Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Missouri lieutenant governor: 'There is more racism in the Justice Dept.' than in the St. Louis area

Missouri lieutenant governor: 'There is more racism in the Justice Dept.' than in the St. Louis area
Peter Kinder lashed out at the Justice Department on Monday, accusing U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and the Obama administration of racism in the wake of the fatal police

Scientists have discovered a black hole that is 12 billion times the size of our sun. It's full of Hillary Clinton emails. - David Letterman

Happy St.Patrick's Day!

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If Netanyahu loses the Israeli election he could still probably get the Republican presidential nomination.- Andy Borowitz

Egypt Puts Cop On Trial For Killing A Protester
Egypt's chief prosecutor on Tuesday referred a police officer to trial for the killing of a female protester during a peaceful demonstration nearly two months earlier in a widely documented shooting.

Republican Budget Calls for Total Elimination of Empathy by 2025. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

“Another fantastic jobs report came out. Analysts say the economy is in ideal shape for a Republican to come in and wreck it again in 2016.” – Bill Maher

Gallup Poll: The Most Popular GOP Candidates For President
Of 11 potential candidates for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, Mike Huckabee and Jeb Bush are the most well-known and have the highest net favorable ratings among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents. While Chris Christie is one of the most familiar Republican figures among the party base, he has the lowest net favorable rating.

“Fox News loved the Hillary story. They were like a dog with a new chew toy.  And, yet, not a word about the Bill O’Reilly situation.” – Bill Maher

Rock The Voter News

Happy St. Patrick's Day. St Patrick- the guy who drove the snakes out of Ireland. Then Tom Cotton convinced them to sign a letter to Iran. - Will Durst

Back To The Land Of Cotton
It's hard to believe freshman Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) caused such a stir in the Senate with his letter to Iran even before his maiden floor speech. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who led an unsuccessful fight against Obamacare, couldn't even do that.

But Cotton -- now famous for orchestrating the controversial letter to Iran with the signatures of 46 of his GOP colleagues -- finally got the chance to do just that on Monday evening. Cotton began, as one does, with Adolf Hitler.

 "Face it, Jerome gets more time than Brandon!" - Kanye West

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#ModernizeThe10Commandments Thou shalt not put up 10 commandments statues w/'Thou shalt not kill' in courthouses that give a death penalty.- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

I think it’s great that we gave the Indians the casino business in America.  And, I’m proud of the Emancipation Proclamation. I’m proud of women’s suffrage, of the Civil Rights Act, of legal gay marriage in 37 states and counting, but all of that wouldn't have been necessary if we hadn't been dicks in the first place. - Bill Maher

How The French Handle Terrorist Sympathizer Websites
The French Interior Ministry on Monday ordered five websites be blocked on the ground that they promote or advocate terrorism. “I do not want to see sites that could lead people to take up arms on the Internet,” proclaimed Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve..will be automatically re-directed to the Interior Ministry website. There, they will be greeted by a graphic of a large red hand, and text informing them that they were attempting to access a site that causes or promotes terrorism.

Happy St Patrick's Day, when we honor the patron saint of totally amateur alcoholics.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Ireland as seen from the International Space Station.
