Monday, April 18, 2016

Top Trump aide lobbied for Pakistani spy front

Top Trump aide lobbied for Pakistani spy front
For more than five years, Donald Trump’s new top campaign aide, Paul Manafort, lobbied for a Washington-based group that Justice Department prosecutors have charged operated as a front for Pakistan’s intelligence service, according to court and lobbying records reviewed by Yahoo News.

That awkward moment when GOP elites spend years limiting minority voting, and then their own voters choose two unacceptable candidates.- Tea Party Cat

Problem: 33,000 gun deaths a year
GOP: No action needed

Problem: 0 cases of transgender crimes
GOP: Transgender Bathroom Hysteria. - The Daily Edge

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Get those small hands away from me!

Trump Scares Me, Too
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton blasted GOP rival Donald Trump in a new interview, saying she is afraid of what the billionaire would do if he won the White House...
"It’s not only offensive to people and kind of makes you cringe; it’s dangerous. I mean, he's setting people against each other. He's inciting violence," 

Obama's made $436,000, paid $81,000 in taxes and gave $64,000 to charity. I didn't know Muslims tithed 15%. - Kona Lowell

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Republican Implosion
The Republican Territorial Committee of the Virgin Islands has been in turmoil for quite a while, but never was how badly they’re being “terrorized” more clear than two days ago, when a meeting of the RTC ended in screaming and shoving. The cops were called to the gun range on St. Croix where the meeting took place. ... Chairman John Canegata was using a large ammunition cartridge as a gavel.

Ted Cruz and his wife appeared in a town hall on CNN recently and his wife said that after they got back from their honeymoon, Ted bought 100 cans of Campbell's chunky soup. But to be fair, I feel like anyone who has watched this election is probably stocking up on canned goods.- Jimmy Fallon

Today is Tax Day. That one day out of the year even Democrats turn into Republicans. - Jimmy Fallon

How The NRA Protects Florida's Wetlands
In the culmination of a more than 15-years-long battle, a Florida water quality agency sued a Tampa Bay-area gun club last year for failing to prevent spent ammunition from ending up in nearby wetlands.
But after the National Rifle Association’s top-flight lobbyists brought in a powerful GOP lawmaker involved in setting the agency's budget, the regulatory body abruptly dropped the suit on Feb. 19...


Mea Culpa

Today's edition was short. I am in the process of finding new executive headquarters for AHNC. Please bear with me and wish me luck!


In a recent interview, Kourtney Kardashian says that she eats avocado pudding for breakfast. You know the Kardashians are out of touch when they don't even know the word for guacamole.- Jimmy Fallon

Time To Deflate Photo
Just Because She Can: Dancer-actress Gwen Verdon in a hammock wearing a ballgown on a NYC rooftop in 1953.
