Thursday, June 25, 2015

Supreme Court upholds ObamaCare subsidies

Supreme Court upholds ObamaCare subsidies
The Supreme Court has upheld a key provision of ObamaCare, affirming that 6.4 million people can continue to receive subsidies that allow them to purchase healthcare plans.
The 6-3 decision authored by Chief Justice John Roberts is a huge victory for President Obama; it ensures that consumers purchasing health insurance on the federal exchange in roughly 34 states will continue to be able to do so.

Right now Scalia, Thomas and Alito are in the #SCOTUS cloak room furiously trying to scrape FDR's face off a dime.- John Fugelsang

I did two top stories today because of the breaking news about Obamacare. Sorry for the delay!

The White Man's Flag
This is the national flag of the Confederacy as it existed from the Spring of 1863 until just weeks before the end of the war in 1865. Note that this flag was adopted not long after the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Why was it called the "White Man's Flag"?

The Supreme Court ruled Obamacare is legal. All Confederate flags will be flown at half-mast.- Warren Holstein

Click photo for larger version.

Color lithograph from 1896 showing four versions of the flag of the Confederate States of America. Standing at the center are Stonewall Jackson, P. G. T. Beauregard, and Robert E. Lee, surrounded by bust portraits of Jefferson Davis and Confederate Army officers. Clockwise from upper-left corner: Gen. Braxton Bragg, Gen. P. T. Beauregard, Jefferson Davis, Alexander H. Stephens, Lt. Gen. T.J. Jackson, Gen S. Price, Lt. Gen Polk, Lt. Gen Hardee, Gen J.E.B. Stuart, Gen J.E. Johnston, Lt. Gen Kirby Smith, John H. Morgan, Albert Sidney Johnston, Gen. Wade Hampton, Gen John B. Gordon, Lt. Gen Longstreet, Gen A.P. Hill, Gen Hood.

The GOP doesn't want you to have Obamacare, Medicare or Social Security. But they will defend keeping that Confederate flag up.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Flag War Continues, 154 Years And Counting
The sole black member of Mississippi's congressional delegation introduced a bill on Wednesday to remove the state’s flag emblazoned with the Confederate image from the halls of Congress.

If you're furious about the #SCOTUS decision go watch 'It's a Wonderful Life' and root for Mr. Potter.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Now Republicans can focus on immediate stuff like making sure your boss' boss' boss' kids never have to pay taxes.- LOLGOP

National Park Service Says No To Confederate Stuff 
America’s national parks are no longer selling Confederate battle flags in their bookstores and gift shops.
The National Park Service (NPS) announced on Thursday that the historic emblem will no longer be available as a memento for visitors to the parks system.

Bobby Jindal announced today that he hates govt so much he's officially seeking a larger paycheck from it. - John Fugelsang

What Will The Conservative Backlash Be?
Conservatives were left baffled after Chief Justice John Roberts saved Obamacare three years ago. On Thursday, as the George W. Bush appointee again helped President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement avoid a potentially devastating blow, they felt betrayed.

Rock The Voter News

Ay Yi Yi, Hillary Must Be Thinking
Hedge-fund billionaire Daniel Loeb — one of the biggest and most feared investors on Wall Street and a vocal backer of same-sex marriage — posted a joke speculating about Hillary Clinton’s sexuality on his personal Facebook page.

So heartwarming to see Republicans consoling themselves over the bad news that thousands of people won't go bankrupt if they get sick.- LOLGOP

 Click here

Remember when Republicans got so mad at Obamacare that they nominated the guy who created it to be president?- LOLGOP

Female Democrat Disses Male Liberal
Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) unloaded on her Senate colleague Bernie Sanders on Thursday, saying the Vermont independent is far too liberal to make it to the White House.

Business/Tech News

Your theory about "low-information voters" is interesting, guy in a political party with Trump as a frontrunner. - LOLGOP

Google To Bring Alabama Into 21st Century!
Out with the 20th century, in with the 21st.
That's what Google is doing in northwest Alabama -- building a new data center on the site of an old coal-fired power plant.

In Nepal, they're having a festival that honours dogs for their special friendship with humans. Someone tell China.-  Ricky Gervais



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Hamersley Gorge in western Australia.
