Thursday, August 18, 2016

Trump Inspires Sculpture!

 Naked Trump statue leaves New York in giggles
A naked statue of Donald Trump, complete with bulging belly and elaborate yellow hair, caused laughter and merriment in New York Thursday until it was demolished by park wardens.

Only way Trump saves his reputation? On 11/8 he says, "It was my plan to expose all of the utter dreck on the right"- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Donald Trump says he wears his criticisms "like a badge of honor."
Which is good, as we know he doesn't have any other medals at home. - John Fugelsang

Putin Boldly Heading To Ukraine. Thanks Trump!
Russia is bolstering its military presence on its western border, sending tens of thousands of soldiers to newly built installations within easy striking distance of Ukraine.

You just happen to vehemently hate the first black and first woman president. Total coincidence. Nothing you should look at in yourself. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Trump hires Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon.  For folks not familiar, Breitbart is Fox News for white supremacists.- Tea Pain

DOJ Says No To Private Prisons
Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates announced Thursday that the Justice Department plans to end the use of private prisons after they have been found to be less safe and effective in operating correctional facilities than those the government runs.

Justice Department seems to have realized that a society that keeps building for-profit prisons is a society that keeps needing more crime.- John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

The Gazillionith Investigation Of Hillary Is Coming Soon!
Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are planning to press officials from the FBI in a hearing scheduled for next month on allegations that Hillary Clinton committed perjury.

ALERT: National Hurricane Center upgrades Hurricane Donald to Category 5, warns conservatives to seek higher ground. - Tea Party Cat


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The sexual tension between Trump and Hannity has never been sharper. - LOLGOP

Biz/Tech News

The politicians who tell you 'Obama is coming for your guns' are the politicians who are coming for your Social Security. - John Fugelsang

Mr. Brexit lost his balls.

Koch's Barring Trump?
The powerful donor network helmed by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch is canceling more than half a million dollars in Florida advertising designed to help Marco Rubio in his Senate race, according to Koch network spokesman James Davis.

Coming soon to Netflix: MR. BREXIT, a new show about a vigilante candidate, funded by Russian hackers. - The Daily Edge


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

First flight or flying the coop?
