunnel for ships, a 1,700-metre (5,610-ft) passageway burrowed through a piece of rocky peninsula that will allow vessels to avoid a treacherous part of sea.

I saw that just added 300 new words, including “man bun” and “sext.” As in, “If you have a man bun, you will never receive a sext.” - Jimmy Fallon



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Grindelwald, Switzerland. I wonder if anyone has tried to base jump from that mountain.
